Jan 28, 2018

February 28, 2018: Grading Disgustus, Domestic Policy, Self-Promotion

Disgustus' singular talent is self-promotion. He exhibits no other such known quality. He has talent for neither management nor understanding, yet he has achieved the highest office in the land by commandeering the stage during the Rescumlican primaries and in a field in which the vote would be fragmented in so many ways emerged the winner while capturing a mere fraction of the vote. He won the presidency through the back door of the electoral college, the suppression of more than 7 million votes and the inspired stupidity of the Democratic Party which insisted the country needed another Clinton Administration. Through it all, Disgustus did his level best to lose and, according to Micheal Wolf in his book “Fire and Fury” indeed expected to lose. The plan, according to Wolf, was to use a presidential bid to promote himself in order to shore up the flagging ratings of his 'reality' television show “The Apprentice”. There was additional talk of starting his own television network to rival FOX in scouring the dregs of the conservative barrels. Perhaps another book or in the works. He would, of course, have cried foul and screamed from the roof-tops that the election had been stolen and used this posture to do a running commentary on the state of the nation. In short, the presidency was just another one of tRUMP's many campaigns of self-promotion one in which he would, of course, through the uses of many of 'his' properties during the campaign, make money. He could charge the cost of his jet travel, his accommodations and that of his staff to the campaign so that all those small donations would be swept into the tRUMP financial empire rather than going to building a national political organization or other normal political activities. Moreover, with the addition of secret service protection, the federal government would be billed for their stays at tRUMP tower and other locales. It was all about promoting the tRUMP name, the tRUMP image. Running for president wasn't about winning. Running for president wasn't about the welfare of the country. Running for president was about promoting the tRUMP brand. Running for president was a facade.

Wolf describes the moment when it was learned that Donald J. tRUMP would be president of the United States. He turned, visible even under the orange foundation, ashen white. His wife openly wept. Panic spread about the Kushner relation as it was perhaps they who first realized that the klieg lights were about to shine upon virtually everything about them and there is so much that could not withstand scrutiny. Nevertheless, tRUMP quickly transformed himself from the beaten warrior into a proud, bellicose, and triumphant new Caesar. He could not, however, leave his past nor his resentments behind.

We were immediately presented with the spectacle of his press secretary Sean Spicer bitterly lecturing the assembled about the size of the inaugural crowds, an immediate indication both of the self-delusional nature of this president and the willingness of the sycophants he gathers about him to participate, reinforce and enable these delusions; a deeply disturbing trait that was grotesquely put upon display with a video of his first cabinet meeting where the modern Caligula sat like a modern Mussolini while each cabinet secretary was required in turn to sing the praises of the maximum leader, demonstrating that the banana republicans have nearly completed the task of reducing the great United States into a banana republic.

So it should come as little surprise to continually witness the braggadocio of what quickly became our very own Caesar Disgustus, notwithstanding the appalling behavior and the subsequent record entirely bereft of accomplishment.

At his first cabinet meeting, Disgustus told the assembled that they (meaning he) had accomplished more than any president except, perhaps, F.D.R. In his first 100 days. He has told the nation that he has passed more legislation, that he is one of the great presidents. None of this is, of course, true.

He has signed many executive orders, it is true. He has reversed, to the detriment of the country many of Obama's executive orders even down to the national monuments that he recognized and the lands the lands set aside in our national parks by presidents Obama and Clinton. By reversing previous executive orders he has repealed regulations on fracking for natural gas, opened the entire seacoast of the United States to oil exploration, save Florida because the Rescumlican governor vigorously objected while repealing the regulations on oil drilling that were put in place after the B.P. oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He has demonstrated, through executive order, his willingness to vandalize whatever might be in reach.

His congressional record and his relationship with Congress are nearly nil. In December, Rescumlicans in a panic, knowing that they would soon face the voters having failed to pass a single piece of significant policy-changing legislation, forced-marched a tax bill through the Congress. Without hearings, without the testimony of a single expert on the likely effects of so dramatically cutting taxes, the Scum in the House voted out the first version. Departing from the normal order not only were there not hearings but the Rescumlicans didn't even wait for the Congressional Budget Office to score the bill. Blindly, the House scums voted along party lines and passed the first version.

It then went to the Senate where McConnell likewise bypassing his committees and normal procedure, formed a committee of six Rescumlican senators to draw up a Senate version. The first draft would have given, after ten years, roughly 64% of the benefits to the top 1% of the income bracket. Having failed to gather the votes for that it was thought that finally, the Rescumlicans would come to their senses and either produce a bill that would actually address the grievances of the middle class or give up the enterprise entirely. Facing a 'populist' uproar the Scums did what they always do, go back to the smoke-filled rooms and hammer out another agreement as far as possible from the light of day. Telling the nation that the Rescumlicans had to produce something for “the people who sent us here”, McConnell reconvened his group and produced a bill that gave 82% of the benefits to the top 1%. The bill passed the Senate without a single Democratic vote and, because it was part of a budget package managed to cut Medicaid funding denying 13 million people health insurance. They would not only turn their tricks for their paymasters but undermine ObamaCare in the bargain. This was their singular legislative accomplishment. The Senate bill, working under the guise of having been produced in a 'conference committee' with the House, was quickly passed by the house and the Scums were finally able to send to Disgustus a major piece of legislation. It was a victory for the richest among us. It was a victory for Disgustus, but it was not a victory for the country. It was, in fact, the most hastily prepared and ill-conceived piece of legislation passed by any congress in memory. But by violating virtually every normal legislative procedure, the Scum were able to declare 'victory' and further enable Disgustus teaching him once again that for him the rules do not apply.

This followed a similar path in which Disgustus was able to put his man Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suspended the rule that required 60 votes, rule that kept Obama's nominee from even getting a hearing before the Senate. Indeed Merrick sat patiently outside the Senate chambers for nearly a year awaiting confirmation but the Rescumlicans refused to move, in effect filibustering the nomination. The Democrats were prepared to do the same leaving the court at 8 members until a nominee more agreeable were to be found. Instead, the Scum trashed the procedure and put Gorsuch on the bench in effect stealing a Supreme Court seat and teaching Disgustus that once again, the rules do not apply.

Caesar Disgustus has little to show domestically. He has failed to move his agenda and what actions he has taken have been driven by an obsessive hatred of all things Obama. He has done whatever and whenever possible to undo sound government policy, to vandalize everything he touches. In the process, he has ridiculed United States Senators and members of Congress. He has ridiculed and sought to delegitimize the press, the courts, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and any person who criticize him. His mendacity regularly spills over into the entertainment fields even unto the National Football League.

While tRUMP boasts of great accomplishment the record, as the photographs of his inaugural crowd, show otherwise. It is all sound and fury, blue smoke and mirrors, in a word: facade. In sum, he has made a pig's breakfast of domestic policy as he has of governance itself.

Grade: F

Impeach and Imprison.

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