Jan 23, 2024

January 22, 2024: Goodbye Death Sentence, Where Anti-Woke Went To Die, His Miserable Ass


Governor Ron DeSantis, otherwise known as Governor Death Sentence, has finally withdrawn from the race. I call him Governor Death Sentence because his wretched campaign not only cost over 150 million dollars but, according to Chris Hayes of MSNBC, some 87,000 lives in Florida as a consequence of his uninspiringly ignorant and incompetent handling of the pandemic.

 Others have made similar observations. His response early on was one of competence as he led the nation in rapid response, closing down the state in the early weeks as the nation was swept by the disease. Then, just as the vaccine was being introduced, Death Sentence changed course, his judgment addled by Potomic Fever, a condition that plagues every politician that emerges upon the national stage. We've been over this before in these columns: an emerging politico at some point looks in the mirror and imagines himself, or herself, in the Oval Office, staff and servants at beck and call, flights on Air Force One, meetings with heads of state, “Hail to the Chief” ringing in their ears. Soon a fever takes hold and they become blinded by ambition. Gyrating on stage, careening from town to town, they become almost laughable as they contort themselves into hopelessly grotesque parodies of themselves.

In the case of Death Sentence it happened all too early. Fresh from a resounding victory over a moribund Democratic opponent, himself a former Republican Governor of Florida, and a nearly non-existent Democratic Party, and backed by special interests, Death Sentence began preening on national television, notably nearly nightly appearances on Rupert Murdoch's Faux “News”. He passed and signed legislation making it lawful for motorists to run down protesters, he led a campaign to ban books in libraries and schools, he openly campaigned against Donald tRUMP's vaccine reopening the state far too early causing tens of thousands to needlessly die. He signed greater voter restriction laws, publicly arrested blacks and Latinos for voter fraud, their innocence only later revealed. He fired his state health director and appointed a complete ignoramus who openly waged war against Dr. Fauci and the administration in Washington's attempt to reign in on the pandemic. Disease spread; the Bubonic Plague and Leprosy began reappearing in Florida.

But Death Sentence, wearing ignorance like a crown, proceeded undeterred. He declared war on Disney, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse for Christ's sake, the state's largest employer and, with the cruise industry, a major source of tourism. He openly spoke of 'slitting throats' declaring that Florida is “where woke comes to die”.

This was, of course, the snarling politics of grievance and retribution, an attempt to out-tRUMP tRUMP; to be more disgusting than Caesar Disgustus; a task he must soon have found daunting.

I could have told him two years ago that the enterprise would be a fool's errand. Just what was the hard, cold political calculation that would justify such expense, so so much damage, and cost so many lives. Surely anyone with any political acumen would soon realize that there was no lane to the nomination. You can't out scum the king-hell scumbag of the century.

He tried to outflank tRUMP by running to the wrong of Disgustus, attempting to out fascist the fascist. But, alas, Disgustus is a greased pig, difficult to hold down, accomplished at throwing shit in every direction.

Nevertheless, beset with the 'Fever', Death Sentence soldiered on, his legislative record now on the books, he stepped into the ring.

It was not a fortuitous beginning. Eschewing, as if giving the middle finger to the “Mainstream Media”, long the bugaboo of the idiot wrong, Death Sentence took to “Shitter”, now owned by Elon Musk and re-branded for some inane reason “X”. It was a disaster as those few who logged on were treated to twenty minutes of silence and occasional background noise as the campaign struggled mightily to get online before the audience evaporated. The faux pas made all the headlines. It didn't get much better as the campaign droned on.

There are accounts of how it was the image of Donald tRUMP was fashioned on NBC. As the network was setting up The Apprentice apparently the producers went to tRUMP Tower and discovered that not only his office was unsuitable for a would-be billionaire, but nobody would believe that Disgustus had such wealth judging from the tattered and shopworn furniture. Accordingly, not only was the show scripted, reality television is actually contrived fantasy, but the network commandeered the stage upon which the weekly broadcast of Saturday Night Live is produced and rented the furnishings creating the boardroom in which stage hand Noel Casler contends tRUMP regularly shit himself. In any case, this fantasy, this projection, perhaps tRUMP's singular accomplishment in life, embedded itself through over a decade of repetition into the skull of America.

First impressions are lasting, especially on the national political stage. Just ask George C. Wallace who forever is remembered for briefly standing in the schoolhouse door blocking integration of the University of Alabama. Death Sentence would find himself running against America's imagined tycoon, master astride a great empire, a self-proclaimed expert in every field. The country was led to believe it, at least enough of the country, for Disgustus to sneak in the back door of the White House. 

