“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed.
-- --The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
-- --The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
So reads the Second Amendment, part of the so-called
“Bill of Rights” to the Constitution of the United States. The precise meaning and what in heaven’s name
the founders were thinking when they passed this provision has been a subject
of debate since the founding of the republic
Americans are bat-shit crazy about their guns. So
much do they value their guns that we protest not when the State requires that
we register our children to be ground up like hamburger in the maw of war, but
we will passionately resist any attempt to register our beloved phallic
symbol. No nation on earth is so heavily armed. There are more than 300 million guns about in
these here United States. There are more gun stores in America than there are
supermarkets and McDonalds restaurants combined. America’s biggest retailer of firearms is
none other than Wal-Mart. If sales
continue unabated we will soon have more guns in this country than people. The result has been the predictable
bloodbath. More American’s die each year
from firearms than were killed during the worst years in Vietnam. More Americans lose their lives to gun
accidence and violence than are killed each year by auto accidents. Among some populations and age groups guns
are the leading cause of death and injury
It hasn’t always been this way. We have had eras in this country when the
madness that springs from the lack of regulation has brought about public
revulsion. Such was the case during the
mob violence during Prohibition in which the streets were killing fields as
Tommy guns reigned supreme in places like Chicago, and the countryside was
terrorized by automatic weapons in the hands of people like Baby-Face Nelson,
John Dillinger, and Bonny and Clyde. At
some point the public had enough, and the state legislatures and the congress
passed additional laws removing these weapons from the streets of America.
It was settled law.
Automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons were banned. It was simply illegal to own them, as it was
illegal to own a sawed-off shotgun.
These are not hunting weapons.
They are “street-sweepers” –military-style weapons meant to kill
people. Our ancestors understood that no
good can come from having such weapons in the hands of the “people”. The courts, ruled that the purpose of the
Second Amendment centers on a well regulated
militia. That is, in order to
provide for a well regulated militia, it is necessary for the people to keep
and bear arms.
The courts have never taken this too far, some would
argue that the courts have never gone far enough. But the Supreme Court, in its collective
wisdom, did rule that the “Militia” clause was controlling. The Court ruled that the so-called “right to
bear arms” was meant in the context of maintaining a militia and that the
state, through its inherent police powers, had a legitimate interest to
regulate. Note here too that this is one
of the places in the Constitution where the word “Regulate” appears, and here
the right to bear arms is in the context of the explicit charge to create and
maintain a “well regulated militia”.
This was the established understanding until the
idiot wrong agitated through the NRA (National Rifle Association, or National
Reactionary Association, or Not Really American take your pick). and got men
appointed to the Supreme Court that, ignoring all previous legal precedent, ruled
during the Renquist era that the right to bear arms meant that everyone had a
right to keep and bear arms personally.
The amendment is undoubtedly vague. What is meant by
“keep and bear arms” is not further clarified.
What is meant by “keep”? In your home?
On your person? Or in an
armory? Which arms? Muskets and black powder pistols? Rifles? Machine guns? Mortars? Anti-tank weapons? Surface to air missiles? Nuclear weapons? Clearly some lines have to be drawn.
And what about ammunition? Again, black powder? Full metal jacket? Rocket propelled grenades? Hollow point cop-killer bullets? Armor piercing
bullets? Hollow point bullets? Where do we draw the line?
Even Justice Scalia, who otherwise fails to
understand stare decisis, has
recently mumbled on national television that some limits exist and are
legitimate. But the barn door has been
opened and the country is awash with weaponry that has no other function than
to commit murder and mass murder as the country reels from one tragedy to
another, from Columbine to Virginia Tech to Newtown.
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