Dec 31, 2021

December 29, 2021: Run and Hide, Will Run Again, Stymie the Prosecution.


He can run, but he can't hide”.

Or can he?...

For well over a year now, speculation as to whether our Caesar Disgustus will continue his assault upon the republic by launching an attempt to regain his illegitimate 'presidency', so nobly snatched from him by our reincarnated Eisenhower, has run rampant. Immediately following the verdict of November 3rd, that the nation no longer wanted anything to do with this turd, tRUMP's niece Mary Trump speculated that he didn't have the balls to run again, facing as he would a third rejection by the majority of Americans. Recently, she has begun to hedge on the question citing movements afoot by the ReSCUMlickan Party to restrict voting and, perhaps, put operatives in place to negate or manipulate the returns in 2024. If, she contends, he comes to view his chances as near certain, he will once again stink up the forum.

Many are now moving to the position that the overweening ego of this megalomaniac will, in the end, win out. And, as his former 'fixer' Michael Cohen has said when asked why Ivanka didn't step in on January 6 and control her father: “Ivanka doesn't control tRUMP, nobody controls tRUMP, tRUMP doesn't control tRUMP'. Indeed, his total lack of self-awareness and self-control is legendary.

But there is another, more pressing, reason that Disgustus will make the attempt to regain his former 'glory'. He will run again. He has to run again. He needs to run again in order to stymie the prosecution of his serial crimes.

This country is loathe to prosecute political figures, especially national political figures. No one wants to set the precedent of charging, trying, convicting and imprisoning a former president. This, in large measure is why no criminal charges were brought against Richard Shithouse Nixon, nor Ronald Reagan, nor either of the Bushes. To do so appears unseemly, something done in a tin-horn dictatorship, or a 'banana' republic. Better, it is said, to simply sweep it under the rug and get on with governance. But the crimes of this man, our Caesar Disgustus, are so numerous and so serious that they simply cannot be ignored. Failure to prosecute this scum and all of his associates is tantamount to the sanctioning of his serial crimes against the people.

The republic is being gored upon the horns of dilemma: once he makes his announcement, if not sooner, he will charge that any action brought against him will be politically motivated; done for crass partisan advantage and, therefore, of no account. One the other hand, failure to bring him to justice will give him license to claim exoneration. 

For these reasons, swift action by the Department of Justice and several local jurisdiction is absolutely imperative.

We are now into the 12th month of this administration and still no indictments of Donald J. tRUMP.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Indict, convict, imprison.