Aug 11, 2017

August 8, 2017: Roads to Hell, Long and Tortuous Path, Reap the Whirlwind

“Politically speaking, all roads to hell lead to Richard Nixon and, I fear, will end with Caesar Disgustus”.
                        ----From “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”.

It is a mistake to treat Caesar Disgustus as an aberration.  A cry has gone up across the land that we must not treat the national obscenity that is Donald J. tRUMP as the ‘new normal’.  About this the critics are entirely wrong; for the current manifestation of the malignancy that is the conservative movement is neither new nor is it an aberration from the norm.  Donald J. tRUMP, our very own Caesar Disgustus is, in fact, the culmination of political trends more than half century in the making, now in the process of accelerating the decline of the late, great, United States of America. 

It began with Barry Goldwater and his headlong assault on the New Deal.  Goldwater, however, suffered a crushing defeat and his movement would have found its natural place in the dustbin of history had it not been for Richard Nixon.  Nixon not only rescued conservatism but began a series of behaviors that not only disgraced his office but transcended his presidency; establishing precedents and laying down markers that others would follow on the path to power.

First was his willingness to gain power and hold power by any means necessary.  I am referring to the “backchannel” message sent to the South Vietnamese government to not reach any agreement at the Paris Peace Conference and promising a better deal with a future Nixon administration.  This sedition set the precedent for all future Rescumlican seditions from the Reagan campaign negotiating with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after election day 1980, to the tRUMP campaign secretly meeting and coordinating with the Russians to win the last election we have seen a modern major political party not blanche at the prospect of committing sedition and evidencing a willingness to dance on the very front line of treason in order to win.  Then, of course, there were the ‘dirty tricks’ of Donald Segretti and company, called “Rat-Fucking” by the initiate who polished these skills as students at the University of Southern California, establishing a precedent that would produce in turn the likes of Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and a host of other swine; an approach to the political process that would not simply damage the reputations of political opponents but, in the process, erode the legitimacy of the political process itself. And, let us not forget the “Southern Strategy”, a political stratagem that embraced the country’s racist traditions precisely at the time that the Democratic Party was working feverishly to marginalize them.  By giving racism a new lease on legitimacy, the Republican Party embraced a form of ‘divide and rule’ based on first racism later adding other so-called “social issues”, wedge issues used to set one group of Americans against another in order to further enable them to climb the “greasy pole.” “By any means necessary” became their modus operandi in order to gain power in service of villains.       

Secondly, beginning with Nixon we as a nation began this long and tortuous path of disparaging the press.  Here was Nixon, recipient of editorial endorsements of ¾ of the nation’s newspapers complaining bitterly about how the press was out to get him.

Third, and on a related point, is this business of whining about which one easily conjures up Nixon’s infamous “last press conference” when he promised that “you won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore”; a promise that, much to the misfortune of his country, he famously failed to keep.  Always playing the victim, a core stratagem of modern conservatism, but here reinforced with the introduction of the Christian Evangelical movement bringing its own paranoia and deep sense of persecution and victimization.

Then there is, fourth, Nixon’s striking incompetence best demonstrated by his administration of wage and price controls, an effort that introduced not only Donald Rumsfeld to national attention but set the precedent that one can win by failing; that through failure one can discredit governance, leading in due course to the pathologies of Bush the Lesser and the complete embrace of failure by the entire conservative movement as they transformed themselves into the modern No-Nothing as well as the Know-Nothing Party of the twenty first century. 

Fifth there began with Nixon a trend favoring politicians that seek office not to accomplish anything but to become someone.  Nixon sought the presidency to validate Richard Nixon; to become, in his mother’s eyes, that son who would make up by reaching such heights the loss of his brother.  The result has been a string of self-serving chief executives who reached for the golden ring to thereby validate themselves.  This was certainly true of Nixon, both Bush’s and the present mud on the throne. 

Sixth, we see in Richard Nixon the precedent that has largely gone ignored until the current occupant assumed the office and that is that if there were any governing principle at all it is to use the office as a means of getting revenge upon enemy’s real and imagined.  Reading the White House Transcripts one immediately encounters between the “expletive deleted” s, the fact that this president spent an inordinate amount of time not thinking about the public’s business but in scheming about how he could “stick it” to his ‘enemy’s’.  This is a precedent now retrieved from the annals of history with a vengeance by Disgustus. 

Then there is this business of entitlement.  Beginning with the Conservative’s ideological dictum that the wealthy are, by divine right, justified in stealing the wealth produced by labor and are entitled to the fruits of the planet; add the Evangelical Christian, and especially those espousing the so-called ‘prosperity’ doctrine, in which it is held that the fruits of the planet belong to the Christian, indeed the capitalist Christian, and one is confronted with a deep psychosis in which  layer upon layer of imagined persecutions fuel a very strong but wholly imagined victimization.  It is into this morass that the politician best voicing resentment emerges.  Victimization born of imagined persecutions identify with those who feel that they have been denied their entitlement; who are seen as persecuted albeit for different reasons.  Justice, always a concept involving more than a little revenge, demands retribution.  Hence the ugliness that is Caesar Disgustus is not of recent mint; he is simply the latest and the most virulent manifestation of it. It has been more than half century in the making, for Nixon, the Bush’s, the Clintons have all evidenced a deep sense of entitlement as they sought public acclaim. Now we reap the whirlwind. 

Lastly, what began with Nixon has come home with a vengeance with our present Caesar Disgustus.  I am here referring to the damage that Nixon did to the office of the presidency by vandalizing the institution in a scandal known as “Watergate”; a precedent that had set the stage for later vandals such as Reagan in his embroilments with Iran and the Contras, Bush the Lesser with his handling of the Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina, and now with Disgustus who has seized upon these examples and has set about vandalizing virtually everything within reach…the electoral process, the intelligence communities, the congress, the press, the courts, the presidency.  When it comes to vandalism all who came before were rank amateurs. 

Paranoia, suspicion, the overweening need for both acceptance and revenge. A willingness to “suspend the rules”, to see the president as ‘sovereign’.  A willingness to employ any means necessary in order to accomplish one’s ends but whine when the ends go unaccomplished.  All this and more began with Richard Nixon.

But Caesar Disgustus presents us with all this and more.  He is Nixon on Steroids for sure but, in adopting the “scorched earth” economic agenda of literary fiction he manifests an even greater threat to both the country and the planet.  His willful embrace of ignorance has more recent antecedents, for this we must turn to ‘Ol Two-Cows’ Bush and his celebration of the guttural as opposed to the cerebral as a means of addressing the nation’s problems, manifest itself in a veritable celebration of ignorance and nowhere is this more evident and more dangerous than on the issue of climate change or global warming. 

In sum.  Disgustus stands as the quintessential ‘Boomer’, the distillation of these trends and many others that have been coursing through the veins of the body politic for now over half century.  He cannot, therefore, be seen as merely an aberration.  It is abundantly clear that simply removing from office this ignorant, incompetent and corrupt dolt is not going to solve the problem; it is merely the necessary but not the sufficient condition. The problem runs much deeper than Disgustus, for the cancer that is the modern conservative movement has been allowed to run its course for all too long. The body politic will not survive until the entire movement is eradicated root and branch.  Impeachment is only the beginning.

Impeach and Imprison.

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