Jun 29, 2018

June 26, 2018: Depths of Depravity, Milestones of Malignancy, Bastard Administration

It is difficult to plumb the depths of depravity, to mark the milestones of malignancy, of this bastard administration.”

                            -----from "The Quotations of Chairman Joe"

Somewhere, by most reports, upwards of 2,500 children are unaccounted for. Parents arrested at the Texas border are having their children sent to Arizona, California, New York, and god knows where. They are given a number to call and get recordings. Children, some as young as toddlers, are being required to appear in court. This is madness, all emanating from the rancid soul of our modern Caligula. It is clear, as this scandal unfolds, that there were no plans to track the whereabouts of these children; perhaps there were never any plans to re-unite them with their families.

We have a history of such behaviors. It isn't taught in our history books, it isn't dwelt upon by our commentators. But we have separated children before, certainly exclusively among those of 'color'. We took children away from native American families, put them in government schools, forced them to forget their native language, religions, customs and culture and adopt the ways of the White Man. Similarly, for different reasons, we sold parents of young black children 'down the river' while they were enslaved. Black marriage vows were read “'til separation do us part”.

Now our very own Caesar Disgustus, always about the business of tapping into the worst of our collective experience is found—when not praising Klansmen and other hate groups—engaging upon a policy that means to punish the most defenseless, punish those of 'color', as he and his capitalist cronies construct 'tent' camps in the Texas and Arizona deserts. Taking his cue from his friend Joe Arpaio, tRUMP is taking us in a direction that is far from temporary. These facilities are (see previous post) about to be expanded, regardless of the much-ballyhooed 'about-face' involving his executive orders establishing the so-called 'no-tolerance' program in the first place.

This scandal reeks on so many levels. Reports are now surfacing that the corporate pigs now running these facilities are charging upwards of 750 dollars a day to house each 'inmate'. One can stay at tRUMP tower for less, although the food as well as the company in the camp is, I am sure, much better.

Let's be clear about this. Draconian imprisonment on misdemeanor charges at the border, expansion of facilities to hold them, and now—given the public outcry—the call upon the military to supply prosecuting attorneys and immigration judges as well as facilities to hold those arrested. This is a move toward the kind of fascist state last seen in Western Europe in the 1930's.

Think about this. Much of the information regarding the holding of the dispossessed in what are now 'makeshift' camps but perhaps soon-to-be permanent installations has come from reporters who have gone to the local units of government and gained access to records. Heretofore such facilities, under the jurisdiction of the state and county authorities, would by law be required to gain certification. Such certification requires oversight and reporting, and becomes part of the public record. Reporters have gained access to these records and have been able to track some of the locations and the reports about them. Now Disgustus wants to use military bases where, upon a pretext of 'national security' the arrested can be held under god knows what conditions for indefinite periods of time. All this done out of public view. Pure profit for the corporations contracted to manage the facilities, no accountability.

Certainly, like the privatized prisons in this country, these beds will not be left unfilled.

Who's next?

'An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

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