“One lie makes you
And one lie makes
you small.
And the ones that
mother tells you
Don’t do anything
at all.
Go ask ‘The Donald’
When he’s ten feet
“And if you go
chasing rabbits
And you know you’re
going to fall
Tell ‘em a
hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the
Call ‘The Donald’
When he was just as
“When the men on
the chessboard
Get up and tell you
where to go
And you’ve just had
some kind of mushroom
And your mind is
moving low
Go ask ‘The Donald’
I think he’ll know
“When logic and
Have fallen sloppy
And the White
Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s
off with her head
Remember what the
dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head” (1)
Clearly, we are now staring into the “Looking Glass” where
logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead. It is not enough that “The
Donald” stands four square against the scientific community on the issue of
climate change, or that he has held—until recently—to various conspiracy
theories, or that he is in deep denial concerning the condition of the economy.
It is not enough that his campaign has consisted
of offering the country nothing but a series of insults directed at women and
just about every group in America save for white men while advocating nothing
of substance by way of policy proposals or strategies for effective governance. It is not enough that he has undermined
confidence among our allies by questioning the efficacy and need for our
alliances, or for the nuclear umbrella.
It is not enough that this is not only the most vacuous candidacy for the
presidency in memory but has in the bargain coarsened political discourse to
levels not seen in well over a century.
Now instead of debating the woman who is the Democratic nominee for
President of the United States, “The Donald”, like offal circling the soil
pipe, could not control himself and went down the proverbial “Rabbit
Hole”. At three in the morning, always
insisting on the last word, he is found twitting insults at the former Miss
Universe. As he should have learned from
Sarah Palin, only an idiot twits and only a birdbrain tweets.
(1). A parody of the song “White Rabbit” by
Jefferson Airplane.