Jun 28, 2023

June 27, 2023: 768 Days, Fittingly Obscene, Shit Against the Wall


"Justice delayed is justice denied”

          ----William Gladstone

 It took 768 days for the authorities to finally charge Donald John tRUMP with criminal violations of the law.  I suppose it is right and fitting that he should be first charged committing illegal campaign contribution by way of paying off a porn star: an act fittingly obscene and, as always with ReSCUMlickans, involving fucking with our elections.  Nevertheless, it took 768 days to bring charges that should have been brought immediately upon the orange scumbag leaving office.

 On the 8th of this month, additional indictments came down resulting from Disgustus' theft of government documents, over 100 of which were highly classified.  Special Counsel Jack Smith, having been on the job about 7 months, has wasted little time on this line of investigation, but it nearly two years to get around to appointing Smith to do this job and has been 914 days since he purloined the material. 

 Disgustus has been careening about the country claiming that he has every right to the documents, that they are his, and that if the National Archives wants them, they must beg him for them.  This is ridiculous. These are public documents, created by public employees, for the use of public agencies and heads of departments and for the purpose of advising public policy.  They do not belong to him; they are not his personal property.

 Disgustus has, of course, excoriated Jack Smith even going so far as to instruct the Special Counsel on matters of law claiming that the appropriate law is the Presidential Records Act, not the Espionage Act he was cited for violating, given the classified nature of the material.  Disgustus is once again smearing with a mighty hand, fooling his woefully ignorant host by throwing shit against the wall and hoping it will stick.

 It is noted here that, so far, the government has charged Caesar Disgustus with stealing only the classified materials, overlooking some 11,000 other documents the ass walked off with. He should be charged with the theft of all of it.

 While ‘president’ our Caesar Disgustus claimed with a straight face that Article II of the Constitution gave him the power to do whatever he wanted.  Disgustus now maintains his ‘innocence’ claiming that the Presidential Records Act gives him the right to take what he wants.  As in the previous instance this claim is an intentional misreading of the law.  It is yet another boldface lie, taken seriously only by the hordes of mindless supporters. 

 The Presidential Records Act was passed in the 1970’s to prevent another ReSUMlickan ‘president’, Richard Shithouse Nixon, from absconding with and possibly destroying evidence of his own misconduct, the White House tapes.  The law was passed by Congress and signed into law to insure that the public record be kept intact, and that public records, tapes, phone logs, documents and later emails and electronic communications, are preserved by public agency. 

Once again, every word uttered by this scumbag is nothing but another boldfaced lie. It is now 904 days since Disgustus left office; 904 days since he stole classified material; 914 days since he led a failed coup d’état. He has now been charged in the documents case, but the most serious crime—that of attempting the overthrow of the government—has yet to be charged. 

 What, on earth, is taking so fucking long?

 Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.



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