Jul 17, 2018

July 17, 2018: Shameful, Disgraceful, Treasonous

Ol' Two-Cows George W. Bush famously looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul; Caesar Disgustus looked into Putin's pants and, mouth agape, dropped to his knees.”
                 ----from "The Quotations of Chariman Joe

Shameful, disgraceful, treasonous”...is how Fox News host Shepard Smith characterized the performance of Caesar Disgustus on the world stage. As the world recoils from the disaster that is our modern Caligula, we are left in bewilderment as the world asks “What the hell are you going to do about this fool?”

What is frightening about the latest display of Presidential villainy is not what was said as he stammered through a mouthful of Russian sperm at the press conference following his two-hour one-on-one meeting with his male paramour, it is what he may have committed to when meeting in secret.

The chorus of condemnation following tRUMP's latest wretched spectacle reverberates throughout the land, indeed around the world. Everyone, including former CIA chief Brennan who called the behavior of Disgustus 'treasonous', have weighed in with condemnation. Senators McCain, Flake, Lindsay, Schumer and others have expressed indignation. House Speaker Ryan stepped forward to reiterate our traditional foreign policies and express support for our allies, while calling out the 'president' for his gaffes. Even Murdoch's "Fox and Fiends" excoriated Disgustus.   Only Senator Rand Paul—always the outlier and always the idiot—expressed overt support for Putin's useful idiot.  
In the wake of the disaster at Helsinki reports are surfacing that during the NATO conference, Disgustus had snubbed our traditional allies choosing instead to hang out with Turkish strong-man Erdogan. Then, it was revealed that in a recent interview when asked to name the nation's foes, Disgustus put the European Union first and at the top of the list.

Our allies are in dismay as they struggle to find their footing in the wake of tRUMP's World Disaster Tour, with the German foreign minister suggesting that perhaps it is now time for Europe to go its own way. Indeed it is.

The country, indeed the world, was waiting to see what Disgustus is made of. As I have pointed out in these columns, going into this 'summit' was going to be nothing but a repeat of an all too familiar pattern. Disgustus will trash our alliances, undermine our friendships, and embrace our adversary. And so it was.

The reaction has been swift and certain. “Trump Shows The World He's Putin's Lackey” wrote The New York Times Michelle Goldberg. David Brooks, on the same Op-Ed page wrote about “The West's Murder-Suicide”. Both chronicling the steep decline of American Standing as tRUMP turns his back on every value held dear by the West, betraying his nation and our allies in service to his Russian overlord.

No Matter How Low your expectations for the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Monday,” writes Goldberg, “it was hard not to be staggered by the American president's slavish and toadying performance.”

On Friday, the Justice Department indicted 12 members of Russia's military intelligence service for criminal conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election and hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign. The same day, Trump's director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, gave a speech about America's vulnerability to cyberattacks, particularly from Russia. 'I'm here to say, the warning lights are blinking red again,' he said, comparing the threat to the one that preceded Sept. 11.” (1)

Indeed, with the DOJ indictments handed down last Friday, demonstrating in graphic detail how it was done and by whom, it was expected that the 'president' would hand the indictments to Putin and demand the extradition of these Russian intelligence officers for trial in the United States. It was left up to Chris Wallace of Fox News to confront Putin and hand him the indictments. Instead, Disgustus went rambling on about how he had won the election and that it was all a 'witch hunt' whining about how unfairly he has been treated.

Europe is America's mother continent”, writes David Brooks. “Our foundational institutions were inherited from Europe. Our democracy is Greek and British. Our Universities are German. The etiquette book George Washington read to improve himself was translated from French, and so were Thomas Jefferson's ideals” (2).

Brooks could have added that we get our economics from Europe from the Scottish Capitalist Adam Smith to the German Communist Karl Marx, to everything in between. Fabian and syndicalist socialism? European.  Catholicism?  European.  Protestantism?  European.  

Europe represented a path to progress; America saw itself embracing that path and surpassing it...As a young adult nation, we took what Europe had and started democratizing it for our own purposes”, finally, in the aftermath of the world wars, our 'parents' “Partner” (3)

Over the weekend, Trump ripped the partnership to threads. He said the European Union is our 'foe.' On Monday, Trump essentially sided with Vladimir Putin, who has become the biggest moral and political enemy of the Euro-American relationship. Trump essentially dropped a project that has oriented American culture and policy for centuries. He pointed us to a world in which the central ethos is that might makes right”...

His embrace of Putin Monday was a victory dance on the Euro-American tomb”. (4)

'An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh.

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Goldberg, Michelle. “Trump Shows The World He's Putin's Lackey”. The New York Times. Tuesday, July 17, 2018. Page A21
  2. Brooks, David. The West's Murder-Suicide” The New York Times. Tuesday, July 17, 2018
    Page A21.
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid.

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