Jun 30, 2023

June 30, 2023: Upon Its Head, Pretzel Logic, Depravity Becomes Virtue


It is extraordinary that anyone would have the nerve to declare such failure victory; to declare such depravity virtue; to declare such lying truthful; and to declare such treachery patriotic.”

          ----Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt is, famously, John McCain's former presidential campaign manager, notable for elevating Sarah Palin to national political prominence and for placing the call to Senator Barack Obama in order for McCain to concede the 2008 election. Schmidt is one of several prominent Republicans driven by the stench of Caesar Disgustus into the arms of a welcoming and broadening Democratic coalition now including such notables as former Republican Florida Congressman Jollie, former political operative Rick Wilson, columnists George Will and Bill Kristol, and former chairman of the Republican National Committee Rick Steele. This leaves the Democratic Party as the only major political organization defending this republic.  This is the consequence of what happens when the world is stood upon its head. 

Schmidt as Wilson are founding members of The Lincoln Project, a notorious anti-tRUMP effort organized to defeat Disgustus and his minions; an effort that has met with some success.  This is a group of hardened political operatives who have wasted their talents and their youth on building a movement that, to their dismay, has now reached its logical and inevitable maturity.  It was always hell-bent on fascism, for wealth and defense of wealth as an organizing political principle is always anti-democratic and, if allowed to metastasize. will in due course become, as it now has, a threat to the republic. 

"Get big or get out"  former Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz admonished farmers during the Ford administration. This will lead, by degrees and inevitably, to concentrations of wealth and power which, by degrees and inevitably leads to oligarchy, the very conditions that the ancient Athenians found intolerable and created Democracy itself in order to ameliorate.  

That's right, Democracy, the power of the people, was created in the first place in order to address the maldistribution of wealth which had imposed itself upon the polity.  These are lessons not taught in our public or private schools; we have passed down to us the form but not the substance; the institutions and the process but not their purpose.  We have been taught to venerate the institutions of democratic and, later, republican governance, but not the reasons for their being called into existence in the first place.  

This lack of proper grounding is further compounded by our schoolmarms proclivity to press upon impressionable youth the wretched pulp fictions of Henry David Thoreau and Ayn Rand, both self-absorbed third-rate writers who are passed down to us as political philosophers. Is it any wonder that confusion becomes complete in the laments expressed so eloquently by Mr. Schmidt this morning on his podcast?  Note the sense of bewilderment, the sense of betrayal, the serial violations of revealed innocence.  Think about it.  Ayn Rand boldly declared greed a virtue.  If one blindly accepts this pretzel logic how can one be surprised when, in due course, depravity also becomes virtue, lying morphs into truth and treachery patriotism. 

It is heartening to witness Steve Schmidt emerge from the thickets. One marvels, given his pronounced intelligence, what took him so long. 


1. Schmidt, Steve. “Chris Christie Rejects Donald Trump; Ron DeSantis' Fascistic Rhetoric”, “The Warning” podcast June 30, 2023.

Jun 29, 2023

June 29, 2023: He is Raging, Our Erstwhile Caesar, Emerging Messianic Complex


He is raging

he is raging

and the storm blows up in his eyes

he will

suffer the legal chill

he's running to stay

out of jail”

----”Running to Stand Still” --U2 parody

But there is another, more pressing, reason that Disgustus will make the attempt to regain his former 'glory'. He will run again. He has to run again. He needs to run again in order to stymie the prosecution of his serial crimes”, these columns noted back in December, 2021.(1) Caesar Disgustus is now at wits end. Indeed, the walls are closing in. He is a cornered rat, desperate to find any way out of this miserable trap he has set for himself.

The republic is”, it has been observed, “being gored upon the horns of a dilemma: once he makes his announcement, if not sooner, he will charge that any action brought against him will be politically motivated; done for crass partisan advantage and, therefore, of no account. On the other hand, failure to bring him to justice will give him license to claim exoneration” (2) and, we might add, pillage the republic.

So it was hardly surprising that Disgustus, our erstwhile Caesar, should nearly a year later announce his candidacy days after the midterm election—months before any such announcement should have been forthcoming—because he knew that the sword of Justice is about to descend upon his sorry fat ass. Indictments were “imminent” according to Fulton County District Attorney Fanni Willis, although it is unclear, at this juncture, if she understands the meaning of the word.

Nevertheless, in order to keep the forces of civilization and decency at bay, Disgustus took to the stage and announced to the Maggots duly assembled (3) that he is indeed running for President. It is clear that he is running not to further an agenda, but to stay out of jail.

What is new, however, is the honing and 'refining' of his message. It has morphed from the simple whining and crying of a 'rigged' election, stolen from him in the dead of night, into a more messianic, bordering on theological, appeal. The latest 'twist' in the pretzel logic that is always tRUMP, is that he now presents himself to his Maggots as the 'shield' protecting the 'Deep State' from his Maggots. This proposition comes very close to “he sacrificed himself for your sins”, and god, should something happen to Disgustus, like mother nature taking its course, it is not difficult to imagine “Maggotland” quickly concluding that their erstwhile Caesar was sacrificed for them and will, in due course, return to reign for a thousand years.

