Aug 11, 2017

August 7, 2017: Mud on the Throne, Ever More Pronounced, The Smell Follows

“They all want to get to the throne: this is their madness—as if happiness were sitting on the throne! Often it is mud that sits on the throne—and often the throne also sits on mud”
                        ----Friedrich Nietzsche, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

Often, all too often, mud sits upon the throne.  This has been especially true here in the United States where each incarnation of Rescumlican presidency produces yet a more pungent and vile manifestation as the Scums dredge their cesspools in search of an ever greater threat to governance; for they have, since Barry Goldwater, grown to loathe governance and have, at every opportunity, put upon the throne a caricature of a prince, someone who can be relied upon to bring disrepute to the office and thereby further erode the public confidence.  With the erosion of public confidence—to the point of questioning the very legitimacy of government—support for the state wanes and, the public begins to question the need for taxation.  Ergo.  Enter tax cuts, the universal conservative palliative for virtually all our ills.

Mud often sits upon the throne as Nietzsche once observed.  This republic has seen its share of it.  Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge were, in their day splendid mediocrities; but in all our history only President James Buchanan begins to plumb the depths of mendacity manifest in the string of Rescumlicans that have occupied the oval office beginning with Richard Nixon.  Buchanan, by sending troops off to the frontier as the South was seceding stands as the only historical example that comes close to what we have witnessed under the yoke of the “Generation of Swine.”  Of the litany that have risen only Ford stands out as even passable, as someone who made an honest attempt to govern the realm instead of dancing to the siren song of greed gussied up as political principle. 

So, beginning with Nixon who brought us Watergate and disgraced his office; to Reagan and Bush the Greater who brought us one scandal involving Iran and the hostages and another involving Iran and the Nicaraguan terrorists known as the “Contras” likewise disgracing the office; to Bush the Lesser who with the Iraq War and the drowning of an American City likewise brought disrepute to the office specifically and governance generally, to this national obscenity now occupying the oval office who, with his every word and deed, disgraces the office he holds and the country he so incompetently “leads”. 

We have seen the Scums clamber upon the throne employing every foul means, dancing to the very edges of sedition and treason. Once upon the throne they quickly set about the business of defiling both the office and the institutions about them. 

The cumulative effect of these serial assaults upon governance, both intentional and unintentional through sheer incompetence and ever more pronounced with each Rescumlican manifestation, has been that the ground upon which the throne now sits is becoming increasingly unstable.  As the earth begins to quake, the ground beneath, as in any earthquake, begins to liquify. Now mud sits not only upon the throne but the throne now sits upon the mud. 

As we speak our very own Caesar Disgustus has set on upon a 17-day vacation saying that he needs to get out of the White House.  This, for good reason, for the stench arising from the corruption within is enough to drive even the lowest bottom-feeder from the premises.   But, alas, Disgustus can find no solace for wherever he goes the smell follows. 

“Impeach and Imprison”

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