Feb 14, 2019

February 14, 2019: Slow-motion Wreck, National Security Catastrophe, Assorted Scum

Like a slow-motion train wreck that can't be stopped, a national security catastrophe of historic proportions was in the works...”

----Craig Unger, House of Trump, House of Putin

Andrew McCabe, who became acting Attorney General with the firing of James Comey, said in a 60 Minutes interview that he authorized the the initial investigation into our Caesar Disgustus, and that there were discussions of invoking the 25th amendment, according to Yahoo News, to remove Disgustus from office. (2)

Indeed, the FBI had been warned months earlier that several foreign intelligence services that not only was tRUMP possibly colluding with the Russians to determine the outcome of the presidential election but that millions of dollars were flowing out of Russia into the campaign coffers of the Republican National Committee as well as several prominent Republican leaders. An assessment seemingly confirmed by a former MI6 officer, Christopher Steele, Michael Steele in is famous “Dossier”.

McCabe, was fired by Disgustus, hours before he would qualify for a full pension upon his retirement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an act rising to the level of predictable Disgustus behaviors.

No doubt the idiot wrong, and their mouth organs, will howl—as they have with Steele's Dossier—most of which has subsequently been confirmed.

They will shout at the moon that his is evidence of a conspiracy, that the law enforcement agencies and gumshoes had reached a verdict long before the quest for truth began. They will claim, as Disgustus lost no time in claiming, that this is further evidence of a 'hoax' and a 'witch hunt'.

It isn't of course. The authorities were then simply doing due diligence, they are, after all, charged with the responsibility of protecting the country.

Much has been learned since McCabe launched the investigations, and none of the revelations have been favorable to Disgustus nor the assorted scum with whom he has affiliated. All this to the detriment of our republican processes and institutions.

But, wasn't that the point, win or lose, all along?

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Unger, Craig. “House of Trump, House of Putin” page 218.

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