Mar 7, 2022

March 4, 2021: Putin's Cock Puppets, Intellectual Levitation, Don the Bow-Tie


For well over a decade now, the ReSCUMlickan Party has been worshiping fascists and 'strongmen' throughout the world. Highest in the hierarchy of fascist dictators is Russia's Vladimir Putin.

The connections between our ReSCUMlickan friends and the various fascist movements weave through the Jesus Junkies and far-wrong religious zealots to the moneyed interests and political operatives like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Steve Bannon, the likes of which have been working not only to degrade and destroy the republic at home but representative governments in Europe as well. And so we see Putin funding fascist movements in Hungary, Poland, Germany and France and Manafort and Bannon working to coordinate with these movements in order to destroy the Western political system and, with it, the NATO alliance.

Manafort and, of late, Bannon have been working closely with foreign fascist movements since Disgustus was shown the door. Stone is still up to his ass in the January 6 imbroglio. But the most incessant apologists for Putin's behaviors have been his cock puppets Sucker Carlson and Donald J. tRUMP.

Recoiling from the outrage over Putin's barbaric behavior in Ukraine Rupert Murdoch, it appears, has suddenly sensed that if his foul mouthpiece persists in its idolatry he may well wear out his welcome. Accordingly, Faux News host Seen Hannity quickly reversed himself going so far as to call for Putin's assassination. Sucker, always late on the uptake, has finally begun to alter course, calling out Putin saying that “(W)e've been taken by surprise by the whole thing. We're not the only ones who were, but we're willing to admit it”, before blaming the Biden administration for leading him astray. This bit of intellectual levitation was accomplished by declaring with a straight face that sending the Vice President to confer with our allies led him, as if the Vice Presidency is of no account, to discount the gravity of the situation.

Like his hero, Sucker cannot bring himself to admit his woeful ignorance and his total lack of judgement. The truth is that he and his audience were indeed the only ones fooled by the spectre of OZ. Anyone with any understanding of Russian and European history knows the score. But history is a complex study, far beyond the talking heads at Faux News.

The striking thing about Sucker is that whenever the camera catches the idiot in freeze frame one beholds, etched upon his face, a permanent look of complete bewilderment and non-comprehension. Whenever he receives an answer to one of his sophomoric slow-pitched 'soft-ball' questions that is not a knee-jerk piece of conservative bullshit, he immediately presents his slack-jawed look of bewilderment. Don't take my word for it watch, if you can, 10 or 20 minutes of the fool.

And so the idiot, who has spent years dredging the depths of the conservative cesspools, from Mike Liddel to Rudy Giuliani to Roger Stone, has found himself setting up broadcasts from Hungary declaring, as he has for Putin, his undying admiration.

The other Cock Puppet, tRUMP, welcomed the Russian invasion of Ukraine declaring Putin's actions 'smart' and his judgment “brilliant”.

From Fox and Fiends, in the morning to Ingraham, Hannity and Carlson at night, Faux News has quickly done an about face. Putin has lost not only the court of world opinion, but is losing his cock puppets here at home as well.

And, as the world reacts to the outrages in Eastern Europe, it is high time to consider sanctions upon Faux News as well. Repeal the Communications Act of 1996, Re-institute the 'Fairness Doctrine” with its equal time provisions. Strip Murdock and his larvae of United States Citizenship, Freeze and Seize his assets and send him packing back to Australia to face justice.  (1)

It is also time for sucker to, once again, don his bow-tie and leave the newsroom. 


  1. See for a synopsis of Carlson's ongoing reaction to the crisis.

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