Nov 30, 2019

November 30, 2019: The Dastardly Ukraine, Foreign to Reason, The Very Marrow

The ReSCUMlickans have themselves tied up in knots as they try to explain away the criminality playing out before the nation. A theory has arisen, reportedly from the bowels of the Kremlin and coursing through Russian Oligarchs into the ears of Paul Manafort and several evangelical 'religious' leaders. From there it has made its way into talk radio, Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, and our ever malignant Caesar Disgustus. And that theory is: The Russians weren't behind the election tampering in 2016, it was Ukraine. Yes Ukraine! It was the dastardly Ukrainians that worked hand in glove with Hillary Clinton and the DNC to sabotage the creepy crusader of tRUMP tower.  The very computer servers holding god knows what damaging information being, as we speak, hidden away in some dark cellar in the outskirts of Sevastopol. Actually, if 'truth' be known, the scheming subversives have squirreled the hard evidence in the bowels of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl to insure that no one will be able to retrieve the evidence.  Further evidence, no doubt, implicating Democrats.  

This is their story and, by god, they are sticking to it .It is ridiculous on its face.

We are led to believe that the sinister Democrats conspired with corrupt elements in the Crimea to hack their own servers, release the information through WikiLeaks, much of it on the eve of their own convention so as to further divide the Democratic Party, enraging the Sanders supporters and forcing the resignation of party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Further, they hacked the emails of Clinton Campaign manager Leon Podesta in order to gain information about the strategy of their own campaign and to use that information to undermine their own candidacy.  Additionally, they conspired to release further information about trade proposals and immigration policy; information that was sure to injure the campaign in key “Rust-Belt” battleground states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

That's right. The Democrats hacked their own emails in order to get information on themselves and to release that information in order to help who? Why, of course, Hillary! They surreptitiously sabotaged their own campaign in order to defeat the tRUMP Tower crusader. Oh, those clever Democrats!  It's too bad the hapless Ukrainians were dragged into yet another circular Democratic firing squad.

This twisted, pretzel logic is ridiculous on its face and has gained traction only because we have a population in this country no longer able to think critically and connect the dots; a population of knuckle-dragging ditto-heads, unfamiliar with cause and effect, foreign to logic and hostile to reason. A population that, accordingly, can be led to believe anything.

This line of reasoning is of the same ilk as believing that our Caesar Disgustus is fighting corruption in Ukraine when, at home, he is the very embodiment of it; that he is crusading against corruption in Ukraine as he goes about corrupting the newly elected reform government. This is the same line of reasoning that has led some to believe that the tRUMP Tower meeting was about Russian adoptions.

This is the ultimate in Orwellian newspeak, of political paranoia, of pretzel logic. It is propaganda, pure and simple; a conspiracy theory that stands logic upon its head and turns day into night.

You see, this line of 'reasoning' serves the joint interests of both Putin and tRUMP. Putin because Ukraine gets blamed for what the Kremlin orchestrated.  This gets Putin off the hook and leads to the lifting of sanctions, the further deterioration of the Western Alliances, and the re-admission of Moscow upon the world stage. It serves the interests of our Caesar Disgustus by gaslighting, once again, the Clintons, Obama and the Democrats and perfuming the stench of his political bastardy. Again, as with all things tRUMP, all roads lead to Russia. 

Once again, the interests of the Russian dictator and our very own Caesar Disgustus go hand-in-glove; the Russian hand manipulating the American glove or, in this case, the American sock puppet.

Vladimir Putin has placed his bets on the malignancy of the ReSCUMlickan Party, the ignorance, incompetence and mendacity of Donald tRUMP , the failure of our educational system and the greed and cowardice of the “Generation of Swine”.

These are bets that have paid handsomely as the cancer now consumes the very marrow of the Republic.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison

November 29, 2019: Can Be No Doubt, Serial Abandonment, Modus Operandi

Can there seriously be any remaining doubt that Disgustus did indeed conspire with the Russian to subvert the electoral process? Can there be serious doubt as to his sedition?

The testimony this month before the House Intelligence Committee demonstrates that he did indeed extort and bribe a foreign government to intervene in the upcoming election. Over a dozen witnesses came forth, including Ambassadors Taylor, Yavanavich and Nordland to declare that there was indeed a quid pro quo in which the president* witheld 391 million dollars in aid to Ukraine while pressuring the government to publicly declare that it would begin investigating Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Indeed no real investigation would be needed, Ukraine was made to understand, simply the public declaration sufficient so that Disgustus could parade about the country declaring that the Biden's were being investigated for corruption.

You see this is the modus operandi of Caesar Disgustus, a path by now well tread. Simply announce an investigation, one that will drag on through the months until next November when—once the election is held—it will be quickly forgotten. All this reminiscent of his “tax audit” excuse for not releasing his returns, an audit that has become the longest audit in world history.

Indeed, President Zelenskyy was prepared to do just that, go on CNN in a already scheduled interview and declare such an investigation when the whistleblower's accusations surfaced and the public outcry forced Disgustus to backtrack and release the funding, millions of which have yet to be sent to the Ukraine.

Indeed, it has been reported by Rachel Maddow and elsewhere that the administration has been pressuring Ukraine from its first months in office. Maddow reports that by the summer of 2017 Disgustus and his minions were pressuring Kiev by, you guessed it, withholding military aid, to end Ukrainian cooperation in the investigations of Paul Manafort. As Mueller was ramping up his investigation, Disgustus was about pressuring another foreign government into assisting him—this time to quash an inquiry into his crimes and help keep him out of prison. I

It was against this backdrop that the current government came to power. Campaigning on a platform to end corruption in the country, Zelinskyy reportedly met with advisers as well as American diplomats to find a way to navigate clear attempts by this administration to corrupt Ukrainian officials. And therein is the bitter irony: declaring that he is only interested in investigating corruption, Disgustus is about corrupting the very government whose corruption he protests. Nowhere is this more evident than a brazen attempt to compromise a newly elected head of state who came to power promising to end corruption.

