Jul 28, 2017

July 26, 2017: Omega Man, Nauseating Spectacle, Always The Victim

“If George W. Bush was our Nero, fiddling while a city drown, Donald J. tRUMP is our modern Caligula.”
                        ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

Donald tRUMP is no alpha male.  An alpha male has no need of slavish adoration.  An alpha male has no need of reducing his mate to mere ‘eye candy’ on his arm.  An alpha male does not leave the ‘dirty work’ of confrontation and dismissing subordinates to others. An alpha male does not bow and genuflect before other alpha males. An alpha male is not uncomfortable around women. An alpha male does not punish and persecute the most vulnerable among us.  Foremost a real alpha male is not found continually whining and complaining, or found declaring that he is being unfairly treated or that he is constantly being victimized.  No.  Donald J. tRUMP is no alpha male.  In fact, he is Omega Man posturing as an alpha male.

Nowhere was this in greater evidence than with the nauseating spectacle several weeks ago in which Disgustus at a cabinet meeting openly declared, despite all evidence to the contrary that, with the possible exception of Franklin Roosevelt, no one has accomplished more in his first 100 days in the White House than him.  Then followed, in a scene worthy of the Roman Emperor Caligula, a full 23-minute ordeal in which Disgustus went around the table demanding that each cabinet member duly genuflect before their Fuhrer thanking him for making them who they are, as each had been no-one before joining him despite most of them being billionaires.  Yet here they were bowing and scraping and reinforcing and enabling these delusions of grandeur.  Here was tRUMP seen openly displaying a deep need for public affirmation and adoration; a need that betrays an inner lack of confidence; betrays the fact that he is indeed Omega Man. 

His firing of FBI Director Jim Comey, done not in face-to-face meeting but by sending a low-level underling with a letter of termination to the FBI building while Comey himself was in Los Angeles speaking to field officers demonstrates that here is not the fictional alpha male CEO in the ‘reality’ television show shouting “your fired” in a scripted parody of reality, but of an Omega Man lacking the courage to tell Comey to his face.

An alpha male exudes genuine self-confidence as opposed to manufactured or ‘faux’ self-confidence.  Therefore, a true alpha male is not uncomfortable around the opposite sex.  A true alpha male would not behave in the presence of women—Hillary during the debates, refusing even shake German Chancellor Angela Merkle’s’ hand—with the ham-handed awkwardness that readily emerges whenever he is confronted with a woman of substance.  This need to diminish those about him—women especially—as well as to lick the boots of males he recognizes as having true alpha status betrays a deep-seated insecurity born of real fears of inadequacy. 

Likewise, at the meeting earlier this year with the European Union, he could brush aside the leader of a small nation-state and preen before the cameras in the pretense of alpha status but in the presence of greater power, as in Saudi Arabia or Israel and later Russia, Disgustus is continually seen fawning, bowing and scraping.  In a word, assuming his natural Omega status.

Like any Omega Man in search of validation tRUMP is always playing the bully, directing his wrath at the least powerful and most vulnerable among us while paying obeisance to the rich and powerful.  While posturing as the ‘tribune of the people’ he worships, because of deep feelings of inadequacy, rapine and plunder; comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.   

A genuine alpha male would not be found addressing the graduation of cadets at the Coast Guard Academy with a speech full of self-pity, a speech full of whining and complaining, a speech in which he continually plays the victim.  A genuine alpha male is rarely a victim.  Disgustus, by his own admission is always the victim. 

Donald J. tRUMP is no alpha man.  Donald J. tRUMP is no leader.  Donald J. tRUMP is Omega Man posturing as a leader.  And so, the “great unwashed” in search of a champion is finding that they have hitched their star to Omega Man.

Impeach and Imprison.

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