Against this Juggernaut, young David approached with his sling the blathering, lumbering, foul-smelling Goliath.  But he lacked the courage of his ambition. Given an opportunity to openly declare that he would not support Caesar Disgustus should he gain the Party's nomination and yet be convicted of a felony, DeSantis and everyone else on the stage save Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and New Jersey's Chris Christie demurred.

There were at least two flies in the ointment; two flaws in the political strategy of our Governor Death Sentence. First, one cannot run against someone like tRUMP by being a “mini-me”. Why vote for Disgustus-lite when you can have genuine disgusting. Second, and more importantly, let's say you do defeat the scumbag and gain the party's nomination. What will he do? You have to know what he'll do. He'll run as a third party candidate, write-in candidate, or tell his followers to stay home. He'll whine that the contest had been rigged and that you and your conspirators had stolen the nomination—always rightfully his. Hell, he might even endorse Joe Biden.

So there never was a lane for Death Sentence to win the White House. The only benefit of this long miserable exhibition is that, perhaps, we will have seen the last of his miserable ass. One can only hope.

January 17, 2024:

Jan 6, 2024

January 6, 2024: Mental Illness and Brain Damage, Evidence of 'Genius', A Closed Book


It isn't simply that the re-run of the 2020 election pits two aging white men, the same aging white men who faced off against each other the last time around. It is that one of them is not only mentally ill but possibly brain damaged.

In 2017 a book was published entitled “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess A President”. (1) This is a seminal diagnostic work plumbing the depths of the Mental Illnesses of our former President. Unfortunately it was published after the 2016 election and the swine was already ensconced upon the throne. It does, however, for the first time detail just how dangerous the man is.

That he has been diagnosed as a malignant narcissist is now common knowledge. He also suffers from delusions of grandeur combined with a severe persecution complex meeting the textbook definitions of severe paranoia. These are not the qualities one would want in a man holding the nuclear 'football'. In the words of Psychoanalyst Dr. Leonard Glass:

To put it another way, operationally and day to day, we don't know and can't tell if Mr. Trump

knows that what he is saying is demonstrably not true. What we do know is that he can't be

relied upon to recognize having been wrong; nor does he seem able to learn from experience

such that he could avoid repeating the same untruth or another the next day, possessed as he

appears to be of the same absolute conviction that characterized his previous error” (2)

These columns are replete with examples of his narcissistic behavior. Everything is seen through the eyes of 'me', from his response to the pandemic seen as a 'Democratic Plot' to threaten his presidency, to his announcement upon arriving in El Paso Texas to 'comfort' the grieving survivors of a mass shooting that his crowd was bigger than that of Beto O'Rourke (a Democratic Candidate who challenged Ted Cruz for his Senate Seat); to his withholding emergency relief to jurisdictions that didn't vote for him, Caesar Disgustus is simply unable to see beyond himself.

That this has played havoc with the government's response to crises is clear enough but, unfortunately, there are more serious problems. Imagine, if you will, had he been in charge during any one of the nuclear false alarms that have occurred over the decades, or during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Returning to our historical examples of nuclear emergencies, is there anyone who could

possibly believe DT would have shown Brzezinski's grace under pressure had he himself

received that 3:00 a.m. Call? If, indeed, Trump harbors grandiose and paranoid delusions

(for which there is mounting evidence), he would have launched missiles faster than he

fires off paranoid tweets on a Saturday morning.

Given the thirteen days of excruciating tension during the very real nuclear threat of

the Cuban Missile Crisis, is there anyone who possibly believes that DT could have

demonstrated JFK's composure, wisdom and judgment, especially in the face of unanimous

pressure from his military advisers? (3)

Indeed, it was Kennedy's ability to see through the eyes of the 'other', that saved the world from the catastrophe of a nuclear Holocaust during the Cuban Missile Crisis.(4) Can anyone seriously contend that tRUMP would have navigated safely through such an event?

Moreover, he is showing signs of dementia. The inability to pronounce certain common words like 'Origin'. The inability to pronounce names that were once common to him, like Biden. The confusion of time and place as in his contention that he defeated Obama in the last election, or that he is running against either Obama or Hillary depending on the moment. His inability to express a simple cogent thought, the rambling, the non-sequiturs, the 'word salad' explanations.

All of this has been apparent for some time now, going back at least well into his administration four or more years ago.

But there is another alarming development which the media refuses to confront. Late in his term tRUMP was whisked away from the White House and rushed to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington to be given a cognitive test which he evidently passed. But, then again, we have only his word for it. The records remain sealed and there has been no testimony from attending physicians as to the nature of the suspected problem, the severity nor evidence of recovery.

