Feb 28, 2019

February 28, 2019: Love Letters In Sand, Schoolgirl Crush, Empty Handed

On a day like today
We pass the time away
writing love letters in the sand”

Our Caesar Disgustus openly declared his fealty; publicly displayed his affection, and told the nation that, having received 'beautiful letters' from the North Korean strongman, and betraying certain homosexual tendency, he was 'in love' with Kim Jung-Un.

It's all about affection in this romantic world-view, all about personal relationships, all about loyalties. One strong-man and one pretend strong-man; one ruthless and one worshiper of ruthlessness; one with full developed testicles and one whose have not yet dropped.

How you laughed when I cried
Each time I saw the tide”

Approaching the Korean Dictator with a schoolgirl crush, our Disgustus has again made himself a national humiliation. Disgustus stood before the world and whitewashed the awful torture and death of an American citizen while held in captivity by the North Koreans, claiming the strongman had no idea what had transpired and absolving his paramour of all guilt.

He went to Hanoi to bring back a agreement and instead returned empty-handed. A signing ceremony had been scheduled, proof positive for all the world to see that our intrepid Caesar was indeed the greatest deal-maker of all time. Instead, meetings were abruptly cut short, the ceremonies canceled and he returned to the nation's capitol empty-handed. 

Some of us were hoping that while in the country the North Vietnamese would have checked him into the Hanoi Hilton, instead Kim Jung-un left him crying at the Heartbreak Hotel. 

Now my poor heart just aches
with ev'ry wave that breaks
over love letters in the sand”

       ----Lyrics by Nick and Charles Kenny, Music by J. Fred Coots, sung by Pat Boone

The world took a deep breath and then breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe now we can get back to tending our alliances. Maybe now we can once again consult our allies. Maybe now we can let competent professionals handle the details. Maybe now we can return to normal.

An Br'er Putin, He jus' laugh and laugh.

Impeach and Imprison.

February 27, 2019: Your Bird Can Sing, Individual One, Flies on a Turd

Tell me that you've got everything you want
And your bird can sing
But you don't get me
You don't get me”

                     ----The Beatles “And your Bird Can Sing”

Future jailbird Michael Cohen once again took the stand to testify before Congress. His earlier appearances have led to federal felony convictions for, among other things, lying to Congress in a failed effort to defend our Caesar Disgustus.

In over seven hours of testimony, Mr Cohen began the long and twisted journey that will reveal the depths of depravity now in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. There were many topics that he could not discuss because they border ongoing investigations still underway by the Special Council's office and the Southern District of New York, where the serial iniquities of the tRUMP financial empire are under close scrutiny. Nevertheless, this marks the first public testimony of this criminal organization and the first public airing of matters tRUMP since James Comey made his appearance before the House Intelligence Committee nearly two years ago. After the nation sat riveted to Comey's presentation, the ReSCUMlickans quickly decided that there would be no further public airing of our intrepid Caesar's private laundry.

All that changed with the election of 2016 as the Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives and with it control of the House Committees. Now we have real investigation, not the disgustingly sham performances of Congressman Nunes and his ilk.

Accordingly, tRUMP's former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen appeared before the House Oversight Committee telling Congress and the nation that after 10 years of working with tRUMP, the man now occupying the oval office is a racist, a con man and a cheat.

Not a single ReSCUMlickan rushed to defend the honor of their glorious leader, contenting themselves with attacking the reputation and veracity of the witness. About his veracity there is no dispute. Cohen has admitted his lies. But they were, as Democrats were quick to point out, lies intended as cover for the misdeeds of Disgustus.

Cohen's first, and most concrete, evidence were photocopies of checks written by Disgustus and is larvae, Donny jr., to reimburse Cohen for hush money he had paid to keep two women silent about illicit affairs Disgustus had in order to keep the stories from the public. Cohen had paid the money in order to buy their silence leading up to the election, the revelations of such conduct, coming on the heels of the “Hollywood” tapes, would almost certainly have cost tRUMP the election. As constituted, these payments are illegal campaign contributions. Cohen told the committee that he had been instructed by tRUMP to make these payments and to devise means of covering the transaction so that he could maintain deniability. Cohen has since been convicted of criminal conspiracy and told the committee that 'individual one' named in his indictment as the other party is in fact the president of the United States.

But, again, it is well and good that Cohen and his fellow conspirators be held accountable, but the fixation with former porn star 'Stormy Daniels” and the former Playboy model while titillating, distracts from the other high crimes and misdemeanors. We must focus here, we must keep our eye on the prize and not be distracted by tits and ass.

The country doesn't give a damn about tRUMP porking a porn star. The country doesn't give a damn that he paid more than a quarter million dollars to keep these women silent. Hell, most men would have done the same, and more than a small percentage of most married women would prefer the old man do the same thing under similar circumstance. I mean who, really, wants to air the dirty laundry?

No the real issues involve sedition, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering—all of which, however obliquely, are included in Cohen's testimony. Cohen talked about and produced documents revealing tRUMP inflating the value of his wealth in order to seek a bank loan from Deutchebank to buy the Buffalo Bills. He told the committee that he deflates the value of his holdings in order to avoid taxes, behavior that his biographer David Kay Johnston has long revealed.

But the elephant in the room is the ReSCUMlickan Party. They know Donald J. tRUMP. They know from whence he came. They know who he is. Disgustus is a known quantity as he, in the firm belief that he is impervious to consequence and above the law, goes about committing crimes in broad daylight; crimes for all with those with eyes to see. The ReSCUMlickans, however, aren't blind. They are complicit; for Russian influence has made its way to the highest echelons of the ReSCUMlickan party as well as it's highest elected officials. Indeed, Cohen was Deputy Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee well into 2017 before his exposure forced resignation.

It is more than a bit ironic that the only response from the political pachyderms was to repeat ad nauseaum their attack on the credibility of the witness, citing repeated lies; a strategy in defense of the most prolific liar ever to occupy public office with the Washington Post cataloging over 8,000 lies in two years. Obviously, blinded by the fevers of partisan zeal, they overlooked the obvious: that in a choice between the veracity of someone like Michael Cohen and that of the president, Cohen wins hands down.

At one point in the proceedings the ReSCUMlickans complained that it was a disgrace to bring before the committee: a known liar and convicted felon, contending with a straight face that Cohen's appearance debased the august assembly now in session. By this criteria, congressional oversight would be prevented from calling any witnesses.

For let there be no mistake about it. Cohen, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and company are mere flies—mere annoyances to Disgustus; mere insects that our would-be Caesar brushes aside with the back of his hand. That they are. But they were drawn to Disgustus by greed, by the stench that shrouds this turd now fouling the public forum. Each hoped to feed on the 'host'. To mix metaphors our Pepe Lepew, our prize narcissist, doesn't know how badly he stinks and cannot understand why he attracts only flies—but emerging from the sewers of Gotham he has known nothing else.

