Aug 25, 2017

August 25, 2017: No Inherent Value, Idiocy Enshrined, The Republic Itself

“It is an idea as old as Aristotle: A republic rests upon a large and controlling middle class.
To wage war upon the middle class is to wage war upon the republic itself.”
                        ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

He takes his science on climate change from Arthur Robinson, a biochemist, not a climate expert and contends that concerns about the climate are overblown.  He is a strong supporter of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, contends that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a mistake; that African-Americans were better off economically before the civil-rights movement; that there are no white racists in America today, only black racists.  He is a rabid Clinton hater, deeply immersed in the various conspiracy theories that abound on the fringes of the political wrong.  He has helped empower the so-called “Alt-Right” a gussied-up term for white nationalists, crypto and proto-Nazis, which “has included anti-Semitic and white-supremacist voices”, foremost among them Brietbart “News”.  He has contributed millions of dollars to Republican candidates, 22.5 million in 2016 alone, and he is the largest private contributor to Donald J. tRUMP’s presidential campaign. His name is Robert Mercer, “a reclusive Long-Island hedge-fund manager, who has become a major force behind the (t)RUMP presidency”; and he has had “surprising success in aligning the Republican (Rescumlican) Party, and consequently America, with his personal beliefs.” (1)

“Mercer is the co-C.E.O. of Renaissance Technologies, which is among the most profitable hedge funds in the country.” (2) David Magerman, described by reporter Jane Mayer for the New Yorker magazine, as “a senior employee at Renaissance,” …” told the Wall Street Journal that Mercer’s political opinions ‘show contempt for the social safety net that he doesn’t need, but many Americans do’.  He also said that Mercer wants the U.S. government to be ‘shrunk down to the size of a pinhead.’ Several former colleagues of Mercer’s said that his views are akin to Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand.  Magerman told me (Mayer), ‘Bob believes that human beings have no inherent value other than how much money they make.  A cat has value, he said, because it provides pleasure to humans.  But if someone is on welfare they have negative value.  If he earns a thousand times more than a school teacher, then he’s a thousand times more valuable.’  Magerman added, ‘He thinks society is upside down—that government helps the weak people get strong, and makes the strong people weak by taking their money away, through taxes.’” (3) an attitude “‘typical’ of the ‘instant billionaires’ in finance who ‘have no stake in society’ unlike the industrialists of the past, who ‘built real things.’”  (4).

Andrew Breitbart was an idiot when alive; in death, his idiocy has become enshrined in his legacy “Breitbart News”, an online blog/journal whose most accurate reporting involved Bill Clinton getting head in the oval office.  Since then it, along with the “Drudge Report” and Alex Jones’ insane “InfoWars” radio broadcasts, has become the fetid petrie dish for toxic anti-social conspiracy theories poisoning and killing rational political discourse in this country.  The ‘Alt (alternate) Right now presents us with ‘alternate facts’ from some presumed alternate universe.
Breitbart was taken over by one Steve Bannon who moved to secure its existence by enlisting the financial patronage of the Mercers who have contributed millions of dollars to underwrite the fraud.  From the cesspool of the ‘Alt-right’ straight into the damaged ears of Rush Limbaugh to the fake news of Fox (accurate about 18 per cent of the time), and on into the Koch-addled brain of the Republican Party this “alternate reality” is imposed upon us.  Mercer made Bannon at Breitbart and his financial support of tRUMP made Bannon tRUMP’s campaign C.E.O. (a position hitherto unheard of), and Kellyanne Conway his campaign manager.  It also put them in the White House.

A study of Mercer and Bannon are important not only for what it tells us about the deep paranoia that lurks just beneath the surface of the alt-right (alt-wrong); a paranoia held in common, though not to the degree, of the long-suffering conservatives.  For this derangement is of an entirely higher level of magnitude, finding Bannon and his ilk confusing themselves with Leninists (perhaps explaining their infatuation with all things Russian), and plotting endlessly with a fictional ‘deep state’ producing, in turn, perpetual crisis and turmoil as they wage war upon the ‘establishment’, the ‘bureaucracy’ and ‘institutional competence and memory’.   For these reasons, we can see in Mercer and Bannon a reflection of the mind, such as it is, of our very own Caesar Disgustus.

It is no surprise, then, that as of this late date hundreds of senior level positions have not been filled; that the State Department has been savaged with many ambassadorships not yet staffed; that draconian cuts are in the works for virtually every federal agency not involved with the military-industrial complex; that lack of experience is put at a premium.    

But a study of Mercer and Bannon also reveal how Disgustus views humanity: Ones worth is directly related to one’s net worth.  Is it any wonder, then, that tRUMP would assemble about him a cabinet and group of advisors that are worth an estimated $61.380,600,000, a figure greater than the GDP of 114 of the world’s nation-states? (5).  tRUMP’s entire concept of human worth is invested (and infested) in money.  It is for this reason that he constantly inflates his fortune and for this reason that Disgustus has assembled what comedian John Cleese has described as a ‘crew of a pirate ship’ in the form of multi-billionaires skilled in the dark arts of separating labor from the wealth that it creates. These are the only people he ‘respects’; the only people, in this view, that have worth; people, in whom, the narcissist sees his own reflection.

Two points follow from the above.  Disgustus only recognizes money, indeed worships only money.  Nothing else has value.  Secondly, in the words of his biographer David Kay Johnson, the people who supported tRUMP have value only in the votes they give him.  He will not be their savior, for Disgustus they have no real value. 

Let there be no mistake: whatever Disgustus says about others he is attributing to himself and he is now about the business of creating that very dystopia so graphically attributed to others in his inaugural address. The struggle to create that ‘more perfect union’ has run amok.  The struggle for the ‘American Dream’ has become the ‘American nightmare’; the ‘American Utopia’, is fast becoming the ‘American Dystopia’.

Meanwhile the war against the institutions that have built and nurtured the middle class continues unabated; and with it the war against the republic itself.  Whatever and whomever this man touches he diminishes and destroys.

Impeach and Imprison.

(1).  Mayer, Jane “Trump’s Money Man. How Robert Mercer, a reclusive hedge-fund tycoon,
                        exploited America’s populist insurgency” The New Yorker March 27, 2017
                        pp 34-45

(2).  Ibid. pg. 36
(3).  Ibid. pg. 37
(4).  Ibid. pg. 37
(5).  Harper’s Index “Harper’s” magazine. May 2017 page 11.


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