He brags that he 'aced' the test, as if it were some kind of IQ or intelligence test. It is not. This is a test given to patients who are either hopelessly demented or have suffer some kind of medical 'event' involving 'cognition', as in a brain naturism or a stroke. These are the kinds of examinations that involve determining basic orientation, as in do you know where or who you are? Do you know what day it is? Do you know what time it is? When my mother in law couldn't answer these questions and held that her husband, who had been dead for two years, was home with the kids, who were approaching retirement, it was off to the nursing home.

Caesar Disgustus says he passed these tests with 'flying colors', and consistently cites the experience as evidence of his 'genius'. And, of course, the Maggots eat this shit up.

But that is not how we should respond to these events.

Disgustus tells us now that he has been given the tests at least twice now, which should invoke further alarm. What transpired to initiate these procedures? How serious were they? How many times have they occurred and what, if any, measurable damage has occurred?

The nation needs to know, but Disgustus, as with his taxes, his academic record, his financial holdings and virtually everything else remains hidden behind his outlandish facade.

We cannot let this stand.

Imprison the Bastard.


  1. Lee, Bandy X, et.al. The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President. Copyright 2017 by Bandy X. Lee. St. Martin's Press, New York. 340 pages.

  2. Ibid. Page 158

  3. Ibid. Page 124. Brzezinski was President Carter's National Security Advisor who didn't panic

    during a false alarm in effect handling the crisis of an alleged Soviet missile strike before

there was time to alert the president.

4. Ibid. Pages 322-323. 

January 1, 2024: Well Deserved Oblivion, He Has No Conscience, No Sense of Decency


Here in the United States, one term presidents are not seen as great leaders. With very few exceptions they are judged to be mediocrities at best and failures at worst, mostly failures. With the exception of our greatest narcissist, Caesar Disgustus, they normally slink off into well deserved oblivion with only the presidencies of Buchanan, Harding and Hoover standing out as one-term disasters. Otherwise, they have somehow muddled through without besmirching the office or doing the republic too much harm.

Not our Caesar Disgustus who, in four long interminable years, managed to kill more Americans than all the wars of the twentieth century, while in the process soiling not only his trousers but the office of the presidency as well as the reputation of the republic.

A modicum of modesty would require at least an apology and certainly a vow never to soil the public forum ever again. BUT NO!!!!, not Donald J tRUMP. TRUMP knows no shame, has no conscience, and has no awareness of the damage he has left in his wake. My god, he thinks he is the 'chosen one', sent by god to do god knows what. His sense of entitlement knows no bounds as he rails against the present administration, tasked as it is with the herculean assignment of cleaning up after his mess, claiming that it is Biden who is somehow the incompetent one; it is Biden who is the corrupt one; it is Biden who doesn't know what he is doing.

That's rich coming from this fuck up.

But no matter, here he is running again for the office he had previously disgraced, running as if he isn't satisfied with his previous vandalism. And, of course, the media, knowing that if nothing else he is good for 'click baits' and views cover his every movement, as if he is the sitting president of the United States.

Having declared himself the front-runner the media falls in line parroting the fool without doing due diligence. Accordingly, we find ourselves looking down the barrel of a rematch of the last presidential election Biden vs. Caesar Disgustus, an emerging national calamity, a rerun of the last two presidential election cycles wherein Disgustus will lose the popular vote and, most likely the Electoral College as well, and will, for the third time, claim fraud with the goal to .throw the business into the House of Representatives wherein each state will get one Electoral Vote. And, since the Scums control a majority of the congressional delegations of the several states, he would be declared the victor. Once again he would slither back into office through the back door, if not through the White House sewer system.

Unlike Nixon, whose scandal-plagued administration came to an abrupt end on August 9, 1974, tRUMP is not going away. Unlike Nixon, who did not challenge Jack Kennedy's razor thin victory saying that it wouldn't be good for the country and that he would spare the nation the trauma, tRUMP has no such scruples. TRUMP has no such humility. Trump thinks only of himself and how he can parlay the office into greater wealth and influence. Unlike Nixon, Caesar Disgustus has no sense of decency.

This is the place where all the powers that be want us to be: staring down the barrel of yet another constitutional crisis where the will of the people will possibly once again be cast aside. Disgustus wanted it this way. The media sure as hell wanted it this way. Joe Biden and Merrick Garland wanted it this way.

And now the nation must, once again, run the gauntlet.

Imprison the Bastard.