Dec 18, 2017

December 17, 2017: Case Against Fox, Minions of Disgustus, Obstruction of Justice

It is clear that Fox News, otherwise known as Russian Affiliated Television (RAT), is a clear accomplice in the ongoing obstruction of justice.”
----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

State-run television, otherwise known as Russian Affiliated Television, otherwise known as Faux News, alias Fox News has been squealing like a stuck pig over the weekend. The Mueller investigation draws its nets ever more tightly about the neck of our very own Caesar Disgustus creating absolute panic in the ranks. Screaming foul and screeching like banshees in the wind, the likes of “Fox and Friends” (as if Murdoch has any friends), and Seen Hannity claim 'bias' in the investigation with 'guests' appearing and likening the FBI with the old KGB or Gestapo. Lately they have been claiming that there is an organized 'coup' in the works designed to overthrow the 'will of the people' and, therefore, nullify the last election. Never mind that Mueller is a known Republican, as was James Comey. Never mind that the Mueller investigation was set up by the very agents of Caesar Disgustus himself. Disgustus, however, now finds himself cornered by these very agents not reckoning that honesty, integrity, and a dogged determination to follow the facts and evidence—traits wholly lacking in the White House. Now we find that the venom has spread from hate radio to RAT television to the very chambers of the congress as Rescumlicans on the House Judiciary Committee parrot the nonsense filling the airwaves and threatening contempt of congress charges against any federal official who has the guts to stand up to them.

Let us make no mistake here. The minions of Disgustus, parroting hate radio are fast becoming accessories to the obstruction of justice and as such should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It has been largely agreed that one cannot indict a sitting president. The rationale for this position is that to do so would violate the separation of powers that theoretically exists between the three branches of government and that to indict would mean that the Judicial Branch would, in effect, be declaring jurisdiction over the Executive. This, in my youth, was the general understanding, but admittedly the question has never been resolved and with the federal courts re-writing fundamental law in recent decades one is never quite certain. Nevertheless, the minions of Disgustus are presently laying the foundation for the firing of Special Counsel Mueller and ending the investigation through false claims of bias and violating legal procedures.
Or, alternately, discrediting the investigation so that when Mueller does issue his conclusions to the Congress and the people, the idiot wrong both within Congress and without will find cause to discount the conclusions and not act upon the recommendations. Either way, the investigation is therefore stymied

Since impeachment is necessary before charges are brought against the idiot-in-chief such action producing such outcomes would, therefore, abort any impeachment proceedings resulting in no charges being brought and Justice effectively obstructed.

Let's make no mistake about this. RAT television and the minions on hate radio as well as within the tin-hat fringe of the Rescumlican Party are, by their behavior, obstructing justice.

Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Limbaugh and his ilk on hate radio as well as members of Congress participating in this smear of the FBI and the Mueller investigation should be charged with obstruction after the fact and face prosecution.

Impeach, Convict, Imprison.

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