Mar 7, 2023

March 6, 2023: I Digress, Studied Irreverence, Crap is King


"When its said and done we haven't told you a thing
We all know that crap is king"

           ---Don Henley, "Dirty Laundry"

I ran across an article on the ‘internets’ published by the “Hollywood Cheat Sheet”, or some such rubbish, where a critic listed 5 Beatles songs he summarily branded as “awful”.  I’m not giving the source, nor the name, of the critic; for it is unimaginable that real money was paid for the production, not to mention publication of such crap.  Among the 5 listed were “The Long and Winding Road”, “Her Majesty”, “Free As A Bird” and two others.  Of course, I took him to task.  Here was my response.

Awful? This critic is clueless. "The Long and Winding Road" is McCartney (in Lennon's words) being "a good boy", at his lyrical best. "The long and windy night/that the rain washed away/has left it's pool of tears/crying for the day".  A great composition. I agree with his three bandmates that Phil Spector's orchestration elevates this composition and is the correct interpretation. Christmastime is a piece of fluff, but I remember McCartney releasing this after the group disbanded.  Lastly, "Her Majesty" hits the mark, a humorous ditty with the Beatles being their irreverent best. Really, what is 'rock and roll' if not a studied irreverence? . If this guy were serious, he would have listed "Wild Honey Pie" and "Revolution Number 9" from the White Album as perhaps the only tracks that should have been left on the cutting room floor. What we have here is a critic unfamiliar with the genre.

It is clear that the essay in question was posted in order to generate click bait in order to generate advertising revenue.  Never mind serious artistic criticism.  What we got instead was artistic cretinism, for no discernable purpose other than using The Beatles to elevate the publication, employing outlandish headlines backed by complete bullshit.  These are the signs of our times.

Welcome to the world of John Bannon (1), aka Caesar Disgustus, aka Donald J. tRUMP.   A world where, in the words of Don Henley “Crap is King”.

Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.


1, John Bannon is the pseudo persona adopted by Donald tRUMP, a fictional 'reporter' in the person of Donald tRUMP pretending to represent himself to New York media as an tRUMP 'insider'. A man in a position to know.  tRUMP engaged in thinly veiled attempts at creating fake news about himself as he sought to inflate and burnish his already grossly exaggerated image as a man of great wealth and business acumen.  The press, especially the tabloids, would publish his outlandish claims laying the basis for his inclusion in Forbes Magazines lists of the richest Americans leading to his later fraud "The Apprentice".  I'm returning to tRUMP here because he was and remains fundamentally the product of this kind of shabby journalism the consequences of which can be very serious. 

Mar 6, 2023

March 5, 2023: Control the Language, Adept at Projection, Banana Repubicans

“They that control the language control the debate.”

                        ----The Quotations of Chairman Joe

Congressman Jamie Raskin took to the House floor late last week and chastised the ReSCUMlickan Party for its misuse of the language.  At least since Eisenhower (I have seen Eisenhower us the term) ReSCUMlickans have been using the term ‘democrat’ as a pejorative, much as they have transformed the terms ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’.  This has become very pronounced in the last 30 or so years with the emphasis increasingly put upon the last three letters of the term, emphasizing ‘rat’.  The ReSCUMlickans have become oh so adept at projection.

 It is for these reasons that I, for one, have abandoned civility and commonly refer to our increasingly fascist adversaries as ReSCUMlickan.  As an old friend once reminded me, no one holds a candle to me when it comes to vitriol.  

 Anyway, Raskin went to the floor to challenge the ubiquitous use of the term reminding them that they have more than once been called out to correct their language, again pointing out that ‘democrat’ is a noun, but in referring to a colleague in the House or Senate the noun becomes an adjective and therefore the correct word is ‘Democratic’, not democrat.  One may be a congressional Democrat, but referring to a colleague one call him or her a ‘Democratic’ representative.  Raskin, exasperated by the incivility suggested on the House floor that perhaps this is a self-imposed speech impediment.  I suspect a more sinister design. In any case he retorted that perhaps those on his side of the isle should refer to his Republican colleagues as ‘Banana Republican” and their policy proposals and “Banana Republican”.  “But we wouldn’t do that”, he insisted.  Why not?  This is why the Democrats keep losing.  The fuckers have it coming to them, for he that controls the language controls the terms of the debate. 

 Raskin ended his speech reminding that FDR didn’t refer to the “Democrat Party” or, even necessarily the “Democratic Party”, but instead dusted off an old 19th century party label, namely: “The Democracy”. 

 Kudos to Congressman Raskin.  This engagement is long overdue.  One doesn’t bring a banana to a knife fight and we are currently engaged in a struggle for the survival of this republic.  The time has long since passed when the gloves must come off.  If you are going to kill the rats, you’ve got to get down in the sewer. 

