Mar 6, 2023

March 5, 2023: Control the Language, Adept at Projection, Banana Repubicans

“They that control the language control the debate.”

                        ----The Quotations of Chairman Joe

Congressman Jamie Raskin took to the House floor late last week and chastised the ReSCUMlickan Party for its misuse of the language.  At least since Eisenhower (I have seen Eisenhower us the term) ReSCUMlickans have been using the term ‘democrat’ as a pejorative, much as they have transformed the terms ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’.  This has become very pronounced in the last 30 or so years with the emphasis increasingly put upon the last three letters of the term, emphasizing ‘rat’.  The ReSCUMlickans have become oh so adept at projection.

 It is for these reasons that I, for one, have abandoned civility and commonly refer to our increasingly fascist adversaries as ReSCUMlickan.  As an old friend once reminded me, no one holds a candle to me when it comes to vitriol.  

 Anyway, Raskin went to the floor to challenge the ubiquitous use of the term reminding them that they have more than once been called out to correct their language, again pointing out that ‘democrat’ is a noun, but in referring to a colleague in the House or Senate the noun becomes an adjective and therefore the correct word is ‘Democratic’, not democrat.  One may be a congressional Democrat, but referring to a colleague one call him or her a ‘Democratic’ representative.  Raskin, exasperated by the incivility suggested on the House floor that perhaps this is a self-imposed speech impediment.  I suspect a more sinister design. In any case he retorted that perhaps those on his side of the isle should refer to his Republican colleagues as ‘Banana Republican” and their policy proposals and “Banana Republican”.  “But we wouldn’t do that”, he insisted.  Why not?  This is why the Democrats keep losing.  The fuckers have it coming to them, for he that controls the language controls the terms of the debate. 

 Raskin ended his speech reminding that FDR didn’t refer to the “Democrat Party” or, even necessarily the “Democratic Party”, but instead dusted off an old 19th century party label, namely: “The Democracy”. 

 Kudos to Congressman Raskin.  This engagement is long overdue.  One doesn’t bring a banana to a knife fight and we are currently engaged in a struggle for the survival of this republic.  The time has long since passed when the gloves must come off.  If you are going to kill the rats, you’ve got to get down in the sewer. 

 Welcome to the world of Caesar Disgustus.

 Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.


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