They were drawn to him and they are paying the price. Cohen, calling himself a fool for his blind support of tRUMP, warned the Republicans on the panel of the price all those pay who are drawn into his orbit. It was a stark warning, in effect telling Republicans “Look at me...I am what you will soon enough be”.

It remains for this committee and the Congress to follow up on Cohen's testimony, call further witnesses and conduct thorough investigations. But, Cohen warned in his closing remarks, Donald will not go quietly, even if the likely event he loses the next election. The cloud of this stinking turd hangs over the republic as it desperately looks for some way to bury it. In the meantime the flies still swarm.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

Feb 26, 2019

February 23, 2019: At The Waterfront, Partisan Cauldron, Dinner Is Served

Back in the day there was a program, originally on NBC, called “Wild Kingdom”. Hosted by zoologist Marlin Perkins, the program featured tales from the wild as a means of introducing urbanites to the ecology of the planet. Normally, it would feature a particular species as a 'family' would wind it's way through the seasons, usually ending with a mating scene. Perkins would always save the best for last as a means of keeping the old man glued to the screen long enough for the rest of the family to enjoy the program.

Anyway, I recall a particular episode, sometime in the late 60's, in which Perkins was featuring the life of lions, observing from a distance the behaviors of a lioness and her cubs, as she gave birth, nurtured, and then instructed the young miscreants on the ways of the world; necessary lessons in survival. As the program droned on, waiting for the inevitable mating scene—which was as close to real copulation as one could see on television in those days—Perkins, while observing the playful behavior of the cubs as the lioness took them down to the river to drink quipped “and she will tolerate no nonsense at the waterfront.” Words that have stuck with me for half a century. No nonsense at the waterfront.

In the aftermath of the great wars of the last century it was the position of both political parties that, following the wisdom of the jungle, “debate ended at the waterfront”. This meant that whatever the differences between the political parties, partisanship did not extend to foreign policy. We might quibble within the house, but we would present a united stand to the world. It was during these times that we forged our great alliances providing an umbrella for the rebuilding of war-torn Europe and Japan, as well as aiding nations emerging from the yoke of colonial domination. The world knew who we are and where we stood. America was as good as it's word.

All this began to unravel in the wake of Viet Nam and Watergate. The war split the nation into warring factions and ever since the country has not been able to go forth with anything like the national unity that it presented to the world decades earlier.

But it is one thing to honestly debate what many rightly saw as a colossal national futility inviting national humiliation; it is quite another to use foreign policy for real or imagined partisan advantage. It is the stature of the United States that has been the bedrock of global hope and aspiration; But nonsense at the waterfront is rapidly eroding our standing in the world.

In 2015 John Boner, then Republican Speaker of the House, invited Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington to speak before a joint session of Congress. (1) Usurping President Obama's role as Head of State, the Speaker did this in order to shore up domestic political support without consulting either the State Department or the White House. At about the same time, nearly two-score Republican senators sent a letter to the leadership in Iran warning Tehran that any agreements reached with the Obama administration would not survive his presidency. Then, sure enough, the Scum made good on the pledge withdrawing from the nuclear agreements a few months after Caesar Disgustus seized power.

And he seized power by criminally conspiring with hostile foreign nationals in a conspiracy against his own country for crass personal and partisan reasons. Treacherously he not only seized power but has used the office to not only service the interests of Putin's regime but to further divide the country in part by throwing all policy—foreign and domestic—into a heated partisan cauldron. Everything is now seen through a partisan lens—right down to reporting itself. And, since our intrepid Caesar conflates all interests with his own, the Rescumlican party is being further dragged down the rabbit hole that is tRUMP in wonderland.

Not only does this nation no longer present a united front to the world but, by lacking consistency, we have undermined our integrity.

It has been observed in these columns that Disgustus projects onto others his own shortcomings. When he says the system is 'rigged' he means that he has rigged it; when he calls his opponent 'crooked', he means that he himself has disjointed limbs; when he told the country that the whole world was laughing at Obama he means that soon the whole world will be laughing at him.

And so it was at the United Nations when, at his appearance before the body, the general assembly broke out in riotous laughter when Disgustus stood before the world and claimed that he was the 'greatest' of them all.

But the world has stopped laughing. With the western alliances in tatters, vice president Pence was found last week in Munich at a security conference. Referring to Senator Lindsay Graham and other dignitaries, the body returned tepid applause. When he brought greetings from the 'greatest' of them all Donald J. tRUMP, the vice president was greeted with a studied stone silence. A silence betraying a deep underlying contempt. This was further demonstrated when outgoing German Chancellor Merkle savaged tRUMP and his administration in a video presentation to great applause while tRUMP larvae Ivanka sat silent in the room.

And now, after consulting not his diplomats or security chiefs but Vladimir Putin on negotiations with North Korea, he is off to Vietnam to meet Kim Jung-Un in a desperate attempt to distract from testimony his personal attorney is about to give before Congress and the nation.

Reagan told us about 'the bear in the woods'; the Republicans famously see the world as a jungle. But, apparently, they missed that episode about the lions.

We all know what happens when you play with fire, when there is nonsense at the waterfront: dinner is served.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. See previous post: March 11, 2015: Generation of Swine, Mendacity of the Swine, Deeply

Offensive Performances.

Feb 24, 2019

February 22, 2019: DeBoss and VanScandal, Preying on Veterans, Kleptocracy American Style

Who better to run a scam than a product of SCAMway?”

                          ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

In a recent op-ed piece written in The New York Times, education secretary Betsy DeVos was called out for exploiting America's veterans. (1) DeVos is a product of private education, principally Dutch-Reformed parochial schools and a champion of the privatization of our educational system. She is married into the DeVos family, of SCAMway fame, who have worked assiduously over the years to savage public education in Michigan where they have managed to bring the state's public schools down to the level of Alabama. She is also the sister of America's most notorious mercenary, Eric Prince of Blackwater fame. Scum stick together.

It is no shock, then, to find her catapulted by a toxic mix of campaign contributions and political philosophy into the cabinet to head the Department of Education. If anyone could make a pig's breakfast of public education it would be one who has never spent a day in the public schools. Just ask the good people of Michigan. Knowledge and experience are disqualifying in this administration. Ergo: our principle ignoramus Betsy DeVos.

The G.I. Education bills that our congresses have passed are hallmarks of the postwar era, opening doors and creating opportunity for millions of returning veterans. To the SCAMway mentality, however, opportunity runs in another direction. To the stench that surrounds our Caesar Disgustus, opportunity lies not with opening doors, but with plundering the public domain. In this case, steering public funds into private for-profit coffers. The article cites the post 9/11 funds passed under 'Ol Two-Cows and renewed in 2017 under tRUMP's signature being undermined by the Education secretary and her minions.

