Feb 24, 2019

February 22, 2019: DeBoss and VanScandal, Preying on Veterans, Kleptocracy American Style

Who better to run a scam than a product of SCAMway?”

                          ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

In a recent op-ed piece written in The New York Times, education secretary Betsy DeVos was called out for exploiting America's veterans. (1) DeVos is a product of private education, principally Dutch-Reformed parochial schools and a champion of the privatization of our educational system. She is married into the DeVos family, of SCAMway fame, who have worked assiduously over the years to savage public education in Michigan where they have managed to bring the state's public schools down to the level of Alabama. She is also the sister of America's most notorious mercenary, Eric Prince of Blackwater fame. Scum stick together.

It is no shock, then, to find her catapulted by a toxic mix of campaign contributions and political philosophy into the cabinet to head the Department of Education. If anyone could make a pig's breakfast of public education it would be one who has never spent a day in the public schools. Just ask the good people of Michigan. Knowledge and experience are disqualifying in this administration. Ergo: our principle ignoramus Betsy DeVos.

The G.I. Education bills that our congresses have passed are hallmarks of the postwar era, opening doors and creating opportunity for millions of returning veterans. To the SCAMway mentality, however, opportunity runs in another direction. To the stench that surrounds our Caesar Disgustus, opportunity lies not with opening doors, but with plundering the public domain. In this case, steering public funds into private for-profit coffers. The article cites the post 9/11 funds passed under 'Ol Two-Cows and renewed in 2017 under tRUMP's signature being undermined by the Education secretary and her minions.

Despite robust objections from three dozen national veterans and military service organizations, Secretary DeVos has elected to eviscerate student protections and quality controls for colleges—particularly for the often low-quality, predatory for-profit colleges that target veterans in their marketing schemes.” (2) This is pure DeVos, reflecting actions that the family, through campaign contributions and leadership positions within the Republican Party, have imposed upon Michigan. Actions which have devastated public education in Michigan. In Michigan, a state with which I am familiar, public money to the tune of over a billion dollars in state taxes are annually diverted to private religious and for-profit operations. Accountability is nearly non-existent producing a system wherein public schools are rapidly deteriorating as students flee to private concerns over which there is nearly no accountability. The impact has been harsh, as noted in previous posts, with the experience in Muskegon Heights being a notable example. (3)

Why are veterans the targets? Because for-profit colleges milk a federal loophole that allows them to count G.I. Bill benefits as private funds, offsetting the 90 percent cap they otherwise face on their access to taxpayer-supported federal student aid. Two dozen state attorneys general have said this accounting gimmick—known as the '90/10 loophole'--'violates the intent of the law.' (4)  It should also be noted that the funds in question are G.I. benefits, which would include housing stipends and the like, not only federally backed student loans but also grants, putting private fingers directly into the public till.

Hundreds of for-profit schools are almost entirely dependent on federal revenue, and if the 90/10 loophole were closed, they would be in violation of this federal regulation. Taxpayers, in other words, are largely propping up otherwise failing schools.

In December, a damning Department of Veterans Affairs internal audit estimated the risk of G.I. Bill waste exceptionally high at the for-profit schools, which received 81 percent of improper G.I. Bill payments. The report highlighted the deceptive advertising campaigns aimed at veterans and warned that the government will waste $2.3 billion in improper payments over the next five years if changes are not made to reel in the abuse.

Overall, for-profit colleges have vacuumed up nearly 40 percent of all G.I. Bill tuition and fee payments since the post-Sept. 11 G.I. Bill was introduced. Eight of the 10 schools receiving the most G.I. Bill subsidies since 2009 are for-profit college. Six of those eight have faced government legal action for defrauding students.” (5)

Has our intrepid secretary moved to reign in the abuse? Of course not—for she and her family are the very authors of it.

Instead, as Schmeling and Wolford note, “through several scandalous appointments, Ms. DeVos has largely delegated policymaking and enforcement to members of the for-profit college industry, who are now her aides.”(6), citing the appointment of an executive of Career Education –a for-profit chain to a senior position within the Department of Education. Career Education had “just settled with 49 state attorneys general to cough up half a billion dollars for defrauding students.” Moreover, “(A) top deputy worked at the same chain and at a second chain facing multiple government investigations. A third, whom Ms. DeVos hired to run the department's enforcement unit, disappeared a crop of investigations into his former employer and several other large for-profit colleges. When news reporting brought scrutiny to this corruption, Ms. DeVos simply shifted the aide to the federal student aid office.” (7)

DeVos is now fighting efforts by defrauded students to gain recourse under the law. Additionally, “she eliminated a rule requiring career colleges to prove their graduates can get a job, even after being warned by the department's Office of Inspector General that the rule was necessary to protect taxpayer funds.

This week,” continue Schmeling and Wolford, “Ms. DeVos's aides will meet in Washington with a panel (many representing for-profit colleges) to push forward proposals that would weaken over half a dozen regulations that govern college quality. Some changes, for instance, could leave students learning largely on their own from self-help YouTube-style videos and allow the companies responsible unfettered access to a spigot of taxpayer funds.

The department's Office of Inspector General, following the V.A.'s lead, conducted an investigation of Ms. DeVos after she reinstated the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, which had been discredited. In a stunning ethical breach, a senior aide to Ms. DeVos fabricated letters of support from other accreditors, which quickly exposed the lie.” (8)

None of this comes as a surprise to anyone familiar with the origin of the family fortune, for SCAMway was built as a pyramid scheme designed to gather millions—indeed billions—in wealth from the backs of hundreds of thousands who could be depended upon to answer the siren song of greed. By structuring its labor costs to ensure profit—much as the 'house' in any casino cannot lose money—and by offering products in such quantity and usually inferior to marketplace competitors, SCAMway distributors almost always found themselves with a basement full of unsold product, stripped of friends and surrounded by angry families. DeBoss and VanScandal, passing the costs down the rat-line, suffer no liability and happily danced to the bank. Fraud, in other words, mated with greed, became the formula for success.

Add to this the parochial penchant to view all others—particularly the secular society—as the enemy and you get the toxic mix that is Betsy DeVos.

All of this is known by our Caesar Disgustus. He knew what are the consequences of putting one such as Betsy DeVos in charge of overseeing our educational institutions. He knew that DeVos will work assiduously to aide the for-profit educational industry in its plundering of the public domain. That was the intent. Drain the swamp into the White House, and let the plunder begin.  Kleptocracy, aping the Russian Oligarchy, American style.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Schmeling, James. Wolford, Carrie. “DeVos vs. Student Veterans” The New York Times. Thursday, February 19, 2019. Page A23
  2. Ibid
  3. See: June 29, 2015: Tragical Michigan Tour, Deep Runs the Rot, Pure Mississippi”. Especially the section “Stop Five” about the Muskegon Heights School District taken over and then abandoned by a private for-profit operation.
  4. Op. Cit.
  5. Ibid
  6. Ibid
  7. Ibid
  8. Ibid

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