 Welcome to the world of Caesar Disgustus.

 Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.


March 3, 2023: Biden at Mid-Term, Accomplishments and Shortcomings, America Great Again


As we pass the mid-term of the first Biden administration it is helpful to look back and evaluate his accomplishments as well as his shortcomings. 

 Let’s be clear, as Joe Biden took office a little more than two years ago it appeared ridiculous to even imagine that he would become a ‘transforming’ president.  Perhaps he hasn’t.  But his list of accomplishments are formidable given the narrow majorities he had in both the house and the senate.  I know the progressives pine for a new New Deal, and a revisiting of the Great Society, but Roosevelt and Johnson had huge majorities in both houses with which to work and could afford to kiss off the occasional Democratic recalcitrant.  Biden had no such margins to work with.  Nevertheless, he passed huge bills to keep the economy afloat, vaccinate the nation from the pandemic, reinvest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and aid in the return of the manufacturing sector to this nation’s economy.  Yes, much more was hoped for; hopes dashed upon the rocks of West Virginia and Arizona politics in the persons of Senators Joe Machin and Kyrsten Sinema respectively.  But Joe has done the best with the cards he was delt and the nation should be thankful.

 The election of Joe Biden demonstrates what I thought in this day and age was impossible: the elevation of a modern Dwight Eisenhower to the presidency.  He has restored our economy, made bold moves by way of environmental protections, given new life to our foreign alliances, thwarted Russian fascist aggressions in Eastern Europe, and demonstrated that government can indeed be made to work and serve the interests of all the people.

 Nowhere was this on greater display than his delivery of his annual ‘State of the Union’ speech before Congress last month.  Besieged at times by the boorish behavior of the infantile Fascist caucus—the likes of everyone’s Cruella DeVil, (or is it Cruella Devile?) Georgia’s own Marjorie Greene—he called out the reactionaries reminding them of the over 300 bipartisan pieces of legislation passed in the last Congressional session, the 12 million newly created jobs, the return of manufacturing to America, the success at bringing the pandemic to heel, and a host of other accomplishments. After the sitting on their hands and refusing to applaud the creation of millions of jobs, the return of manufacturing and, it should be noted, the pledge that in the future “the supply line will start here” he had, near the end, nearly the entire Republican congressional caucus standing and applauding the pledge not to touch Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.  He had roped the dopes, for they have secretly and sometimes openly prayed for their elimination from the moments these programs were instituted. 

 Yes, Biden has accomplished much, more than Caesar Disgustus could have ever imagined.  Indeed, after citing his long list of accomplishments he could well have looked the ReSCUMlickan Party in the eye and said that he has ‘made America great again.’  But, alas, Joe isn’t one to rub it in.

 Yes, there have been some shortcomings.  More should have been done to raise the minimum wage, to advance comprehensive immigration reform, to enable unions to organize the workplace.  Some of us would love to see a federal agency created to help workers buy out the businesses they work for and establish co-ops throughout industry, retail and finance.  More should have been attempted concerning voting rights and increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court to undo the damage done. 

 But the worst shortcoming of this administration is the failure to promptly arrest, prosecute, convict and imprison Donald J. tRUMP and all his henchmen.  He should have been apprehended on the tarmac as he departed Washington on inauguration day, brought before a magistrate, declared a flight risk and held pending trial.  No bail, no cell phone, no communications with the outside world.  Instead the fascist scumbag has been allowed to roam the premises, gnawing at the very foundations of the republic.  Caesar Disgustus and his henchmen, including members of Congress, should have faced arrest and trials.  The Republic has a right to defend itself.

 On balance, Biden stands as the most successful United States President since FDR, accomplishing more than Eisenhower did with the Interstate Highway act, and more than anyone since FDR on rebuilding the economy and dealing with national emergency; accomplishing much more than his narrow congressional majorities and ReSCUMlickan intransigence and obstruction would seem to have allowed. 

 Overall Grade A-

 Like Lincoln Biden will go down in history as dealing with grave national crises following the aftermath of the worst president in U.S. history, doing all this largely unheralded; for Disgustus still sucks (as he sucks at nearly everything) all the air out of the room.  Over two years in and every headline is still about the vicious little prick in Mar-A-Lago.  While the stench of Disgustus still stings the nostrils and waters the eyes, Joe Biden has been working under the radar to rebuild a nations in shambles, a nation that had lost its self-respect and self- confidence (as in ‘Make America Great Again’), a nation hungrily feeding upon itself.  Thank you Joe Biden, be you a one or a two term president your ability to right the ship of state in a perilous time will establish you as one of our great presidents.  Now, if you would only kick Merrick Garland in the ass and get the fucker and his minions  behind bars.


Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.