Sep 28, 2015

September 27, 2015: The Adversary, Origin of Origin Handicraft of Beelzebub

“I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary, and it has become what is scientifically, politically correct.”
           ----Political Neophyte and Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson (1)

“For anyone who’s confused,” writes Joe Clark for, “adversary’ is another name used to describe “Satan” or “The devil.”’  Carson, a retired Detroit neurosurgeon who should know better, is now standing before America and declaring in his best Flip Wilson voice that poor Darwin’s problem was the same as the one that dogged good old Geraldine: the devil made him do it
Nobody would be taking much notice except that Carson is presently one of the top three leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination, polling just behind “The Donald” himself. It’s bad enough that none of the three, the real estate magnate, the neurosurgeon nor the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard have ever been elected dog catcher much less an office of some importance, it’s that their public utterances have become a crescendo of ignorance; some of it due to intellectual slovenliness, much of it a studied and determined strain.  Here the good doctor is not only demonstrating the total rejection of everything he learned in his biology classes, but a complete ignorance of the origin of the “Origin of Species”.  

Every public figure, at some point in time, must learn that problems will emerge by painting with too big a brush.  Making broad categorical statements, especially concerning ‘origins’, can quickly lead to embarrassing moments; moments conclusively demonstrating that one is “not ready for prime time”.  As a case in point, let’s take the dear doctor’s statement at face value and subject it to the scrutiny and logic of the historical record.

If what Darwin came up with was encouraged by “The Adversary”, then the ‘adversary’ was none other than Adam Smith, the founder of modern capitalism.  Darwin said later in life that his inspiration for the mechanism operating behind evolutionary change was inspired by Adam Smith’s descriptions of the operations of the marketplace and how competition forced an enterprise, and indeed a society, to change and adapt. 

Following the logic of Dr. Carson we can therefore reasonably conclude that the works of Smith and all that he inspired were the handicraft of none other than Beelzebub himself.  Capitalism is the work of the ‘devil’. 

Out of the mouth of babes and fools, perhaps the good doctor is on to something.  Perhaps he has revealed more than he could know.


Joe Clark, 9/27/15

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