Despite robust objections from three dozen national veterans and military service organizations, Secretary DeVos has elected to eviscerate student protections and quality controls for colleges—particularly for the often low-quality, predatory for-profit colleges that target veterans in their marketing schemes.” (2) This is pure DeVos, reflecting actions that the family, through campaign contributions and leadership positions within the Republican Party, have imposed upon Michigan. Actions which have devastated public education in Michigan. In Michigan, a state with which I am familiar, public money to the tune of over a billion dollars in state taxes are annually diverted to private religious and for-profit operations. Accountability is nearly non-existent producing a system wherein public schools are rapidly deteriorating as students flee to private concerns over which there is nearly no accountability. The impact has been harsh, as noted in previous posts, with the experience in Muskegon Heights being a notable example. (3)

Why are veterans the targets? Because for-profit colleges milk a federal loophole that allows them to count G.I. Bill benefits as private funds, offsetting the 90 percent cap they otherwise face on their access to taxpayer-supported federal student aid. Two dozen state attorneys general have said this accounting gimmick—known as the '90/10 loophole'--'violates the intent of the law.' (4)  It should also be noted that the funds in question are G.I. benefits, which would include housing stipends and the like, not only federally backed student loans but also grants, putting private fingers directly into the public till.

Hundreds of for-profit schools are almost entirely dependent on federal revenue, and if the 90/10 loophole were closed, they would be in violation of this federal regulation. Taxpayers, in other words, are largely propping up otherwise failing schools.

In December, a damning Department of Veterans Affairs internal audit estimated the risk of G.I. Bill waste exceptionally high at the for-profit schools, which received 81 percent of improper G.I. Bill payments. The report highlighted the deceptive advertising campaigns aimed at veterans and warned that the government will waste $2.3 billion in improper payments over the next five years if changes are not made to reel in the abuse.

Overall, for-profit colleges have vacuumed up nearly 40 percent of all G.I. Bill tuition and fee payments since the post-Sept. 11 G.I. Bill was introduced. Eight of the 10 schools receiving the most G.I. Bill subsidies since 2009 are for-profit college. Six of those eight have faced government legal action for defrauding students.” (5)

Has our intrepid secretary moved to reign in the abuse? Of course not—for she and her family are the very authors of it.

Instead, as Schmeling and Wolford note, “through several scandalous appointments, Ms. DeVos has largely delegated policymaking and enforcement to members of the for-profit college industry, who are now her aides.”(6), citing the appointment of an executive of Career Education –a for-profit chain to a senior position within the Department of Education. Career Education had “just settled with 49 state attorneys general to cough up half a billion dollars for defrauding students.” Moreover, “(A) top deputy worked at the same chain and at a second chain facing multiple government investigations. A third, whom Ms. DeVos hired to run the department's enforcement unit, disappeared a crop of investigations into his former employer and several other large for-profit colleges. When news reporting brought scrutiny to this corruption, Ms. DeVos simply shifted the aide to the federal student aid office.” (7)

DeVos is now fighting efforts by defrauded students to gain recourse under the law. Additionally, “she eliminated a rule requiring career colleges to prove their graduates can get a job, even after being warned by the department's Office of Inspector General that the rule was necessary to protect taxpayer funds.

This week,” continue Schmeling and Wolford, “Ms. DeVos's aides will meet in Washington with a panel (many representing for-profit colleges) to push forward proposals that would weaken over half a dozen regulations that govern college quality. Some changes, for instance, could leave students learning largely on their own from self-help YouTube-style videos and allow the companies responsible unfettered access to a spigot of taxpayer funds.

The department's Office of Inspector General, following the V.A.'s lead, conducted an investigation of Ms. DeVos after she reinstated the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, which had been discredited. In a stunning ethical breach, a senior aide to Ms. DeVos fabricated letters of support from other accreditors, which quickly exposed the lie.” (8)

None of this comes as a surprise to anyone familiar with the origin of the family fortune, for SCAMway was built as a pyramid scheme designed to gather millions—indeed billions—in wealth from the backs of hundreds of thousands who could be depended upon to answer the siren song of greed. By structuring its labor costs to ensure profit—much as the 'house' in any casino cannot lose money—and by offering products in such quantity and usually inferior to marketplace competitors, SCAMway distributors almost always found themselves with a basement full of unsold product, stripped of friends and surrounded by angry families. DeBoss and VanScandal, passing the costs down the rat-line, suffer no liability and happily danced to the bank. Fraud, in other words, mated with greed, became the formula for success.

Add to this the parochial penchant to view all others—particularly the secular society—as the enemy and you get the toxic mix that is Betsy DeVos.

All of this is known by our Caesar Disgustus. He knew what are the consequences of putting one such as Betsy DeVos in charge of overseeing our educational institutions. He knew that DeVos will work assiduously to aide the for-profit educational industry in its plundering of the public domain. That was the intent. Drain the swamp into the White House, and let the plunder begin.  Kleptocracy, aping the Russian Oligarchy, American style.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Schmeling, James. Wolford, Carrie. “DeVos vs. Student Veterans” The New York Times. Thursday, February 19, 2019. Page A23
  2. Ibid
  3. See: June 29, 2015: Tragical Michigan Tour, Deep Runs the Rot, Pure Mississippi”. Especially the section “Stop Five” about the Muskegon Heights School District taken over and then abandoned by a private for-profit operation.
  4. Op. Cit.
  5. Ibid
  6. Ibid
  7. Ibid
  8. Ibid

Feb 23, 2019

February 21, 2019: My Pet Rock, Stoic Dignity, President Stone

I found it on the shore of the Eastern Bay, washed up on the beach near Petosky, Hemingway country. Forged in the furnace of mother earth, tempered by the weight of a mighty glacier, proud of its ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness the slow undoing of those rights to which nature has always been committed, it beckoned me to lift it up and bring it home.

I was puzzled, uncertain what to do with it. Ground to a lustre by the weight of ancient ice and polished by endless waves, the bespeckled stone presents a stoic certain dignity. Wherein would I find a place suitable to its majesty?

Then, it came to me.

I remembered a long time ago that a wag, in an effort to present the world with something it didn't have, and which—in his telling-- it desperately needed, fell upon the idea of selling pet rocks. A rock, suitably encased in it's own 'dog house' as it were, we were told, was always there, always faithful. It makes no demands. It costs little. “That's it!”, I shouted and went about creating a suitable home.

But wherein to reside? Home of course, up upon the mantle. But in what kind of surroundings? In what would it be encased?

Then it came to me.

The White House,” I laughed. So I went about constructing a replica of the White House into which, upon completion, I introduced its recently “elevated” resident.

And there it sits in all its majesty. It is a veritable oracle of wisdom, sitting silent in the Executive Mansion. This is no drama queen occupying the Oval Office. When you bring your troubles here you are greeted with stone silence, in your ears only the voice of your own conscience. And what better guide could one ask? Moreover, President Stone, as it is reverently called, will not appeal to your worst instincts, it cannot be brought to repeat our prejudices. It is made of sterner stuff, from the very materials from which man has long sought refuge.  Its upbringing simply will not permit it; for unlike the unnatural mating of a woman and Orangutan, Stone is one of nature's own. It knows from whence it came. It is proud of its ancient heritage; but it is an understated pride, a pride that does not need, nor does it require, constant reaffirmation.

