Nov 30, 2019

November 27, 2019: Cut and Run, Insult to Injury, All About Oil.

The actions taken a few weeks ago in Syria betraying our faithful allies is, in a word, disgusting. Within moments of hanging up the phone and ending a conversation with Turkey's president and 'strongman' Erdogan, Disgustus promptly issued an order withdrawing remaining U.S. forces from the northern Kurdish-held regions of the country prompting an invasion by Turkey into the region and the resulting ethnic cleansing. Disgustus did this without consulting the Secretary of State, the State Department, the U.S. military or any of the intelligence agencies. After all, what possible use would expertise serve the 'stable genius'.

The results were all too predictable. The roads filled with refugees fleeing terror, the bombing and shelling by Turkish forces as the U.S. looked on.  And, to add insult to injury, Disgustus--ever the treacherous jackass-- taking to the podium and, parroting talking points gleaned from hate radio, proclaiming that the Kurds are faithless allies, not joining us on the beaches of Normandy.   

The tragedy here is that this capricious and arbitrary decision betrayed a faithful ally, a people who have sacrificed over ten thousand in the struggle against ISIS while we Americans have lost a mere six servicemen as we prefer to conduct hostilities from long range. For this “Generation of Swine” will not bear any burden, nor suffer any hardship in the cause of liberty. This Generation of Swine prefers to fight the wars but keep it's hands clean; prefers the fruits of empire without sacrifice.

But to precipitously cut and run, marks of true cowardice, reveals the complete worthlessness of American commitments under our present Caesar Disgustus underscoring, as in Ukraine, that the word of America means nothing. The Kurd's now find themselves, as they have long found themselves, as the largest ethnic group on the planet without a country. A people alone.

Disgustus, compounding his crimes, announced in the aftermath that U.S. forces have withdrawn to the oil fields, giving lie to the American proclivity of dressing every conflict as a struggle for freedom. Here Disgustus, for once, is being honest. It has always been about the oil.

None of this is lost upon the young in the streets of Damascus, Cairo or anywhere else in the world.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.

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