Sep 28, 2021

September 26, 2021: Cyber Munjas and Symposiums, Tough Month For Fascists, Kicked Down the Road


Thirty some-odd years ago, a cartoon featuring four turtles named for famous Italian Renaissance painters was all the rage. The “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” captured the imagination of our young daughter who, being hearing impaired called them the “Munja Turtles”. They have been “Munja's ever since.

For nearly six months a company calling itself “Cyber Ninja's”, or “Munja's”, have been conducting what has been called a “fraudit” of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona. Contracted by the ReSCUMlickan majority in the Arizona state Senate and funded in part by the taxpayers of that great state along with the CEO of and assorted fringe groups, conspiracy theorists, and the lunatic fringe, little faith was given to anything resulting therefrom, especially when the documents were absconded off to Idaho or Montana with everything being done in secret. Indeed, the taxpayers of Maricopa County which, being the Democratic stronghold, is the jurisdiction being 'audited', are left with a huge expense having been ordered to replace all the voting machines and tabulating equipment as the 'chain of custody' has been violated and there can no longer be any guarantees that the equipment has not been tampered with.

In any case, the “Munja's” have no experience in auditing elections and what should have taken days has been dragged out to nearly six months with Caesar Disgustus and his band of misfits telling the nation that when the results of this sham are released it will reveal the steal.

Well, Friday the “Cyber Munja's” published their results. Lo and behold they concluded that Joe Biden carried Arizona with about three hundred more votes than the official state tabulations and that their was no discernible 'fraud' in the original results.

To date nothing ne'er a whimper or a whine, has been heard from the Orange Turd.

It has been a tough month for the neo-fascists.

First out the box was crack cocaine-head Mike Lindell, he of “My Pillow” fame, tRUMP whisperer and conspiracy nut who assured us, earlier in the year, that Caesar Disgustus would be reinstated by mid August. Well, that deadline, like so many others, have come and gone. First it was January 6, then March 4, then mid-August, now the idiot is assuring his dwindling following that tRUMP will be back in the White House by Thanksgiving.

As the story goes, once the 'truth' is revealed about how the child-molesting, baby eating Democratic elites have 'stolen' the election and denied the 'people's choice' his rightful place upon the throne the Supreme Court, presented with this overwhelming evidence, will 'unanimously' declare (Note it won't be a 5-4 or 6-3 decision) the election null and void. Disgustus will then once again ascend into heaven and sit at the right hand of GOP.

Never mind that there are no mechanisms for 'decertifying' a national election, or that the court having besmirched itself in Bush v Gore decision will almost certainly regain it's senses and declare that this is a political problem for which there are political remedies which, in this case have been exhausted. No the lunatics continue to beat the drums that somehow Disgustus will be born again.

To that end, our intrepid crack-head announced to the world that he would hold a “Cyber Symposium” in which he would present the evidence to the world of widespread chicanery behind the stolen election. It was a three-day marathon in which numbers were pulled from collective asses demonstrating nothing. Indeed, Lindell's own 'cyber' experts declared beforehand the entire enterprise a fraud.

Then came a ruling by a Federal District judge in Michigan against tRUMP and his attorneys in which not only was the case claiming irregularities and fraud summarily dismissed but the judge referred nine of tRUMP's attorneys to their several state bar associations for disciplinary action recommending the revocation of their rights to practice law. Sydney Powell, who is licensed to practice law in Michigan, foremost among them, citing the lack of 'due diligence' in preparing the case, not doing the groundwork to determine if the facts in question were, in fact, real, and accusing the attorneys of bringing frivolous legal action designed not to establish fact but to undermine confidence in the electoral process itself.

Next came the rally organized by a former tRUMP campaign operative in support of those arrested in connection with the failed January 6th coup d'état. The event put the capitol on edge, especially given the criticism that not enough was done in preparation for mob that descended upon the capitol on January 6th. Barriers once again went up about the capitol building, with police out in force. But, with tRUMP giving only last minute, limp-wristed, support and none of the usual congressional scum willing to take to the soap boxes only about 300 people, fewer than my high school graduating class, showed up in full throated support of the brown-shirts.

Then, of course, came the 'Munja's”.

It's been a tough month for the fascists. The 'second coming' of Disgustus, like all such prophecy, keeps getting kicked down the road. For the 'deep-state' does indeed apparently run deep; all the way down into the fetid fever-driven Florida swamps wherein lie the 'Munja's who, like all reptiles, are famously unpredictable.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Convict and Imprison.