Yes, my pet rock is far superior to what now defiles the Executive Mansion in Washington. The 'president-in-residence' here needs no need to paint his face; no need to demean and belittle; no need to wage war upon the world around it; no need for constant chaos and drama; no need to bear false witness. It does not whine and whimper; its sleep is not burdened by dark conspiracy.  The occupant of this Executive Mansion rests solid, serene and secure. My pet rock makes a greater 'president'.  It is older; it presents to the world more wisdom and better judgment; it is comfortable in it's own patina;  it does no harm.

But above all, it is far more competent, intelligent and articulate than our presiding Caesar Disgustus.

Say what you will.  You can call it madness, but at least it was gleaned, like Hamm's Beer, from the land of sky blue waters, not flushed by Russian Agents from the underbelly of Gotham's lower intestines. 
An' Br'er Putin he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

Feb 14, 2019

February 14, 2019: Slow-motion Wreck, National Security Catastrophe, Assorted Scum

Like a slow-motion train wreck that can't be stopped, a national security catastrophe of historic proportions was in the works...”

----Craig Unger, House of Trump, House of Putin

Andrew McCabe, who became acting Attorney General with the firing of James Comey, said in a 60 Minutes interview that he authorized the the initial investigation into our Caesar Disgustus, and that there were discussions of invoking the 25th amendment, according to Yahoo News, to remove Disgustus from office. (2)

Indeed, the FBI had been warned months earlier that several foreign intelligence services that not only was tRUMP possibly colluding with the Russians to determine the outcome of the presidential election but that millions of dollars were flowing out of Russia into the campaign coffers of the Republican National Committee as well as several prominent Republican leaders. An assessment seemingly confirmed by a former MI6 officer, Christopher Steele, Michael Steele in is famous “Dossier”.

McCabe, was fired by Disgustus, hours before he would qualify for a full pension upon his retirement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an act rising to the level of predictable Disgustus behaviors.

No doubt the idiot wrong, and their mouth organs, will howl—as they have with Steele's Dossier—most of which has subsequently been confirmed.

They will shout at the moon that his is evidence of a conspiracy, that the law enforcement agencies and gumshoes had reached a verdict long before the quest for truth began. They will claim, as Disgustus lost no time in claiming, that this is further evidence of a 'hoax' and a 'witch hunt'.

It isn't of course. The authorities were then simply doing due diligence, they are, after all, charged with the responsibility of protecting the country.

Much has been learned since McCabe launched the investigations, and none of the revelations have been favorable to Disgustus nor the assorted scum with whom he has affiliated. All this to the detriment of our republican processes and institutions.

But, wasn't that the point, win or lose, all along?

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Unger, Craig. “House of Trump, House of Putin” page 218.

February 13, 2019: Russian Penetration, Early Indications, Let That Sink In

The full extent of Russian penetration into the American political power structure is yet to be told; but we have early indications. “(Many) leaders of the Republican Party were effectively on the payroll of the Kremlin, notes Craig Unger, “which had become as effective as Big Oil or Big Pharma at using K Street lobbyists to serve its agenda. The only difference was that they were essentially serving the interests of Vladimir Putin in the most heated geostrategic sector on the planet.

Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who had hired former senator and Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole as a lobbyist in 2005, later tried, unsuccessfully, to woo Senator John McCain, the GOP presidential nominee in 2008. Russian conglomerate Alfa paid nearly $2 million in lobbying fees to Barbour Griffith and Rogers, the lobbying firm cofounded by former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour. (1)

Similarly, in 2014, former Senate majority leader Trent Lott (R-MS) and former senator John Breaux (D-LA) became the main lobbyists for Gazprombank, a subsidiary of Russia's largest supplier of natural gas. More recently, in 2016, millions of dollars in Russian money was funneled to Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and other high-profile Republicans to finance GOP senatorial candidates.

Foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to Senate races, but, according to the 'Dallas Morning News,' during the 2015-16 election season, Ukrainian-born oligarch Leonard 'Len' Blavatnik, who has British-American dual citizenship, put a small fraction of his $20 billion fortune into GOP races. McConnell, who took $2.5 million for his GOP Senate Leadership Fund from two of Blavatnik's companies, was the leading recipient. Others included political action committees for Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Lindsey Graham, Ohio governor John Kasich, and Arizona senator John McCain.” (2)

The Russian oligarchs have enlisted the labors of former FBI directors William Sessions, who has taken on the most notorious of the Russian mobsters Semion Mogilevich, and former FBI director Louis Feeh. (3)

But wait, there is more...there is always more. At the presidential level “Trump and Manafort weren't the only influential Americans to have questionable relations with Russians during this period. Manafort had brought with him Rick Gates, Rick Davis, and Tad Devine from his firm in D.C. The lone Democrat in the operation, Devine had worked on both Al Gore's and John Kerry's campaigns, and later became the senior campaign strategist for Senator Bernie Sander's 2016 presidential run. (4)

Devine worked with Manafort in support of Ukraine's Regions Party, and its pro-Russian strongman Yanukovych in both the 2006 parliamentary election and the 2010 presidential election. (5)

Similarly, in 2012,” continues Unger, “the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Ukrainian nonprofit representing Yanukovych's Party of Regions, employed the Podesta Group, run by Tony Podesta, whose brother, John Podesta, became campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton.

By this point, even though most Americans didn't realize it, Putin and his allies had put money, directly and indirectly, on political consultants who were tied to campaigns for the three strongest candidates for the presidency of the United States in 2016—Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton.” (6)

Let that sink in.

Add the Russian infiltration of the Christian Evangelicals—right up to the White House prayer breakfasts, the National Rifle Association, and the Jewish Cult Chabad, and the outlines of the enormity of the Russian Effort to lever power begin to emerge.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Unger, Craig. House of Trump, House of Putin. The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. Copyright 2018. Dutton, Random House. New York. Pages 215-216. Deripaska, winner of the notorious 'aluminum wars', is a major player in Russian, Ukrainian and now American politics working closely with Paul Manafort, to whom Manafort reportedly owes millions, a debt he sought to 'repay' by becoming tRUMP's campaign manager and offering to pass information through Konstantin Kilimnik. See Unger.
  2. Ibid. page 216.
  3. Ibid. page 218.
  4. Ibid. Page 230
  5. Ibid
  6. Ibid. 231-232.

Feb 13, 2019

February 12, 2019: Embracing Elitism, Salient Fact, Learning From Experience

Conservative columnist David Brooks in an essay published by The New York Times, upbraids the 'left' for embracing elitism. No, it's not the elitism of the meritocrats, nor the voice of privilege. Instead, our intrepid conservative rails about the winds of change that demand—you guessed it—centralization.

