Jul 30, 2020

July 29, 2020: Enabling The Spread, Sue Fox News, Hold To Account

The first order of business by the next incoming Democratic administration is for the Department of Justice to bring action against the entire estate of Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Seen Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, the estate of Rush “scumbag” Limbaugh, and all others in media who knowingly and falsely claim that the tRUMP virus was a “Democratic Hoax”, that it was overblown, that the use of masks and contact tracing is ridiculous, or in any other way influenced the public to make more difficult efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic. The government should bring suit asking for damages limited only by every last dime these people have or will ever have, including pensions, social security or any other sources of income. In short, reduce them to penury and make it illegal for anyone to come to their assistance.

The country has spent trillions of dollars in direct medical expenses and economic dislocations while these fools have been, knowingly and maliciously, fanning the flames of resistance to any attempts by the various state and local authorities to combat and contain its spread. The country needs to be reimbursed for these costs.

Therefore, the next administration—for there will be no justice in this administration—must move to recoup these losses and reduce these scum to their natural calling in life: greeters at the local Walmart.

It is long since past time that these fools be held to account.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Flush this turd, November 3rd.

Jul 15, 2020

July 18, 2020: The tRUMP Virus, Always the Victim, Monumental Incompetence

He's devastated the economy, destroyed our alliances, plundered the public purse, colluded with enemies, insulted our friends, rustled our people, raped our cattle” *

Yes, our intrepid Caesar Disgustus has made a pig's breakfast of things. Whatever he touches turns to shit.

He would have you believe that he inherited a mess; that Obama is responsible for his serial failure. Always the victim in search of a scapegoat. Now it is Dr. Fauci, he of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fauci has been with us since the Reagan administration, guiding the national response to the AIDS outbreak as well as EBOLA and other crises. He, along with the Atlanta-based CDC are, or rather were, the gold standards in epidemiology with not only national but global reputations.

But for Emperor Disgustus, the are the bearers of inconvenient truth in an administration where all truth is inconvenient. Answer: away with Truth. And so it is that in order to save face, in order to shore up a very fragile ego, Disgustus and his minions must now go about the business of destroying the reputation of yet another storied public servant.

Here we have an administration that dismantled the response team put in place by the Obama Administration. Funding and positions were eliminated in the National Security Council (NSC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that were to coordinate the national response with the NIH and the CDC. When the virus was first reported tRUMP was warned about its severity yet took to the airwaves to tell the nation that there were only a handful of cases that would “soon be down to zero.” That was well over four months and 3 million cases ago. Later, in March, he assured the nation that with the coming of sunshine that it would soon 'miraculously disappear' in the coming weeks or months, incredibly a position he reiterated yesterday.

This is a message that resounds among the faithful, for they have long been taught to believe in miracles. And, as the nation struggles with pandemic and the economic fallout, the question remains: “Do you believe in magic?” For the adults in the room the answer is a resounding NO!

But mature judgment is beyond the reach of our self-described stable genius, for, like his hero Adolf Hitler, he believes in his own invincibility and that he can, through iron will erase objective reality and create a universe entirely of his own design. Accordingly, tRUMP early on began taking control of information and it's dissemination, downgrading the role of both the NIH and the CDC, by first putting Mike Pence and his idiot son-in-law in charge of the federal response, and then daily taking to the microphone and dominating the daily press conferences as Fauci, Deborah Birx and company sat relatively silent on the sidelines as tRUMP used these events as forums not to give the nation important information or guidelines, but increasingly to mislead and vent his spleen. This madness came to an apex in late June when our Mature Genius proclaimed with a straight face that perhaps this most serious threat to the public health of the nation and the economy would best be dealt with by the ingestion of bleach and household cleaning agents or, perhaps, the insertion of light into the body. He did not mention which orifice would be most appropriate but, given that he had just pulled that one out of his ass, one can readily imagine.

Disgustus refused to release the CDC guidelines for reopening the country. What did leak out were a few of the provisions, like a declining number of hospitalizations and deaths for a two week period before moving on to the next phase, but what that would entail was never made public. Instead the birdbrain went tweeting that his followers needed to “liberate” Michigan and other states then in lockdown producing scenes where groups of men armed with machine guns appeared at the state capitol building. The brown shirts had arrived.

The backlash was immediate. Withering ridicule followed and justly so. Disgustus responded not by letting the experts speak but by canceling the daily briefings.

It has only got worse. Disgustus refused to release the CDC guidelines for reopening the country. What did leak out were a few of the provisions, like a declining number of hospitalizations and deaths for a two week period before moving on to the next phase, but what that would entail was never made public. Instead the birdbrain went tweeting that his followers needed to “liberate” Michigan and other states then in lock down producing scenes where groups of men armed with machine guns appeared at the state capitol building. The brown shirts had arrived. Government by intimidation.

Reports have surfaced in recent weeks that Disgustus has not met with the Corona Virus response team since mid May; that he has not had a meeting with Dr. Fauci for over three weeks. Fauci, for his part, has taken to the airwaves on PBS, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and others in attempts to get the word out that this virus is quickly spiraling out of control. The inconvenient truth has been met with derision and disdain by Rusty Limbaugh and Fixed Noise.

Now comes word that the administration has sent word to hospitals to bypass the CDC altogether and send information on hospitalizations, number of ventilators and test results directly to Pence and Kushner.

Caesar Disgustus owns this virus. It happened on his watch and his response has revealed the monumental incompetence of the man.


*Reference here is made to sermon delivered at the church at Rock Ridge in the film Blazing Saddles.