does one characterize tRUMP’s cabinet and tRUMP’s White House? Perhaps one can turn to Winston Churchill for
instruction: never have so few known so little about so much.”
----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”
One of the great untold stories concerning
the election of 2016 is the story of theft.
The story has been overshadowed by the ongoing Russian imbroglio, but it
is part of the pattern of larceny of which the Russian Scandal may well be only
the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
According to several sources the Scums have, through more stringent
voter registration laws and intimidation kept untold thousands, perhaps
millions from the polls. Less publicized
was “Operation Crosscheck”, a Rescumlican effort that purged an estimated 7.3
million voters from the rolls, 440, 000 in Michigan alone in a state tRUMP
“won” by a mere 10,000. In Wisconsin
over 300,00 were purged with similar results.
Ditto, Ohio and Pennsylvania a state whose governor openly boasted of
using such means to deliver a Rescumlican victory in 2016. One could also throw Florida into the mix
and North Carolina as well. Flip those
states and tRUMP is quickly cast into the dustbin of history, a minor wart on
the flesh of the republic. How much help the Russians were in aiding this
effort or what mischief resulted from their tampering with the rolls remains to
be seen but it is doubtful that the collusion between tRUMP and the Russians
was limited to mere “opposition research” through the hacking of emails. Putin must have had more sinister reasons
behind extending the hacking into the voter registration rolls, as well as
several congressional campaigns.
The Scums certainly did for winning by any
means including collusion with our enemies and adversaries has been a
Rescumlican modus operandi for some
time now. Since 1968 when Nixon,
through backchannels, conspired to thwart the Paris Peace Conference to win
election, and Reagan’s campaign negotiating with the Iranians to hold the
hostages until after the election, the Scums have had a history of dancing on
the thin edge of sedition if not outright treason in order to win
election. They have been amply rewarded
for their treachery and now with Disgustus nearly openly admit it. So confident was tRUMP in this enterprise
that, one will recall, he publicly called for the Russians to continue to hack
private American citizens, and later openly took to the defense of the Russians
thinking nothing of denigrating our intelligence and national security
services. After all, like the
Rescumlicans, little Lord Fauntleroy had been taught by repeated experience
that the rules don’t apply.
Large scale political larceny. But to what purpose? As tRUMP began assembling his cabinet and
gathering around him his ‘advisors’ the purpose became increasingly
obvious. Certainly, this assemblage was
not intended to advance sound public policy for the Scums despise public
policy; certainly, the assembled were not brought together to advance public
administration for they possess neither the requisite intelligence nor the
experience. Rather, quipped British Comedian John Cleese, “tRUMP is gathering
about him the crew of a pirate ship”.
A Secretary of Interior hell-bent on changing
environmental regulations, leasing arrangements, and the privatization of the
public lands; a Secretary of Education, who has never spent a day in a public
school, hell-bent on privatizing our educational system through educational
vouchers and spread of private and ‘charter’ schools; a Secretary of Energy
deeply committed to fossil fuels and hostile to renewable energy. An Attorney
General reversing Obama initiatives to end the privatization of federal
prisons. You get the picture. Clearly Caesar Disgustus gathered about him a
band of pirates hell-bent on nothing less than the plundering of the public
The “Art
of the Deal” has become the “Art of
the Steal”. Large scale political
larceny enabling in turn the wholesale plundering of the public domain by
appropriating through privatization or the outright selling off the assets of
the people to the capitalist pigs he represents.
That’s the real story behind last year’s
election and the rise of our very own Caesar Disgustus.