He begins the piece, innocently enough, declaring that capitalism, in the last decade, has produced 20 million jobs, along with the “greatest reduction in human poverty in history”. (1) It's a tall claim.

For the sake of argument lets grant the last point. 'Poverty' has been reduced, if you take into account the world population. But one cannot give credit entirely or, I would argue, mostly to capitalist genius or generosity. Poverty is a complex reality and, even brother Brooks must admit, it has been alleviated by many social programs, from housing, food and energy subsidies, to educational grants and unemployment benefits. One simply cannot look at the gross domestic product and declare any growth to be the result of that wonderful capitalist cornucopia. Take the 20 million jobs. Twenty million divided by ten averages 2 million jobs a year which is what, more or less, this economy, or any economy of this size would be expected to produce given the population increase. And, one must remember, the base year—ten years ago—puts you at the trough of the last business cycle when unemployment was the highest since the Great Depression. The economy, once stabilized, had nowhere to go but up. One must, therefore, put these claims in some perspective.

Brooks is a learned man having a difficult time, as any conservative, learning from experience. He complains that the Green New Deal proposed by progressives is—horror of horrors—a top-down enterprise reminding Brooks less of FDR's original New Deal and more like the wartime economy of the Second World War. Let's grant, for the moment, Brooks his observations. Again, history is powerless to instruct, for it was the Second World War that got us out of the depression.

Personally, I think brother Brooks is overreacting. Nevertheless, he posits proposals that his conservative colleagues are ginning up in their several stink tanks as remedies to what he readily admits is a serious maldistribution of the wealth created by the growth of the last decade. Pell Grants and the Negative Income Tax once again make their appearances, “humble” is the word he chooses to describe them. Humility, in the face of Armageddon, will lead to defeat.

Brooks has been writing for several years now calling for “bottom-up” approaches to the nation's, indeed the world's, problems. But it is strange how, when these strategies become conservative litany, they never end with the recognition of labor unions, or the empowerment of workers.

He rails against central control. States, rather than the Federal government are, to the conservative, the proper petrie dish in which to experiment. But this overlooks the power of national economies, not to mention that international corporations dwarf many nation-states.

It also overlooks another salient fact: the fossil fuel industries have mineral and mining rights to five times the carbon that, if burned, will destroy life on this planet. Governments must be strong enough to see to it that these resources are not extracted and not burned. It isn't simply that government must subsidize alternative fuels; but that existing industries must be forced to adapt or be closed down.

For this, we must turn to the Civil War as the national historical lesson most appropriate to the time. The antebellum South was, before the Civil War, the richest region on earth. The plantation economy held more value in slaves than the North had in railroads, industry and banking combined. To end division and preserve the union it was necessary to expropriate the property of the southern slaveholder. And, because it was a national crisis, it was necessary that the national government rise to the occasion. To do that, the Lincoln administration not only introduced conscription into the armed forces and create a national army for the first time in our history, but a national currency as well as a national income tax was introduced for the first time. Indeed, the central government took the very definition of citizenship away from the states.

Brother Brooks rails against central planning, but where else can we turn? Does he really believe that the states, counties or townships are going to be able to deal with these crises? It should be obvious that no practicle solutions lie at those levels. It took the federal government to intervene and give protection to workers in order that they could organize the shop floor and bargain with some semblance of power with their capitalist overlord. And, perhaps, this is the model we should seek. Centralized, federal authority delegating where it can, but taking upon itself where it must, in order to stop the devastation of a rapacious capitalist order that not only exploits our fellow man, but pisses off mother nature in the bargain. Therein lies not only economic justice but the salvation of the planet.

To the degree our fellow conservatives fail to see this, is the degree to which experience is powerless to instruct. Meanwhile, our Caesar Disgustus runs us into a wall.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Brooks, David. “How the Left Embraced Elitism” The New York Times. Tuesday, February 12, 2019. Page A23.

Feb 11, 2019

February 11, 2019: Health Care Confusions, Wrong-Of-Center, What Works and What Doesn't

The health care debate isn't a question of Left vs. Right, it is a question of Forward vs Backward, or Up vs. Down.

                    ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

The New York Times featured an essay today written by Peter Suderman, the features editor at Reason, a libertarian rag trafficking in the fevered fictions of Aynn Rand and company. Suderman is here lamenting the G.O.P's foggy response to Obamacare and the recent Democratic shift toward universal health care, usually put in the form of Medicare for all.

From the mantra repeal and replace used in 2016 to mislead the public to today's patient centered and preserving the doctor-patient relationship, today's slogans ring as hollow and separated from the real world as defeated senatorial candidate Susan Lowden's suggestion, in the 2010 Nevada Senate Republican Primary that patients bring chickens to the doctor's office and barter them for medical attention. Of course, no one asked her what would happen if the patient's doctor were already stuffed with feathers and the poor soul had nothing left with which to barter. Carrying the argument to these extremes is to plumb libertarian fictions to the depths at which one encounters the likes of Suderman and his unhinged Reason. It's at these depths, according to these lights, where real freedom lies. 

But the fact is, in this post-medieval society, that one cannot achieve real freedom by chaining the health of your very being to the rapacious caprice of the marketplace, any more than you can purchase medical care with chickens. It simply doesn't work.

It isn't simply that the Republicans have given us fluff in place of substance; slogans instead of policy, vacuous platitudes instead of relief. It's that they had no intention of replacing Obamacare in the first place. They had no intention of doing anything.

Oh, but Suderman would have us believe otherwise. “It's not a shortage of ideas: Conservative think tanks have health policy white papers to spare, and have for years.” (1) Suderman assures us with a straight face. “All the way back in 2012, for example, you could find the right-of-center health policy scholars James Capretta and Robert E. Moffit outling principles for an Obamacare replacement in the journal National Affairs. Their plan called for limiting the tax break employers would get for offering health coverage, converting existing public coverage programs to premium support (essentially a subsidy) while promoting competittion among private plans, protecting people who maintain continuous coverage from spikes in premiums, and allowing states more flexibility to opt in or out of national health care initiatives”. (2)

Alright, lets analyze this word salad. First, let's begin with our nomenclature. This is not “right-of-center”, it is wrong-of-center. Obamacare, let us never forget, was first forged in the conservative stink tank Heritage Foundation, and has served as the most salient form of “let's never keep our corporate paymasters out of the mix”, initiative. First put in place of Mitt Romney in Massachusetts, Obamacare was written and implemented by the very same architects of Romneycare. And, accordingly, corporate America has its fingerprints all over it. Yes, Obamacare leaves too many people without coverage and is proving too expensive. It's failures are not that it has gone too far, but that it hasn't gone far enough—corporate profit-making is still an egregious feature and one look no further than big Pharma as an illustration of the problem. We remain with the developed world's most expensive system which in too many places delivers third world service.

