Quote of the Day:
"Mmmkay, And I'm 110lbs and a virgin! I'm not a scale or a doctor but I have spent some time beneath 215 pound men and Tiny was not one of them”
----Porn star Stormy Daniels referring to Donald Trump's claim at his arrest this week that he weighs just 215 pounds and, of course, to his 'tiny' dick.
Of course he was allowed to self-report. Of course the nation's media covered his 'celebrity' arrival at the Fulton County Jail. Of course the cameras fixated upon our illustrious Caesar departing New Jersey in his outlandish 727 commercial aircraft and landing in Atlanta. Images of Disgustus deplaning to an awaiting motorcade. Televised coverage of the motorcade proceeding through blocked traffic as it snaked its way through the city. Hushed tones as news reporters covered his 'celebrity' arrival, proceeded by 24 motorcycle policemen and accompanied by at least a dozen vehicles. Of course he was allowed to 'self-report'. Of course he got out within minutes of his arrival. The way had been paved for him.
Disgustus is nothing if not a creature entirely of the media. He owes his 'celebrity' status to the media and what it has made of him. His mythology is a complete media fabrication. Here he demonstrates his only talent by choosing to 'submit' to authority not only in prime time, but on his own terms; and the authorities let him do it.
His former consigliere Michael Cohen, disgusted at the spectacle, raged on the podcast Political Beat Down about the special treatment afforded Disgustus as he has serially made his way before the bars of justice. Honest citizens held up for hours on the roads and freeways. Police escorts. Cordoned off roads. No stoplights. No waiting in traffic. Wall-to-wall coverage except, of course, when he stood before several magistrates to make his ridiculous pleadings and, in this case, when he was fingerprinted and the infamous 'mugshot' was taken. They concluded the mockery of the process letting him declare his own weight and height. Stormy Daniels encapsulated the absurdity of the moment. Once again our dick-less Caesar, ever the Carnival Barker, had made a spectacle of the proceedings.
Politics as spectacle, television as spectacle, justice as spectacle. Everything is outlandish, exaggerated and totally out of proportion. The nation, indeed the world has long awaited an official accounting of his real wealth, here his real weight and height. Instead we were again treated to outlandish spectacle bordering on farce.
Disgustus constantly whines about how he is treated so 'unfairly'. He declares that he is persecuted. This resonates with a population that reveres not the persecuted, but worships the persecuted ONE. It is fundamental to his emerging Messianic appeal.
But, like everything else tRUMP, this too is a fraud.
It is true that he is getting special treatment, but it is not persecution. No one else, and I mean no one else, would be allowed to self-report. No one else would have had the streets cordoned off and the way paved for his passage. No one else would have been allowed to determine the time of his arrival, been escorted by two dozen motorcycle policemen, nor would they have been conveyed in a motorcade. Any one else summoned to the Fulton County Jail would have had to wait for hours to be processed before being hauled before the magistrate and many, lacking bail, wouldn't have been allowed to return home. Disgustus was treated as a potentate, hardly different than if he were the sitting president of the United States. Not since the arrival of the Messiah at Jerusalem, preceded by the laying of palm branches, have we seen such a spectacle. Criminal defendant tRUMP is a private citizen charged with serious and several felonies. The spectacle belies his scumbaggery.
Of course, this is the point. Disgustus is seen as being in control, of being above the law and, as the Christian Messiah before him, condescending to 'submit' to authority but only on his terms. Once again, the powers that be have played into his hands.
Disgustus is a con and a fraud, as Dan Quayle was no JFK, Disgustus is no Jesus Christ, but he has always managed to keep one step ahead of his jailer.
“An' Br 'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”
Indict. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.