May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024: Stormy Days Ahead, Not Freakishly Small, Guilty as Charged


Porn Star Stormy Daniels took the stand last week in the Election Interference trial of Donald J. tRUMP. Everyone, and I mean everyone, expected the prosecution to skewer her; instead quite the opposite occurred. Daniels danced rings around the hapless counsel demonstrating an integrity and intelligence few had expected.

In at times sharply critical close cross examination in which the defense, in the predictable attempt to discredit and smear the witness, asked Stormy to describe the encounter. Testifying that she had met The Apprentice star at a golf tournament at one of is garishly appointed country clubs. Disgustus, ever attracted to tits and ass, asked her to join him for dinner later in the evening. Meeting the appointment she soon found herself in his suite, understanding that they were to discuss a possible Celebrity Apprentice appearance as a way of mainstreaming her public personae. After briefly retiring to the rest room she emerged, according to testimony, to find the Donald stripped to his underwear and lying on the bed in an awkwardly adolescent posture of sexual appeal. What followed, according to Daniels was and all too brief exchange in which he asked her if she wanted to keep living in a trailer the rest of her life, implying she knew what it would take to make the 'big time'. This crass approach was immediately, and with no demonstrated skill, followed with, in her telling, altogether thankfully brief intercourse lasting but a few brief seconds. Donald has always exhibited both lack of self control and total inconsideration for the feeling, if not the existence, of the other. In typically pre-adolescent behavior he was heard, the next morning, bragging of his most recent conquest, yet another notch on the old Derringer. Stormy described the thankfully brief encounter as the worst sexual experience of her life, in which she endured the assault by staring at the ceiling briefly pondering how soon it would be over.

In any case it gave Ms. Daniels the opportunity to describe what Marco Rubio only hinted about in his 2016 challenge of tRUMP during the 2016 debates. It was confirmed by Daniels that tRUMP is indeed underdeveloped where it counts, describing his rampant member as “small, but not freakishly small,” with a large mushroom head, she didn't testify as to whether or not his testicles had yet dropped.

Now, having already confirmed through testimony brought out by the Defense that Daniels had appeared in over 200 adult films, it could be assumed by any jury that Ms. Daniels is an established authority on male anatomy, especially well endowed men among which, Donald is surely not. Her testimony confirms that of E.Jean Carroll in her civil lawsuit in which she testified, convincingly, to the jury that she couldn't tell whether he had inserted his penis or one of the fingers on his tiny hands when he assaulted her in a Department Store dressing room. This, under New York law, meant that the jury could find him guilty of sexual assault instead of outright rape; which they promptly did.

It was information revealed in this case that further confirms the depravity of the 'man'; adding yet another sordid tale in a growing litany of sordid tales that composes the dung heap that is our Caesar Disgustus; stories that, through intimidation or outright bribery, did not see the light of day depriving the public of a full understanding of just what a pile of steaming stinking dog shit he really is.

In any case, after requesting a re-reading of the testimonies of both Ms. Daniels and Michael Cohen, the first and last witnesses, the bookends as it were, of the trial the jury returned a swift verdict. Guilty on all 34 counts. The soon to be anointed ResCUMlican presidential nominee is now a convicted felon. Let that sink in.

Imprison the Bastard.

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