But let's continue. Secondly, limiting tax breaks for employers, does not alleviate the problem; it would only exacerbate it. Under the all-too-transparent figleaf of 'principles', this 'reform' would only give corporate America yet another exit from the stage and, since most would still be depending on employer-sponsored health care, this further erodes security. Over time, as sure as the morning sun rise, the trend toward corporate shedding of this responsibility on to the backs of it's labor force would accelerate. The goal here, disguised as “priniciple” is to render the laborer at the mercy of the market-place, armed only with inadequate subsidy in the face of rapacious greed. Imagine, if you will, taking your health token to the drug store to get medications for a serious or rare disease. Of course, conservatives will bolt, as they do with the minimum wage, at any suggestion that these subsidies be annually adjusted for inflation. In a very short time, the public will be left not with health care, but health coupons.

And, point number two, this is the problem with converting existing public coverage to premium support. Government subsidy as used here is long on underwriting corporate profitability and short on health care delivery. Can we say campaign contributions here?

Third, Suderman assures us that the conservatives are all about promoting competition. This is pure balderdash. If that were true, conservatives would be pounding the drums—as Teddy Roosevelt did—to enforce anti-trust legislation and break up the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical cartels. Again, one must always take the conservative use of the word principle with a grain of salt, for it is always a fig leaf designed to mask greed.

Fourth, the idea that they would protect people who maintain continuous coverage, as opposed to others whose coverage is interrupted, favors those who have steady, long-term employment. It also favors those who still have employer-based health insurance. Market trends, in case the conservatives haven't noticed—and by god, being the architects of these trends they know—are running in the opposite direction as corporations have been shedding these responsibilities long before Obamacare was crafted. Indeed, even during the best of times, employer-based health insurance never covered half the work force. This, 'protection' is yet another disingenuous overture designed to cover greed with yet another fig leaf; another principle masking greed.

Fifth, Suderman presents us with the old canard that allowing states more 'flexibility' to participate or not in whatever hodge-podge they would gag up is yet another attempt to sabotage any meaningful improvement of our health system under the age-old stratagem of giving the problem to the states. Again, like the Clinton-era welfare reforms which made welfare not needs but budget based, over time inflation will reduce the value of these 'block grants', further reducing the delivery of services to mere coupons. At some point, the public will grow disgusted with the delivery for the dollars spent and move to reject the whole enterprise as unworkable. This is entirely the point. At some point the public will lose confidence and want to dismantle it. That's the reality lurking behind the mask of these high-fallutin libertarian 'principles'.

Then, of course, there are always the shopworn suggestions that we adopt some kind of Health Savings Accounts, so dear to conservatives. Besides the fact that those living on the margins, those who, while working at Walmart, have no money with which to put into these accounts,--and there are tens of millions—those that do will have the opportunity to put that money into investments. Investments which, incidentally, will go into the pockets of stock jobbers and other financial parasites well before they make their way back into the emergency or the delivery room. It's strange how every conservative idea somehow benefits first, and perhaps foremost, the capitalist benefactor.

There are reasons these dog-eared proposals, taking short-lived flight in the 2016 campaign of Marco Rubio, and in the proposals of Lindsay Graham and Bill Cassidy in 2017, as the GOP struggled to come up with something—anything--to counter Democratic calls for universal health care. The reasons are that they have not worked and are now universally known to be-- unworkable.

And that is the criterion that conservatives, blinded by the ideological imperatives laid down by a writers of pulp fiction, (3) cannot wrap their arms around. This is not, from an ideological point of view a question of 'left-of-center' vs 'wrong-of-center' debate; and it would be a mistake to make it one. It is a question of what works and what doesn't .

The verdict is in. The game is up. But conservatives, whom experience is powerless to instruct, cling to their greed armed only with their all-too-transparent principles, and billions of dollars of Cartel money. It is with fig leaves and money that they cover their aging backsides and cling to power.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh'

Impeach and Imprison

  1. Suderman, Peter. “The G.O.P.'s Health Care Confusion.” The New York Times. Monday, February 11, 2019. Page A19.
  2. Ibid.
  3. I'm referring here to Aynn Rand and her accolytes.

Feb 10, 2019

February 9, 2019: Impeach, Paralyzed By Legacy, Profile In Courage

We are paralyzed by the legacy of Bill Clinton. Oh, I'm not talking about the repeal of Glass-Steagall, nor his savaging of the social safety net. I'm referring to his impeachment and the pig's breakfast that the Generation of Swine had made of the entire process. The Swine had made such a hash of it, that the Democratic leadership from Nancy Pelosi to the now retired Barney Frank, repeat the mantra that it is too early to talk about impeachment, so terrified are they of the consequences.

Democrats are terrified because it was their experience, the leadership of the party having been in office all those years ago to witness the debacle, that when the president was impeached back in the nineties, his popularity rose. And, being loathe to do anything to possibly raise the popularity of this vulgarian, and risk his re-election in the bargain, Democrats prefer to abdicate their sworn constitutional obligation to impeach and end this bastard presidency, preferring instead to let Robert Mueller make a case for his removal later, it 2020, at the ballot box.

All that is well and good, but it assumes that Mueller's report sees the light of day, since the Attorney General can move to restrict its release and/or release it only in part. It also assumes that the Democratic Party avoids another act of inspired stupidity by nominating someone who can actually defeat this ignorant and malignant jackass at the polls. Again, never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The lessons of history are not always readily apparent, and the lesson of Bill Clinton, as it is currently understood, should be no guide to impeachment or its consequences.

This month's edition of the venerable Atlantic magazine hit my front porch today with a headline Impeach emblazoned across the front cover. It is time, Yoni Appelbaum writes, for Congress to judge the president's fitness to serve. (1) Indeed, as I have noted for nearly two years in these columns, it is. In fact, it is long past time.

The Clinton case, like the Andrew Johnson case, are cited as examples of impeachment proceedings that are viewed today as simple partisanship run amok, and as failures as a remedy. Applebaum argues otherwise.

The closest the senate has ever come to removing a president was in 1868,” writes Applebaum, “after Andrew Johnson was impeached on 11 counts. Remembered today as a lamentable exercise in hyper-partisanship, in fact Johnson's impeachment functioned as the Founders had intended, sparing the country from further depredations of a president who had betrayed his most basic responsibilities. We need to recover the real story of Johnson's impeachment, because it offers the best evidence that the current president, too, must be impeached.

The case before the United States in 1868 bears striking similarities to the case before the country now—and no president in history more resembles the 45th than the 17th. 'The president of the United States,' E.P. Whipple wrote in this magazine in 1866, 'has so singular a combination of defects for the office of a constitutional magistrate, that he could have obtained the opportunity to misrule the nation only by a visitation of providence. Insincere as well as stubborn, cunning as well as unreasonable, vain as well as ill-tempered, greedy of popularity as well as arbitrary in disposition, veering in his mind as well as fixed in his will, he unites in his character the seemingly opposite qualities of demagogue and autocrat.' Johnson, he continued, was 'egotistic to the point of mental disease' and had become 'the prey of intriguers and sycophants.'” (2) Sound familiar?

