Feb 7, 2020

February 6, 2020: Justice Be Damned, Pre-existing Factions, Congressional Failure,

In many cases it [impeachment] will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, all will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.”

        ----Alexander Hamilton Federalist No. 65

The founders, as noted in previous posts (1), were no wild-eyed idealists. They understood the passions of men and were fully aware that should, in cases as these, the Senate fail in its responsibilities, to be the 'deliberative' body that it was clearly intended to be, then the institutions would fail.

Several Republican Senators famously announced their verdict before the proceedings even began. All of them voted against bringing witnesses or additional materials before the body before the opening arguments. All but two voted against hearing witnesses or admitting further evidence after the opening arguments. Only Senators Romney of Utah and Collins of Maine voted with the Democrats and Independents (there are two independent United States Senators), to admit further testimony or evidence, and Collins only did it because she got permission from the slack-jawed, chinless bastard heading her caucus. McConnell had the votes and he could afford to let Collins, who is facing fierce backlash for her equivocations, vote to save her political ass. Collins is a towering example of a profile in cowardice.

Murkowski of Alaska is another matter. She openly declared that she would vote against any continuation of the proceeding because it wouldn't make any difference; that the Senate had made up its mind. In what stands as perhaps the most stark revelation she declared—without any sense of irony—that she would sweep the whole mess under the rug because the Congress had failed.

Yes, the Congress has failed and she is one big reason why. It was the Republican minority in the House and the Republican majority in the Senate that kept justice from being visited upon the head of our Caesar Disgustus. Had they been faithful to their oaths to render impartial justice, as well as to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the outcome would have been much more bipartisan and the fate of our Scum-In-Chief, much more in doubt. But they shamelessly violated both oaths as well as the public trust in their headlong effort to maintain their tenuous hold on political power.

The damage done to the constitution by this act of acquittal is demonstrable. The Congress is declaring, in effect, that the President*(I) can hold the Congress in open contempt; that he is no longer required to account to the people, and that he can spend appropriations however he wishes, no longer bound by the heretofore constitutional power of the House of Representatives to determine spending.

Once again, damage has been done to our institutions, as Congress is here declaring itself to be a subordinate branch of government—a rubber-stamp—an idea that had no currency at the Constitutional Convention. With these acts of acquittal, and with the process that bought it about, the Republican Party has declared itself above the constitution; that the power of the executive extends absolutely throughout the upper chamber of the Congress, which, one may recall, was evidenced by McConnell declaring at the onset that the majority would be walking in lock-step with Disgustus, that, in effect, the White House would be directing the proceeding. This is a violation of not only the letter but the spirit of the constitution. What has happened is that the Congress, acting with nearly unanimous Republican votes have voted to give massive power to the executive; acts reminiscent of the Roman Senate and the Reichstag in creating historical Caesars. What transpired was the hollowing out of the people's Congress, now representing the people in name only. What transpired was Hamilton's worst nightmare: the failure of Congress to deliberate creating the ascendancy of executive power.

Once again, serious damage has been done to our constitution. Once again serious damage has been done to our institutions. Once again, The Generation of Swine have been tested and found wanting...The Republican Party has now declared itself to be the voice of the people, has declared itself to be the nation; a mantle that our Caesar Disgustus will soon declare to be his own.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.


1. See previous post: “January 4, 2020: Hamilton on Impeachments, Federalist No. 65,

No Illusions”, for a discussion on the subject of impeachments.

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