“The whole world is laughing, not
at who we are but what we have become. It isn’t the robust laughter of
amusement but a timid laughter betraying a deep fear and loathing. The world so
laughs at the America of our very own Caesar Disgustus.”
“The Quotations of Chairman Joe”
“Quid Pro Quo”,
what was the
“Quid Pro Quo”? That is the question.
There is
no question of Disgustus’ slavish behavior when it comes to Putin and the
criticizing nearly every one of our allies, and questioning U.S. foreign policy,
he has gone out of his way to avoid criticizing Putin, indeed heaps praise on
the man even comparing him favorably to our former president. What explains this disgusting behavior has to
date not been fully revealed, but it is becoming increasingly clear that
Disgustus has crossed the line.
Kremlin’s policy goals are generally well understood in the west. Rachel Maddow, reporting for MSNBC listed
major Russian policy objectives on her program this week Among them were:
Western Alliances
out the U.S. State Department
the democratic process in representative governments
the European Union
U.S. influence in Syria and the Middle East
chaos within the political system of the United States
the role of the United States
the international profile of Russia
U.S. sanctions on Russia.
Kremlin has been amply rewarded by backing Disgustus, for he has helped them
achieve nearly every one of these goals.
He has
helped weaken western alliances by calling NATO obsolete, questioning if the
U.S. would come to the aid of any member of the alliance that came under attack,
a provision in the treaty invoked only once—when the U.S. was under attack
during 9/11, and it is a question of significance to Eastern European members
struggling to get out of the shadow of their Russian neighbor. He has questioned the very concept of a
‘nuclear umbrella’ under which our allies have for decades found security, a
concept, it is doubtful, that he even understands.
He has
weakened our State Department, a source of great irritation to the Kremlin as
it had continually questioned Russian human rights violations, its annexation
of Crimea, its actions in Ukraine. But the greatest affront was questioning the
legitimacy of Putin’s re-election, an action that put the U.S. State Department
and Hillary Clinton in the crosshairs of Vladimir Putin. Now we find Disgustus doing the Kremlin’s
bidding by cutting its budget by 30% and failing to staff senior positions or
to get diplomats nominated and confirmed.
Consequently, Disgustus has now attended two European conferences without
having in place ambassadors in, among other places, France, Germany, Poland or
Russia. He attends these meeting
ill-prepared and with no senior diplomatic staff, further isolating the United
States in the international arena and making a complete fool of himself in the
bargain. Indeed, one of Disgustus’ first
acts as president-elect was to appoint Rex Tillerson, a man given the highest
medal the Russian Federation can bestow upon a foreign national, and Putin
favorite, as Secretary of State, and bestowing unto his wholly ignorant
son-in-law major foreign policy initiatives, including the Middle East portfolio.
has for years been working to discredit the democratic process in republics
around the world. This serves two
objectives. Where there is open
collusion, as with Marie Pen in France, he seeks an open ally. A bit of hubris
perhaps, overplaying his hand in the glow of his American successes. If an adversary, like the United States,
Putin seeks to demonstrate to his people and the world that representative
governments are corrupt with their electoral processes no more legitimate than
his own. Within the United States, he
seeks to delegitimize the political process supporting tRUMP knowing that
should he have lost, tRUMP would claim the result could only have been the
consequence of a rigged system, or outright fraud; or, conversely, if tRUMP wins
but loses the popular vote the outcome could only have been the result of
massive voter fraud. Has Disgustus lost both the popular and Electoral College
votes, he would be immediately and continually about the business of
delegitimizing the outcome. Putin knows his ‘man’. Had he won the election outright he would be
about executing his only known talents, demonstrating his overwhelming
ignorance, his breathtaking hubris and his staggering incompetence would
insuring the destabilization of the world’s foremost ‘superpower’. Further imagine the reaction of this swine
should the Democrats take the House or the Senate or both in the upcoming
mid-term election. Where Obama in the
aftermath of stunning losses in midterm elections simply announced with some
humility that “we got shellacked” and Clinton quietly reminded the press that
the President was “still relevant”, Disgustus can be relied upon to whine and
cry out in ‘tweet-storm’ after ‘tweet-storm’ that “we were robbed”. Whatever the outcome Disgustus, given what
Putin knows from tRUMP’s personality profile, would be all that he promised to
be: a very useful idiot.
