Jul 30, 2021

July 30, 2021: Michigan's Best, Consumate Senator, Nobility of His Calling


I awoke this morning to discover that Senator Carl Levin has passed away.  Levin, who retired from the Senate a few years ago, was one of Michigan's best.  I added this comment on Facebook this morning: 

 can still see him peering over those reading glasses always perched on the end of his nose, staring down upon some hapless witness testifying before his committee. Always ready with the appropriate, probing question Levin  was the consummate senator, the embodiment of what one visualizes when one thinks of someone of such stature. Yet there was another, wholly unexpected, side to the man. I remember meeting him when, as chairman of the Ionia County Democratic Party, seeing this car pull up near the Floral Building on the Free Fair grounds. It was a Ford subcompact. The door opened and out stepped Senator Levin. A rather unassuming entrance for one of the most powerful and influential members of the Senate. Off came the coat, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, Levin gave a short address and then simply moved about the crowd. There was no receiving line, no pomp, no aides standing around urging him to get on to the next gig. He simply stayed and talked to anyone who engaged him. There, arms about a happy farmer or factory worker, public official or businessman, he stood answering questions and being photographed for the family albums of many a happy constituent. He was one of our best: learned, articulate, polished, but also an unpretentious and unassuming man who could move and did move among the people. A supreme example of the nobility of his calling, Carl Levin will be remembered as one of Michigan's best.

July 27, 2021

Jul 8, 2021

July 8, 2021: The Tax Dodge, The Real Looting, With Straight Face and Assured Impunity


The richest 1% of Americans dodge $175,000,000,000 in taxes every year. Fund the IRS and stop enabling the real looting in America.

      ---former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

This observation comes on the heels of a New York Times article in which it was revealed that Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg and Elon Musk “paid relatively little—and sometimes nothing—in federal income taxes from 2014 to 2018.”

Citing an article published in ProPublica, based upon leaked tax returns of the nation's 25 top executives, the Times noted that by using a complex set of loopholes and tax dodges, “the nation's richest executives paid just a fraction of their wealth in taxes—13.6 billion in federal income taxes during a time period when their collective net worth increased by 401 billion, according to a tabulation by Forbes”. (1) That's a federal tax rate of just 3.4 per cent.

How is this possible? One possible answer lies in a graph published yesterday of Facebook by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich: (2)

As one can see, in the last decade the tax enforcement budget for the IRS has been cut by nearly a quarter. This caused cuts in personnel by over 30 per cent resulting of a 58 percent decline in overall audits with severe cuts in audits of large corporations and the wealthy. This is a major contributor to the dramatic increase in wealth by the top 1 percent and the bifurcation of America into two classes of Americans: the filthy rich and the emerging horde. It is also a major reason that one disgraced one-term 'president' could, with a straight face and with nearly assured impunity, submit tax returns in which he paid a mere 750.00 a year while 'serving' as the nation's 'president'.

Prosecute and Imprison.


1. Rappaport, Alan. “Richest in U.s. Pay All but Nil In Income Tax” The New York Times.

           Wednesday, June 9, 2021. Page A1, A11.

2. Reich, Robert. Facebook post July 7, 2021.

July 5, 2021:

July 2, 2021: The Grades Are In, Last in His Class, All By Himself


C-SPAN has released a survey of leading historians and presidential scholars and the grades are in. Donald J. tRUMP is nearly last in his class. There have been 44 men who have served as the nation's Chief Magistrate. Grover Cleveland, who was elected to two non-consecutive terms, is normally counted twice. In a brutal evaluation of our Caesar Disgustus clocks in at number 41. One must go back to the early and mid nineteenth century to plumb such depths for only Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan have been given lower grades.

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine how it is that Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan finished below our Caesar Disgustus in the historical rankings. What, after all, did Franklin Pierce ever do to deserve such ignominy? Johnson, who fought the radical Republicans and insulted the congress, was impeached only once. Buchanan, who presided over the collapse of the unions, nevertheless never conspired with a foreign adversary to gain the office, never used the office to line his own pockets, never refused to honor election results and never organized and led a coup attempt.

What is interesting here is that the numbers belie the incessant braggadocio constantly spewing from the mouth of Disgustus. Here our intrepid 'billionaire', master of the 'deal' and self proclaimed most competent person is ranked dead last in administrative skills and earns a wholly undeserved ranking of 34th in economic management given that he inherited the longest economic recover in U.S. history and soon enough made a pig's breakfast of it. How he comes in at number 42 in relations with congress baffles the observer, for he was impeached twice and what little he accomplished was done by congressional leadership while keeping the White House at arms length.

Then there is the “Sienna College Research Institute, Presidential Expert Poll of 2018” which ranks the I.Q. Of our 'stable genius' at number 44, again dead last. (1)

I observed in the summer of 2017(2) that, in terms of management style, our Caesar Disgustus would sooner or later be blind sided by a coming crisis; that he was emotionally and psychologically unfit for the job, that his presidency would lead to disaster. This alone was troubling enough, but one must also factor in inspired stupidity and willful ignorance. Together they produced a perfect storm.

I agree with one of the participants in the C-SPAN evaluation who, appearing on MSNBC, said that he voted tRUMP to be the worst president in U.S. history. No other has stooped so low to go so high; no other has put himself ahead of the nation; no other has so egregiously overestimated his own inflated prowess. At least Warren Harding had an appreciation that he was not up to the job. A little humility might have saved us a lot of grief.

But no, our intrepid Disgustus continues on, bellowing, crying and wailing, always the victim, always plotting ways to do more damage to the republic as he struggles to get free of this presidential hell. For the grades are now in and he is justly judge one of the worst. Wherever history books are read, his name will live in infamy for though he cannot come to terms with the fact that the nation has always despised him, the nation will.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Indict, convict, imprison


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States

  2. see: Protagonist: August 2, 2017: Hollow to the Core, Ode to Ralph, Only Confusion Now (wandererandshadow.blogspot.com)