Johnson's battle with Congress was over the shape of post Civil War America. The Republicans in Congress sought reconstruction, Johnson sought some form of restoration. But was it a failure? Was it the unwarranted partisan 'witch hunt' that historians—including John Kennedy in his Profiles In Courage—make it out to be? Kennedy, a student of history, was simply repeating the conventional wisdom and citing the lone senator who made the difference, as Johnson survived the trial in the senate by one vote.

But Applebaum makes the case that this is, precisely, the wrong lesson to be drawn from the proceedings—for proceedings they are. He points out that the impeachment froze Johnson—as it would later Bill Clinton in his tracks, forcing the sitting president to focus his energy on survival and, therefore, limiting the damage done. For the first time presidential veto's were overridden, and the Congress instigated several constitutional amendments that forever changed the nature of the federal government, including the nature of citizenship itself. Johnson, in the aftermath, did not get the nomination of his party, and Al Gore, following Clinton, lost the ensuing election despite a healthy economy and a budget surplus for the first time in a generation.

Gleaning historical lessons can be a tricky business, much like FDR's famous court-packing scheme. Historians universally proclaim it a failure, but the court never again ruled a major piece of New Deal legislation unconstitutional. So, perhaps, it is best to look upon the historical record with a more discerning eye.

It is also important to note that the Clinton case falls under the purview of the Generation of Swine, that is, the 'Boomers'. Leave it to the Boomers to make a botch of the process—or, more accurately, circumvent the process altogether. Applebaum notes that the major defects of the Clinton proceedings were that the charges did not rise to the occasion and that there were no proceedings. Instead, the Congress was presented with a report from Special Prosecutor Ken Starr and used this as the basis for the constitutional remedy. Contrast this with Watergate, a proceeding conducted under the auspices of the previous generation, where there were months of hearings, testimony under the klieg lights, so that the nation saw for itself the iniquities that lie beneath. All that was discarded when the 'Boomers', led by Newt Gingrich, came to power. By violating process, the Generation of Swine, had turned the proceedings into farce.

As we speak the Democrats, with the 'Boomers' still at the helm, are fixing to repeat the debacle. There are now articles of impeachment placed before the house, as the house now awaits yet another report from a Special Council. This turns process on it's head, and aborts any real procedure. As I wrote to Congressman Henry Hyde, back when Clinton was impeached, the conduct of the House Judiciary Committee violated all norms of procedural due process and, therefore, denied justice.

It is, therefore, a mistake for the Democrats not to take up impeachment. It should have been done when our Caesar Disgustus fired FBI director Comey for his refusal to stop the investigations. The country needs the process, not only to reveal the high crimes and misdemeanors of this bastard presidency, but—by forcing our Caesar Disgustus to spend his 'executive' time fighting for his very political, legal and financial survival—to reign in on this maladministration. 

The proceedings, Applebaum notes, would also serve to lower the heated partisan debate and, like in Johnson's day, reduce the chances of civil revolt.  It would do so because of the proceedings.  By taking the conduct of this 'president' from the public debate and putting it before a quasi-judicial body--the Congress--the country would witness a serious deliberative procedure, revealing in its nature.  It would take the debate from conjecture to fact.  The proceedings would convey legitimacy upon judgement, narrowing the partisan divide and cooling the heated debate.  Proceedings.  We need proceedings.  It was the lack of proceedings and due process that gave stench of illegitimacy to the Clinton affair.  But the Generation of Swine, for whom experience is powerless to instruct, have drawn precisely the wrong conclusions. 

It is also a mistake to draw up articles before the hearings. Let the hearings begin, and it is deeply troubling that Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has agreed to question Michael Cohen behind closed doors in secret session. No! This must be done in the open, in broad daylight. The country must learn from the principles how deep runs the rot and corruption.

And only then can the case be made and put before the senate. It will be up to the Republicans, then, to decide the fate our our would be autocrat. The burden will be placed on them. It will then be up to the Republican Party—the author of this mess—to answer at the bar of history, and to decide if it wants to live or if it wants to die. That would be a real Profile In Courage.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

  1. The Atlantic. March 2019  Pages 74-85
  2. Applebaum, Yoni “The Case for Impeachment” The Atlantic. March 2019. Page 83

Feb 9, 2019

February 7, 2019: Spider and the Fly, Connect the Dots, Tangled Up In Greed

"Putin is the Spider, and tRUMP is the fly" 
                 ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

"Founded in the late eighteenth century, the tiny, Brooklyn-based Chabad-Lubavitcher movement is a fundamentalist Hasidic sect centered on the teaching of the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who is sometimes referred to as a messiah—moshiach--a savior and liberator of the Jewish people. It is antiabortion, views homosexuality as a perversion, and often aligns itself politically with other fundamentalist groups on the right.

It's biggest donors included Leviev, an Israieli Billionaire who was an Uzbek native and was known as the 'king of diamonds' thanks to his success in the diamond trade, and Charles Kushner, and American real estate developer who was later jailed for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering. Kushner is also the father of Jared Kushner, who married Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and later became senior advisor to Trump.” (1)

Chabad also has ties to Bayrock, tRUMP's principle source of finding for Trump Tower, through the Sapir Organization, a partner in the firm with ties to the Russian mob, principally Vyacheslav Ivankov's gang in Brighton Beach. (2) Chabad is in ascendency in Russia having “been part of Putin's plan to replace older Jewish institutions in Russia with corresponding organizations that were loyal to him. When they began, Russia had already had a chief rabbi, Adolf Shayevich, who was recognized as such by the Russian Jewish Congress.” But when Chabad installed rabbi Lazar at the head of their rival organization, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, the Kremlin recognized Lazar as Russia's head rabbi and removed Shayevich from its religious affairs council.

Consequently, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, the voice of Chabad in Russia, became so close to Putin that he even made a point of attending the dedication of their center in Moscow's Marina Roscha neighborhood in 2001. With Chabad's Rabbi Berel Lazar leading the way, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia was now providing Putin with a Jewish 'umbrella' that allowed him to battle Vladimir Gusinsky, whose media properties had become critical of him and who even dared to back candidates opposed to Putin...

But another reason for the close ties between Chabad and Putin was that both Lazar and Leviev had promised Putin that they would make their connections available to the Kremlin and 'open doors to the corridors of power in Washington.” (3)

So let's connect the dots. Chabad's largest contributor, Leviev, “had a direct line to Rabbi Berel Lazar, aka 'Putin's rabbi,' to Donald Trump, and to Putin himself dating back to the Russian leader's early days in St. Petersburg. Leviev would make major real estate transactions with Jared Kushner, including selling the retail space in the former New York Times Building to Kushner for $295 million.(4) Wherever one turns there are Russians, Russians, Russians, from the Christian Evangelical Wrong (5), to Bayrock and Felix Sater, to Michael Cohen and Roy Cohn's ties to the Russian as well as American mob, to the religious connections of son-in-lawlessness Jared Kushner; wherever one looks one finds the Russian connection.

