Apr 29, 2023

April 29, 2023: Revenge and Retribution, Fascist Feces, Paranoia Runs Deep


As it became clear to even the most ignorant ReSCUMlickan that Caesar Disgustus had indeed lost the 2020 election, despite protestations to the contrary, flags began to appear around the countryside reading “Trump 2024 The Revenge Tour”.  Revenge, of course has become the leitmotif, if not the sole agenda of the would be tin-horn dictator. 

 Earlier this year, at the annual meeting of fascist feces known as CPAC, Disgustus openly declared that “I am your retribution”, making the false claim that “‘they’ are coming to get you and I am only standing in their way”.  Paranoia runs deep among the idiot wrong.

 Revenge and Retribution, the hallmark of every fascist movement based as it is on a deep and disturbing persecution complex coupled with delusions of grandeur—the very definition of paranoia. 

 2020 marked the first time in a century and a half when a major party discarded altogether the creation of a party platform—a manifesto if you will—at their quadrennial national convention; opting instead for a blanket support of whatever the titular head of the cancerous growth stood for at any particular time.  And, since Disgustus twists in the wind like some well-greased weathervane, on any particular issue, I suppose putting policy proposals to paper would indeed be a fool’s errand. 

 So they support tRUMP, come hell or high water.

 Now, however, Disgustus gives his adoring masses some red meat.  War upon his political opponents, revenge against the ‘Deep State’, in Bannon’s term, meaning the administrative state.  Let’s be clear about this war upon the administrative state would mean not only the destruction of the rule of law, but the imposition of ignorance upon a very complex economic, social and political order.  This can only mean disaster. We got a brief demonstration with the complete incompetence of tRUMP and his minion’s management of the Covid Pandemic.  Over a million Americans have died, hundreds of thousands needlessly because ignorance was imposed upon a complex set of biological, economic and political realities.  Willful, purposeful ignorance.  Ignorance worn like a crown, the crown of our own Caesar Disgustus. 

 It isn’t simply that Donald J. tRUMP is, hands down, the most breathtakingly incompetent chief executive ever to soil the Oval Office, but war upon the administrative state would mean the rule of law would be replaced by the capricious rule of men—principally one man.  It would mean the transformation of this country into a modern Hungary, an example embraced by the scum at CPAC when they invited Hungarian ‘strongman’ Victor Orebon to be keynote speaker at on of CPAC’s recent conclaves.  The movement toward fascism is further demonstrated by Fucker Carlson hosting the Hungarian as he broadcast his ‘news’ segment for a solid week from Hungary.  The embrace of fascism is further demonstrated by the genuflecting of the ReSCUMlickan Party as it kneels before Putin and his fascist policies, a political outcome that occupies the wet dreams of our own once and future Caesar. 

 To stand for election and publicly declare yourself to be a candidate running on the ReSCUMlickan ticket is to openly declare oneself to be a boldfaced, unabashed, fascist.  Pure and simple.  Conservatism has reached its logical conclusion, begun with Goldwater and Nixon and ending with tRUMPism: fascism.  Revenge and Retribution. We’ve seen that movie too, an altogether well-beaten path: the death of the republic. 

 An’ Br’er Putin, he jus’ laugh and laugh

 Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.