South Carolina should not
be allowed to decide anything. It was here, one may recall, that
'Ol' Two Cows' ambushed John McCain back in the day spreading rumors
that he had fathered an illegitimate bi-racial child. It was here
that Hillary, despite pillaging Obama eight years later with rhetoric
just this side of George Corley Wallace, salvaged her primary
campaign against Bernie Sanders. And it is here that, despite his
despicable handling of the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill imbroglio, Joe
Biden was somehow seen walking despite all reports that he has long
since shed his mortal coil.
The Democratic Party, in
full panic, has come to his rescue. Beginning with James Clyburn,
the black congressman from South Carolina, and quickly joined by
former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, the party
mossbacks began gathering, much like flies gather around a steaming
pile of dog shit, the walking cadaver that is Joe Biden.
After summarily dismissing
the likes of Senator Kamala Harris, Governor Jay Inslee and over two
dozen others, the party aparatchicks fell upon the good-ole-reliable
corporate whore from Delaware. Of more than two dozen contestants,
the party regulars have finally scraped the bottom of the barrel.
Such is the posture of the
current Democratic Party that they would rather put up a cruel joke
like Biden than embrace Bernie Sanders. You see, Bernie angers them.
Bernie makes them uncomfortable. Bernie makes them ashamed.
For Bernie Sanders is more
than a mere scold. He is more than a mere thorn in the side of the
modern Democratic Party. Sanders is a measure of the distance
between Democratic posturing and Democratic performance. Sanders is
a walking, talking, animated reminder of what this party once was and
is, therefore, a measure of how far the party has strayed. Sanders
is to the Democratic Party what the garden of Eden is to
Judaeo-christian theology, or a vacuum to physics: A standard that
may perhaps not exist in pure form, but from which we measure all
else—and in this case the measurement is our shortcomings. Sanders
is, therefore, a standing reminder of Democratic failures, failures
for which they should be rightly charged and for which they should be
made, like Adam and Eve, to feel ashamed.
But shame fuels rage and
the rage directed at Sanders is nothing but the rage of impotence on
the part of a party that has neither the substance nor the courage to
confront what we all know must be confronted.
As noted in these columns,
the fossil fuel industry has mineral rights to five time the amount
of carbon which, if burned, will destroy the ecosystem of this
planet. I bring this up, when confronting friends and fellow
Democrats on social media, and ask them “do you really think Joe
Biden will stand up to the fossil fuel industry?” Does one really
think that Biden, a corporate whore his entire life, will stand up to
the oligarchy now in control of our national destiny? Of course not.
No matter, they rage on,
claiming Bernie is unelectable, he being an avowed 'socialist'. They
claim, given the results here in South Carolina, that Biden has
greater broad based support and that Bernie does not. It is strange
how perceptions twist in the wind.
A week ago, the argument
went, Bernie was winning in all white states with all white, male
votes. This despite the facts that Bernie's support is more female
and that Latino voters were with him by large margins. Never mind,
chanted the mossbacks, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada don't represent
the nation. Neither does South Carolina. It never did.
Biden won South Carolina
where two thirds of those voting in the Democratic Primary were
African Americans despite the fact that blacks comprise a mere 12
percent of the national population. No matter, none of this was
pointed out in the celebration that erupted at party headquarters
when the results streamed in. Nor was it observed that over half of
those voting were over 50 years of age, hardly a mirror to the
The primary in South
Carolina, coming as it does on the heels of the contests in the North
is meant to be a block on any progressive challenge to the corporate
shop at Democratic Party Central. It has served its purpose. South
Carolina is where the nation goes to die. Ask Abraham Lincoln.
The mossbacks now swarm
about the steaming pile of dog shit if, for no other reason, than to
further attract attention and perhaps make the corporate whore from
Delaware more substantial and intimidating. They cannot, however,
mask the smell.
Impeach and Imprison.