With the
fall of the Berlin Wall and the imminent collapse of the old Soviet Union,
George H.W. Bush assured his Russian counterpart, then Mikhail Gorbachev, that
the United States and its allies would not support the expansion of NATO into
Eastern Europe, a promise that was almost immediately broken. Since then, not only has the alliance spread
into Eastern Europe, including several former Soviet Republics but has placed
missiles and held military exercises right on the Russian doorstep. In fact, the crisis in Ukraine was sparked by
pressure from the West for Ukraine to join the alliance despite the country
relying on Russian gas and oil for its energy and nearly half its population
former Russians—as is the case in the Balkan States. The weakening of NATO as well as the European
Union, consequently, has become an urgent Russian foreign policy objective; one
that the Kremlin would be pursuing regardless of who is in charge. What
the Russians are seeking here is the return of some semblance of the order
following the Second World War: the re-establishment of the “Corridor Sanitare” or sanitary
corridor—a buffer zone between Western Europe and Russia first imposed by the
West in the aftermath of the First World War with the re-creation of Poland and
creation of several other states from the old German and Austrian Empires,
states that were pro-west in their foreign policies, aligned with France and
England to insure that the Soviets would be “contained”. In the aftermath of World War II, Stalin
imposed Soviet Rule in Eastern Europe—something that Churchill reluctantly
agreed to, despite his talk of an ‘iron curtain’—so that Russia, invaded three
times from the West in the previous hundred and fifty years and having lost
between 25 and 30 million people in the last invasion, would control the
‘buffer zone’ giving the Kremlin some measure of national security. Now that corridor has been overrun with
predictable foreign policy consequences. But tRUMP has done more than weaken these alliances;
he has called into question their very legitimacy.
and his entourage have also served Russian foreign policy interests in the
Middle East. From isolating our ally
Qatar (see previous post), to his open support of Israeli expansion into the
occupied territories—among other things appointing an ambassador to Israel who
has donated money in support of the ethnic cleansing—to his suggesting that the
United States withdraw from the agreement reached by the U.S. and our European
allies with Iran over nuclear weapons (although he has, at least temporarily,
approved the agreement). Now we find
that he has given the Russians a free hand in Syria, even cutting off at the
knees U.S. supported rebel factions.
Given his “Muslim Ban”—especially as it pertains to Syria (Note the Ban
does not include countries with tRUMP investments) where are these insurgents
to turn when the inevitable happens and Assad regains his grip on the country? Disgustus is once again demonstrating that
America can be a most unreliable ally.
has served the Kremlin’s interests by creating chaos within the political
system of the United States, calling into question its very legitimacy by
claiming it is “rigged” and that the election, should he have lost, would have
been stolen from him. Now having been
elected by the archaic Electoral College (a device intended to protect the country
from people like tRUMP), he falsely claims that millions of undocumented and
illegal aliens voted and that massive voter fraud alone could only have been
responsible for his loss of the popular vote by some 3 million votes or two
whole percentage points. It is not hard
to imagine that, having lost the election outright, he would now be certainly
barnstorming the country claiming fraud.
Indeed, having won the election he is still whining and complaining and
claiming fraud, instituting a commission to search every precinct to find a
problem that simply does not exist so as to shore up his little ego and wreak
havoc and sow suspicion and paranoia about the land, further eroding public
confidence. In this Disgustus has been a
most predictable and useful idiot.
has assiduously worked to diminish the role of the United States on the world
stage. He has called into question the
world order established at Breton Woods, New Hampshire in the wake of the
Second World War. He has questioned our
alliances, and the role of the U.S. within the international framework,
suggesting a ‘go it alone’ posture. Now,
citing bogus claims of burdensome demands placed upon the United States by the
Paris Climate accord he has withdrawn the U.S. from the treaty making the
United States one of three such countries in the world to do so; the other two
being Syria because of internal strife and Guatemala because, in their view the
agreement does not go far enough to deal with the looming crisis. Indeed, the rest of the world wanted to make
the agreement mandatory but Obama knowing that he would not be able get the
Senate to ratify such an agreement required that the Paris accord be
voluntary. So, the world determined what
needed to be done and agreed to voluntarily do about half of it. Nevertheless, our orange buffoon stood in the
rose garden and, complaining bitterly that the treaty requirements were a
terrible burden on our country, saying that we had been somehow hoodwinked into
a terrible deal and that the whole world is laughing at us, declairing that
they will laugh at us no more.
isolated has the U.S. become under this fool that tRUMP was described at the
NATO conference as “lonely and isolated” and that our allies were working
assiduously to find ways to work around him.
Indeed, so are many others. Governor Jerry Brown of California—itself with
the world’s 11th largest economy—openly declared that he would
invite China, Mexico, Canada and others to work with him on climate
the whole world is laughing at us because somehow this fool has been elevated
to the highest office in the land. It is because of tRUMP that they laugh.
Nevertheless, it is a nervous laughter born of fear and loathing.
whoring after Putin at the recent Hamburg conference, like some love-struck
teen-age girl in pursuit of the high school quarterback, tRUMP has not only
insulted our allies—especially host Germany—he has elevated Putin’s stature on
the world stage giving the Russian leader far more profile than one would
normally accord a country whose economy, for instance, has a Gross Domestic
Product of roughly that of Italy.
