Nov 27, 2022

November 26, 2022: Gagging the Maggot, Seeking the Exits, Containing the Exodus


On the evening of November 15, Caesar Disgustus made the announcement that he had been telegraphing for weeks, that he would once again mount an assault upon the republic of the United States.   Unlike 2015, when he first smeared the national political stage, there were no paid actors assembled to feign adoration.  Instead, Disgustus took to the podium and addressed a crowd largely composed of old white folk, members of his ‘club’ down at Mar-a-Lago, who greeted the bloviating idiot with all the enthusiasm of an upcoming root canal.

 It was, to put it mildly, a tepid performance.  Disgustus, a parasite, feeds from whatever his host can give him, be it money or adoration.  This audience was not up to the task, having heard his bullshit for seven years, now finding itself trapped in a ballroom and forced to listen were soon overpowered by the stench.  Indeed, shortly after delivering the line that he was again running for president of the United States, many of the assembled quickly sought the exits.   Finding them blocked by tRUMP’s ‘security’ detail they were recorded returning to their assigned seats in clear disgust.  tRUMP was gagging the maggot.

 With no ‘energy’ in the room, either real or imagined, Disgustus fell into a soft, ‘low energy’ sing-song cadence repeating for the millionth time his long list of grievances in a transparent attempt to convince the audience that his travails were theirs as well.   The assembled, all well-heeled country club ReSCUMlickans, were having none of it. This wasn’t the adoring crowds of the rural countryside, the Qanon wackos or the Jesus Junkies worshiping their anointed ‘messiah’.  This was a crowd of rock-ribbed conservatives who are world-wise and know that if he succeeds in gaining the nomination the ReSCUMlickan Party will take a beating. 

 Disgustus, in foreshadowing his grand entrance—billing it as the greatest announcement since Moses announce the departure for the Promised Land—thought that having led the Scum to landslide victory with the great ‘Red Wave’ he would have the wind at his back.  Moreover, he convinced himself that his hand-picked cabal of seditionists running for office in swing states would win offices that, whatever the outcome of the 2024 popular vote, would aid and abet his next attempt at a coup d’état.

 But something happened on his way to the Forum. The people had spoken and every one of the scums he foisted upon the party, with the lone exception of J.D. Vance in Ohio’s senate race, lost.  Down went Dr. Oz and Mastriano in Pennsylvania, tRUMP’s handpicked candidates for the U.S. Senate and Governor in the state. Down went the ReSCUMlickan candidate for governor of Wisconsin who openly declared that, if elected, the Scum would never lose another election in the state again. “If”

 Down went Kari Lake in Arizona along with his handpicked candidates for Secretary of State and Attorney General.  Down went Tudor Dixon in Michigan, along with his handpicked candidates for Secretary of State and Attorney general.  In fact, such was the beating in the ‘swing’ state of Michigan that the Scums lost control, for the first time since 1982 of both houses of the state legislature.  Now only Herschel Walker, facing a run-off against incumbent Raphael Warnock remains standing.  Instead of gaining 40-60 house seats and retaking the U.S. Senate, the Scums will emerge with a 5 or 6 seat majority in the House and have lost the Senate.

 So, there he was addressing a crowd that knew how to read the tea leaves, knew much more about politics than he does. In any case they sat upon their hands through most of the event giving Disgustus only halting applause. They were too old and, being people of property and standing, had too much self-respect to fall upon their knees and worship the golden swine.  

 Greeted with only a smattering of polite applause he droned on for over 40 minutes.  Even Murdoch’s Maggots at Faux News couldn’t stomach it as tRUMP acolyte Seen Hannity cut away shortly after Disgustus declared that once again he was bringing the circus back to town. 

 Speaking of Murdoch, his New York Post coverage of the event consisted of a banner on the bottom of Page One reading simply “Florida Man Makes Announcement” see page 26.  Turning to page 26, tRUMP was nowhere in the headline. 

 Today Farron Cousins of “The Ring of Fire’ podcast quoted a poll taken late last week showing Disgustus has hemorrhaged 9 percent of his support among Republicans since he made his announcement.  Many have grown tired of the Drama Queen.  Many have grown weary of the constant whining and name calling.  Many are sick of the chaos and incompetence. Many are seeking the exits.

 Disgustus took the podium and delivered not a rousing clarion call to action but the welp of a beaten cur; a miserable bitch nursing its wounds. 

 To use another metaphor, Pepe LePew is back in the arena and the stench is gagging the maggots sending them and their contributors scurrying for the exits.  It remains to be seen how long Disgustus can contain the exodus or how long they stay away.

Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.


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