Apr 30, 2024

April 29, 2024: Pecker Bones tRUMP, Ratfucking the Republic, The Seedy Side


David Pecker, (one can hardly make up these names), is a former publisher of the rag known as the “National Inquirer”. This is not to be confused with the Philadelphia Inquirer, for the latter is a respected publication with high journalistic standards while the former is not. The problem is that Pecker's National Inquirer is to be found at the check-out counter of every damn grocery store and nearly every newsstand in the United States. With gripping stories how a surviving, albeit badly damaged, JFK is running things from the basement of the White House, or that Hillary has give birth to a son who is half human and half bat, the Inquirer traffics in the worst kind of 'journalism', giving credence to every conspiracy theory this side of Qanon and 4chan.

Long before “Faux News” and Rush Limbaugh's introduction of hate radio, there was the National Inquirer. It says a lot about America that as it checks out at the grocery what passes for 'news' is not Time or Newsweek; not even Life or the hopelessly reactionary Reader's Digest. Hell, one seeks in vain The New York Times or Wall Street Journal. Instead there is substituted the National Inquirer. This tells you all you need to know about the state of information in these United States, where this upcoming national election is to decided by, perhaps, razor thin margins in a handful of 'swing' states. That is, states that could 'swing' either way.

What this means is the frightening prospect that this election will be decided by a segment of the population that reads this shit, a segment that believes 'professional' wrestling is real. My god, the Republic hangs by a thread.

Pecker took the stand this week in the trial of Donald J. tRUMP for falsifying financial statements related to a 'hush money' scandal involving porn star Stormy Daniels. Although it is universally referred to as a 'hush money' scandal it is, in fact, an election interference scandal involving illegal campaign contributions and the falsification of business records to 'cover up' nefarious behavior in order to prevent the public from becoming aware lest he lose the election.

It's always about the elections with the ReSCUMlickan. Nixon in '68, Reagan in '80, Bush Senior in '88 with the sabotage of Gary Hart's campaign, Bush the Lesser in 2000, Bush the Lesser again in 2004 with the 'swift boating' of John Kerry, tRUMP in 2016 with above mentioned scandal and the Russian interference, Caesar Disgustus again in 2020 with the Ukraine fiasco, the election denials, the fake 'electors' scheme, and the ensuing insurrection. The ReSCUMlickans have been ratfucking the Republic for nearly 60 years. Having 'caught' the 'scandal' the Inquirer, having gained exclusive rights, would 'kill' the story by failing to publish it. This was the case with the Karen McDougall story, a Playboy Playmate of the Month with whom Disgustus allegedly had a protracted affair lasting nearly a year.

And so, Pecker testified at length, he set about implementing the plan. Accordingly, the Inquirer ran blaring headlines featuring stories about, for instance Ted Cruz's father being involved with Oswald in the assassination of JFK. Cruz was, at the time a chief rival for the 2016 ReSCUMlican presidential nomination. It ran stories featuring Hillary's alleged failing health and impending physical collapse. It ran countless stories savaging tRUMP's rivals with glaring headlines guaranteed to catch the eye of every devotee of the World Wrestling Federation and, since it is prominently displayed at every check out isle, it was hoped, beyond.

But, alas, Caesar Disgustus again, unerringly, proved to be the author of his own undoing. Forever the cheapskate, Disgustus refused to pay Pecker for services rendered. This ended the implementation of 'catch and kill' as far as the Inquirer was concerned and when the 'Stormy Daniels' encounter, for according to her the 'affair' lasted only a few brief seconds, was about to break Pecker and his 'journal' were no longer available. Enter the ever reliable Michael Cohen. Cohen, under intense pressure to do something mortgaged his home in order to pay off Daniels, a transaction that tRUMP agreed to reimburse in 12 monthly installments. This was done in order for the back-channel payments to appear as 'legal consultation' fees instead of a campaign contribution which tRUMP no doubt declared a business expense for tax purposes. It would also keep the whole business, it was hoped, from ever seeing the light of day. Cohen spent about three years in prison for his part in this affair. Pecker was granted immunity for his testimony. Disgustus, after nearly 8 long years, and nearly 4 years after leaving office, finally finds himself before the bar of justice for election interference, falsification of business records and tax evasion.

What emerged from Pecker's testimony is the tawdry nature of tabloid journalism, of the seedy side of Donald tRUMP and the scope of a scandal the public had every right to know as it went to the polls in 2016. The Republic is now in grave danger having been denied that right.

Imprison the Bastard.