Our Caesar Disgustus, tangled up in greed, is hopelessly caught in the Russian web.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Unger, Craig. House of Trump, House of Putin. Op. Cit. Page 116.
  2. Ibid. 159
  3. Ibid. 159-160
  4. Ibid. 160.
  5. See Previous Post: January 23, 2019

February 4, 2019: Dragnet, Mariana Trench, Bottom Feeders.

When our Caesar Disgustus casts about for talent he uses not a fishing rod but a dragnet.

The dragnet is an appropriate metaphor, used by Jack Webb in his televised 1950's crime show in which the intrepid Sgt. Friday would scrape the depths of the underworld in a heroic effort to clean up greater Los Angeles. (1) Likewise, our Caesar Disgustus scours the bottom not to clean but in search of low life sufficient to meet his purpose.

He promised us “only the best people,” top-tier CEO's and businessmen, only the highly qualified and, like Disgustus himself, the brightest. In tRUMPspeak, of course, that meant he would soon be jerking from the deep, and throwing upon the decks of the ship of state, the lowest forms of life.

Exhibit One: Michael Cohen.

Cohen, of course, is the man Disgustus set upon as a replacement for the equally smarmy, but clearly more able, Roy Cohn. Men of the same stripe and material but of different quality. Cohn graduated from Columbia University and Columbia Law School.(2) Cohn graduated from Cooley Law School. From this one can mark the trajectory, if not the tragedy, of Donald J. Trump.

Cooley Law School is a diploma mill, whose greatest alumnus are former Michigan one term senator Spencer Abraham and the fat toad John Engler, once governor of the great state. It is not known for it's academic excellence. Indeed, “(I)n 2017, Cooley was sanctioned by the American Bar Association's for violating the ABA requirement that schools only admit students who appear capable of earning a Juris Doctor degree and passing a bar exam. During the 2016-2017 application cycle, the school admitted 86% of applicants, the highest of any ABA-approved law school. The entering fall 2017 class had a median GPA of 2.94 and median LSAT of 142 (18th percentile of test takers). The 25th percentile GPA of enrolled students was 2.59 and the 25th percentile LSAT of enrolled students was 139 (11th percentile of test takers), both lowest of any ABA-approved law school outside of Puerto Rico. That same year, the school was ranked the "worst" law school in the country by law website Above the Law, referring to a list of the "bottom 10 least selective law schools in the U.S. (excluding Puerto Rico)". (3)

So bad is its reputation that it sought affiliation with Michigan State University. MSU rejected the overture, despite Cooley being located in the same city and there being no other law school in central, western or northern Michigan. Cooley eventually joined the sprawling campuses of Western Michigan University, an institution willing to risk its reputation. No, this is as far from the Ivy League as the Marianna Trench is from the surface of the ocean; or the Dead Sea from sea level.

Armed with these credentials, Cohen then “Worked with a series of small firms that defended clients accused of particpiation in various medical malpractice scams, phoney auto accident cons, and the like that were familiar to Russian Mafia swindels in the eighties and nineties. One of his first jobs after law school was working for a persnal injury lawyer named Melvyn J. Estrin, who pleaded guilty to bribing insurance adjusters to inflate damage estimates. He subsequently drew up incorporation papers for a number of dubious medical practices and medical billing companies, one of which had filed nearly three hundred lawsuits.”(4)

Then there are the Russian connections. A boyhood friend of Felix Sater (5), “Cohen married Ukraine-born Laura Shusterman in 1994. Laura Shusterman's father, Fima Shusterman, left Soviet Ukraine for New York in 1975. Cohen has a daughter, Samantha, and a son, Jake. Cohen's wife, according to the Wall Street Journal, is implicated in potential criminal activity, and Cohen's father-in-law is the one who introduced him to Trump according to a Trump biographer. Cohen's uncle is a doctor who treated members of the Lucchese crime family. The uncle owned "El Caribe Country Club," known to be frequented by individuals associated with the Russian mafia: Evsei Agron, Marat Balagula, and Boris Nayfeld.

With our Caesar Disgustus, the Russians are always trolling the depths.

Prior to joining tRUMP, Cohen distinguished himself in business by partnering “in the taxi business with "taxi king" Simon Garber. As of 2017, Cohen was estimated to own at least 34 taxi medallions through 17 limited liability companies (LLCs). Until April 2017, another "taxi king", disbarred attorney and convicted felon Gene Freidman, managed the medallions still held by Cohen; this arrangement ended after the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission decided not to renew Freidman's licenses. Between April and June 2017, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance filed seven tax warrants against Cohen and his wife for $37,434 in unpaid taxi taxes due to the MTA.” (7)

Ethics, it appears, was not taught at Cooley Law.

Cohen and his father-in-law “registered more than fifteen [taxi] companies—Sir Michael Hacking Corp., Lady Lauring Hacking Corp., Smoochie Cab Corporation—and ended up working with Simon Garber and Evgeny Freidman, two Soviet-born NewYork taxi barons, who managed Cohen's fleet. By 2003, he claimed he controlled a fleet of two hundred cabs. Before the advent of Uber and similar services, taxi medallions sometimes sold for more than $1 million.

'“Cohen associated himself with the most reckless and greedy players in the industry,' said Bhairavi Desai, the executive director of the Taxi Workers Alliance, a group that represents cabdrivers. 'They have similtaneously worked to inflate the value of their medallions and rip off their drivers...'”

Meanwhile, Cohen assembled a mini real estate empire of his own, part of which involved his and his family's buying up numerous Trump apartment unit, with his Ukrainian father-in-law buying at least four units and Cohen five. According to Rolling Stone, during a five year period, Cohen and people close to him bought 17.3 million in Trump properties.” (8)

This, of course, got the attention of our Caesar Disgustus as tRUMP, complimenting Cohen on his business acumen—as a pilot fish feeding in the wake of the great shark's feeding frenzy—hired Cohen and brought him into the tRUMP organization as executive vice president. Cohen, working in the same building as his old friend Felix Stater, now found himself at the same level as the tRUMP larvae, Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric. (9)

This is how our Disgustus finds talent. This is how our Disgustus, scouring the depths, finds the bottom feeders. Disgustus has never learned that there are reasons crustaceans seek the depths, for they do not fare well in broad daylight and recoil in the kleig lights.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and imprison.


  1. Unger, Craig. House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. Dutton. Penguin Random House. Copyright 2018. Page 163
  2. Ibid. Page 162.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cohen_(lawyer)
  4. Ibid
  5. Op. Cit. Page 164-65
  6. Ibid. Page 165.