Shunning interaction with nearly every other principal Disgustus was
seen continually seeking out the Russian leader for confabs that didn’t include
diplomats or American interpreters; confabs that the Russian Ambassador said
may have included meetings in the men’s room.
One is left imagine what possible acts of unspeakable degradation may have
transpired therein.
In the
first known meeting, scheduled to last about half an hour, tRUMP, accompanied
only by Putin friend and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and without
U.S. interpreters, met for two hours. The
second meeting, lasting about an hour, in full view of the assembled and
involving only tRUMP, Putin and a Russian interpreter, was said to be about
“Russian Adoptions”, which has become code for “Sanctions”. The White House told the nation that tRUMP,
at the first meeting, closely questioned Putin on two occasions but former
tRUMP campaign chairman Lewandowsky told reporters that Putin denied any such
interference and, declared Lewandowsky, the Russian investigation is,
therefore, at an end. Basically, if
Disgustus questioned Putin at all it was clearly a simple formality, for to
admit to any foreign involvement involves, at base, questioning the legitimacy
of the tRUMP presidency. So both
principals at the meeting once again had concurrent interests.
there is this question of lifting sanctions.
Rachel Maddow reported several weeks ago that oil giant Exxon-Mobile has
mineral rights to roughly 64 million acres in the Russian federation, mostly in
oil fields near and above the arctic circle.
Putin needs this oil to boost his struggling economy, and he needs
Exxon-Mobil’s expertise and technology to extract and deliver the oil and
gas. When the U.S. placed sanctions
upon Russia for its ‘aggressions’ in the Crimea and Ukraine, Exxon-Mobile had
put down less than two dozen wells. To
put this in perspective, Exxon-Mobil has drilling rights to roughly 15 million
acres in the U.S. and has thousands of wells.
It was to signal to the Kremlin that Disgustus was ready to lift these
sanctions that tRUMP appointed Rex Tillerson to direct the State Department. Indeed, the Treasury Department announced a
fine of two million dollars levied against Exxon-Mobil for violating the
sanctions while Tillerson was at the helm.
Here, clearly, is a man who can be relied upon to be a friend of Russia,
one who would end U.S. pressure on human rights, one who would work to lift the
sanctions. And, indeed, word has leaked
from this very porous White House that the lifting of sanctions was at the top
of the priority list until the Michael Flynn fiasco engulfed this White House
in the Russian scandal. As we speak a
bill has been reported out of a conference committee of the Senate and House
and to be voted on next week insuring that Disgustus cannot lift Russian sanctions
without congressional authorization, a bill that passed the Senate 98-2 before
it was sent to conference to work out any conflicts with the House
version. So distrustful has the
political leadership in Congress become with the handling of foreign affairs by
this “useful Idiot”.
broad outlines are now clear. Disgustus
has been witnessed fawning over the Russian leadership and has had no
compunction in serving the national interests of the Kremlin. The question remains, for with tRUMP
everything is transactional: what did the Kremlin provide to command such
slavish obeisance? There is no doubt
that the Russians interfered on his behalf during the election, there is also
no doubt that he has done the Kremlin’s bidding. What was the extent of Russian
meddling and did their actions include purging voters from the registration
lists? What financial transactions are lurking
beneath the interface of international money laundering, organized crime and
racketeering with international banks and political leadership. To what extent was Russian money—perhaps
laundered money—funneled into tRUMP’s business interests or personal
accounts? To what extent was such money
funneled into his campaign and, perhaps just as importantly, into the coffers
of the Rescumlican National Committee?
Perhaps this explains the reluctance of Rescumlican leadership to
discipline this man. In any case it is
worth noting that when several foreign intelligence services set the FBI unto
his trail, they told our agents that Russian money was flowing into the
election, an allegation broad enough to include both the tRUMP campaign and,
perhaps the Rescumlican
It is
also worth noting that a conversation was leaked in which the House Majority
Leader, commenting to a group of Rescumlican Congressmen, said that there were
two people known to be on the Russian payroll: Dana Raurbacher and Donald
tRUMP. House Speaker Ryan, amid nervous
laughter, admonished the assembled to keep this bit of information to
know this man, they know who he is. They
have always known who he is. They also
know who they are.
the money. Special Counsel Robert Mueller must follow the money. Is it for these reasons that Disgustus told
the New York Times last week that to
do so would “cross a red line”? I am thinking that perhaps it is.
else could explain this bizarre and ludicrous behavior?
whole world is laughing. Not the
laughter of joy, but a nervous laughter born of fear and loathing.
and effect, connect the dots, follow the money.
Impeach and Imprison.