Paul Gosar (R-Ariz) announced, ahead of the visit by Pope Francis to
Washington, that he intended to ‘boycott’ the Pope’s scheduled address to a
joint session of Congress. The
ideologically driven Congressman said he would welcome an address about
conventional moral issues, but when the Pope chooses to “act like a leftist
politician” by addressing climate change and human exploitation “then he can
expect to be treated like one”; with all the scorn and contempt usually visited
upon the heads of those who dare deviate from the duly approved ideological
‘I’m hopeful that Pope Francis will speak to these two
issues: One is the church’s unfailing and steadfast opposition to abortion, the
position that life begins at the moment of conception and it ends at natural
death, and the dignity of every human person. That’s a position of the Roman
Catholic Church that’s really unassailable and I’m hopeful that that position
will be reiterated from the floor of Congress next week. I’m looking forward to
Second component that is so strong among the Catholic
Church is the position of marriage, and it being between a man and a woman.’
“In the
culture-war debates”, writes Steve Benen for MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s blog, “the
right routinely argues that policymakers should heed the appeals from religious
leaders. More generally, conservatives
express alarm about the left trying to push voices from the faith community ‘out
of the public square’. It’s the
religious leaders, the GOP argues, that should help guide public debate”. Unless, of course, one expands the discussion
of morality and virtue beyond the narrow confines of Republican
understanding. Then one risks being
ignored. Representatives Gosar and King
were hardly alone. Three members of the
United States Supreme Court, all Roman Catholics, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito
likewise skipped the event. It’s always
best, when one has singular possession of truth, not risk such certainties by
exposing them to alternative points of view. Justice is indeed not only blind,
so it seems, but ignorant.
“He [Pope Francis] has been selected - hand-selected - by
the New World Order. He is the first non-European pope in twelve hundred years.
The same people who gave us Obama gave us this pope. The same people who gave
us Obama and the pope are giving the world a good beating. He is from an area
where Marxist theory was used to rule over the people. The pope is a danger to
the world. Yes, I'll be very clear on that. He knows about as much about
weather as my -- well, let's put it to you this way. The only thing the pope
knows about meteorology is that when it rains his highly-paid aides in the
Vatican take out umbrellas and open them for him. The man knows nothing about
climate. And for a religious man to do this is incomprehensible. How the
Catholic people can put up with this, I don't know. And by the way, if he hates
capitalism so much and wealthy people so much, I think the pope ought to begin
with an example by selling off some of the great art in the Vatican.
And I think this pope, this deceiver -- what do you think
because someone wears a holy robe, they're holy? Are you people nuts? How many
imams are terrorists? Oh, you're willing to go along with that, aren't you?
Well, the pope is a Marxist. I stand by those words. He is
a wolf in pope's clothing, he is an eco-wolf in pope's clothing. He is a
stealth Marxist in religious garb.
The man sounds like the false prophet in Revelation. He
sounds just like the false prophet in Revelation -- an ecumenical spiritual
figure directing mankind to worship the Antichrist. The man is a false prophet.
How could you buy this garbage? How in the world can you buy this? The world is
cooling off, and the man is pushing this to attack capitalism?
This is unbelievable to me. We are living in global tyranny
right now. We are living in global tyranny where the Big Lie is told over and
over again. [Cumulus Media Networks, The Savage Nation, 6/16/15,
via Rightwing Watch]” (2)
“Pope Francis embodies sanctity but comes trailing clouds
of sanctimony. With a convert's indiscriminate zeal, he embraces ideas impeccably
fashionable, demonstrably false and deeply reactionary. They would devastate
the poor on whose behalf he purports to speak -- if his policy prescriptions
were not as implausible as his social diagnoses are shrill.” (3)
“He stands against modernity, rationality, science and,
ultimately, the spontaneous creativity of open societies in which people and
their desires are not problems but precious resources. Americans cannot
simultaneously honor him and celebrate their nation's premises.” (4)
(1) Benen, Steve. “GOP to
Pope: Stick to Religious Issues (as defined by the GOP). 9/22/15
(3) Ibid.
(4) Ibid.
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