Placing Ukraine in a completely untenable position, for the new government will be quickly delegitimized if word of this became public. Zelinskyy knows that, being compromised, his government will lose domestic support by being perceived as corrupt as what had preceded it. Zelinskyy also knows that, if revealed, he risks the loss of support within the United States. On the other hand, to fail to comply would surely mean—in the absence of the Whistleblower's revelations—the loss of desperately needed military aid.

All of this is cast against the backdrop of serial abandonment by the United States of long standing international commitments: The Iran nuclear deal, the Paris accord on the environment, NAFTA, trade deals with China and Europe, medium range missile bans with the Russians, our Kurdish Allies in Syria, our assurances to the Palestinians, Japan and South Korea ad nauseum. None of this is lost upon the Ukrainians, nor the diplomats advising them. Indeed Ambassador William Taylor, brought out of retirement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeou and himself a tRUMP appointee, told the House Intelligence Committee one of his great fears was that the Ukrainians would comply and Disgustus would refuse to send the military assistance anyway.

As if to underscore his point, Disgustus at a U.N. Meeting in early September instructing Zelenskyy to meet with Putin and work something out, as if to say “You are on you're own”. The commitments made to our allies—for Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for assurances by the United States and its allies—hang by a thread. Zelenskyy was left dangling over the open fire by the thinnest of threads—the capricious and arbitrary nature of a very unstable and malignant narcissist—much as Jonathan Edward's sinner is dangled over the open pit of hell by a similarly capricious, arbitrary, vengeful and unstable god. And this is precisely how our “Chosen One” (1) perceives himself: a modern Caligula laughing in delight as he dangles a head of state over the grates of hell.

There is one last consideration in this unwinding scandal and that is what it is doing to our alliances. Disgustus is here declaring our Ukrainian ally to be nothing but a hollow, corruption riddled cesspool notwithstanding that his own State Department had declared earlier in the year that corruption within the country, such as it is, posed no threat to the assistance we had committed. But equally important are the lies spouted by this president* and his minions that the European community is not supporting Kiev and that the U.S. alone is bearing the burden. This posturing further corrodes our alliances making it clear that the only beneficiary of this behavior is Vladimir Putin. Indeed, as the House Speaker reminds us: with tRUMP, all roads lead to Putin.

Soliciting foreign assistance has been the Modus Operandi of our Caesar Disgustus, treading the now well-worn paths of Richard Shithouse Nixon's intrigue with the South Vietnamese concerning the Paris Peace Conference and Ronald Reagan's conspiring with Iran to hold hostages until after the 1980 elections. As White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney tells us, it's how ReSCUMlickans do things.

He is guilty. He has admitted to the fact in the White House summary of a conversation with Zelenskyy over the phone on July 25 of this year. The White House Chief of Staff has admitted it, Rudy Giuliani has admitted it, and over a dozen witnesses have attested to it. Moreover, the White House has blocked several key witnesses from testifying, including the Chief of Staff, National Security Adviser John Bolton, Giuliani himself, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and the president* of Vice, Mike Pence. Why, in defiance of Congressional subpoena, are they refusing to testify? And why were the transcripts of the conversation squirreled away into the most restricted classified White House Server, if not out of consciousness of guilt?

"An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh"

Impeach and Imprison


1. Reference here is to Disgustus on the White House lawn, looking up at the sky and declaring himself the "chosen one" in response to a question from press reporters.

November 27, 2019: Cut and Run, Insult to Injury, All About Oil.

The actions taken a few weeks ago in Syria betraying our faithful allies is, in a word, disgusting. Within moments of hanging up the phone and ending a conversation with Turkey's president and 'strongman' Erdogan, Disgustus promptly issued an order withdrawing remaining U.S. forces from the northern Kurdish-held regions of the country prompting an invasion by Turkey into the region and the resulting ethnic cleansing. Disgustus did this without consulting the Secretary of State, the State Department, the U.S. military or any of the intelligence agencies. After all, what possible use would expertise serve the 'stable genius'.

The results were all too predictable. The roads filled with refugees fleeing terror, the bombing and shelling by Turkish forces as the U.S. looked on.  And, to add insult to injury, Disgustus--ever the treacherous jackass-- taking to the podium and, parroting talking points gleaned from hate radio, proclaiming that the Kurds are faithless allies, not joining us on the beaches of Normandy.   

The tragedy here is that this capricious and arbitrary decision betrayed a faithful ally, a people who have sacrificed over ten thousand in the struggle against ISIS while we Americans have lost a mere six servicemen as we prefer to conduct hostilities from long range. For this “Generation of Swine” will not bear any burden, nor suffer any hardship in the cause of liberty. This Generation of Swine prefers to fight the wars but keep it's hands clean; prefers the fruits of empire without sacrifice.

But to precipitously cut and run, marks of true cowardice, reveals the complete worthlessness of American commitments under our present Caesar Disgustus underscoring, as in Ukraine, that the word of America means nothing. The Kurd's now find themselves, as they have long found themselves, as the largest ethnic group on the planet without a country. A people alone.

Disgustus, compounding his crimes, announced in the aftermath that U.S. forces have withdrawn to the oil fields, giving lie to the American proclivity of dressing every conflict as a struggle for freedom. Here Disgustus, for once, is being honest. It has always been about the oil.

None of this is lost upon the young in the streets of Damascus, Cairo or anywhere else in the world.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.