This is the peril in which this nation now finds itself.

Imagine, if you will, Disgustus gets convicted and sent to prison and, from natural causes, expires therein. He is, after all, 77 years old and now past his sell-by date. You know what will transpire. The deeply paranoid and conspiracy driven idiot wrong in this country will first deny that their great Emperor has expired. Absent his return and deep in denial even as his remains are paraded before them it will, over time, evolve into a deep belief that their Caesar will, in the fullness of time and when he deems it appropriate, return to rule over what remains of this republic. We have already seen signs of this: the gathering in Dealey Plaza, Dallas to await the return of JFK and/or JFK jr. to rule beside their beloved Caesar. It is not difficult to imagine them doing the same thing with tRUMP. He has, after all, declared himself the “Chosen One”, and has long behaved as though he sits at the right hand of G.O.P., I'm sorry, GOD himself.

This is the legacy of Robertson and Falwell, of Evangelical 'Jesus-Junkies” taking over a major political party. This is a population taught at near birth to worship; that their greatest happiness is found upon their knees; that their 'salvation' rests in the hands of one man. It is not difficult to imagine where this leads.

Disgustus has taken possession of the juncture where politics intersects mental illness. His Megalomania has now become an emerging Messianic Complex. From the Great Businessman, to the Great President, to the Great Savior. The Great Savior against whom the Republic has no standing; hence the assertion that only he is the legitimate head of state; the assertion that as 'president' he can do whatever he wishes; hence the call to repeal anything in the Constitution that stands in his way.

Caesar Disgustus is a clear and present danger. Caesar Disgustus holds the Republic hostage in order to outrun his jailer.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.


  1. See https://wandererandshadow.blogspot.com/2021/12/december-29-2921.html

  2. ibid.

  3. https://wandererandshadow.blogspot.com/2022/11/november-26-2022-gagging-maggot-seeking.html

Jun 28, 2023

June 27, 2023: 768 Days, Fittingly Obscene, Shit Against the Wall


"Justice delayed is justice denied”

          ----William Gladstone

 It took 768 days for the authorities to finally charge Donald John tRUMP with criminal violations of the law.  I suppose it is right and fitting that he should be first charged committing illegal campaign contribution by way of paying off a porn star: an act fittingly obscene and, as always with ReSCUMlickans, involving fucking with our elections.  Nevertheless, it took 768 days to bring charges that should have been brought immediately upon the orange scumbag leaving office.

 On the 8th of this month, additional indictments came down resulting from Disgustus' theft of government documents, over 100 of which were highly classified.  Special Counsel Jack Smith, having been on the job about 7 months, has wasted little time on this line of investigation, but it nearly two years to get around to appointing Smith to do this job and has been 914 days since he purloined the material. 

 Disgustus has been careening about the country claiming that he has every right to the documents, that they are his, and that if the National Archives wants them, they must beg him for them.  This is ridiculous. These are public documents, created by public employees, for the use of public agencies and heads of departments and for the purpose of advising public policy.  They do not belong to him; they are not his personal property.

 Disgustus has, of course, excoriated Jack Smith even going so far as to instruct the Special Counsel on matters of law claiming that the appropriate law is the Presidential Records Act, not the Espionage Act he was cited for violating, given the classified nature of the material.  Disgustus is once again smearing with a mighty hand, fooling his woefully ignorant host by throwing shit against the wall and hoping it will stick.

 It is noted here that, so far, the government has charged Caesar Disgustus with stealing only the classified materials, overlooking some 11,000 other documents the ass walked off with. He should be charged with the theft of all of it.

 While ‘president’ our Caesar Disgustus claimed with a straight face that Article II of the Constitution gave him the power to do whatever he wanted.  Disgustus now maintains his ‘innocence’ claiming that the Presidential Records Act gives him the right to take what he wants.  As in the previous instance this claim is an intentional misreading of the law.  It is yet another boldface lie, taken seriously only by the hordes of mindless supporters. 

 The Presidential Records Act was passed in the 1970’s to prevent another ReSUMlickan ‘president’, Richard Shithouse Nixon, from absconding with and possibly destroying evidence of his own misconduct, the White House tapes.  The law was passed by Congress and signed into law to insure that the public record be kept intact, and that public records, tapes, phone logs, documents and later emails and electronic communications, are preserved by public agency. 

Once again, every word uttered by this scumbag is nothing but another boldfaced lie. It is now 904 days since Disgustus left office; 904 days since he stole classified material; 914 days since he led a failed coup d’état. He has now been charged in the documents case, but the most serious crime—that of attempting the overthrow of the government—has yet to be charged. 

 What, on earth, is taking so fucking long?

 Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.