Jan 25, 2018

January 25, 2018: Br'er Putin, Whack-A-Mole, Object Of Ridicule

And Br'er Putin, he just laugh and laugh”
                                              ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

Caesar Disgustus spent the first anniversary of his maladministration holed up in the 'dump' he calls the White House. It wasn't supposed to be that way, for he and his henchmen had planned a gala at tRUMP's Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida, a veritable bribery dinner which cost those in the cheap seats one hundred thousand dollars per couple and those seated around the 'captain's table' forking over two hundred thousand dollars per couple for the benefit of dining with and hearing the gibberish that continually emanates from the Oracle of Queens.

Disgustus was held hostage in Washington because the wheel had come off the wagon. The Democrats, having grown tired of playing “whack-a-mole” with the White House had filibustered a continuing resolution to keep the government funded. A week earlier, in a televised White House meeting Disgustus assured the assembled lawmakers and the nation that he would happily sign whatever immigration measure that the Congress could pass. Accordingly, Senators, Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), and Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) headed up a group that included Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) among others, producing a bi-partisan plan to meet the urgent needs of the DACA (see previous posts) recipients as well as significant compromise provisions concerning an overall immigration overhaul, the first in nearly 35 years. Durbin called the White House and informed Disgustus that he had a deal, tRUMP asked if Graham was on board and was assured he was. Accordingly tRUMP led Durbin to believe that a deal had been struck, one that would easily pass the Senate and, if Ryan allows the bill to be voted upon in the House would receive broad bi-partisan support. Durbin contacted Graham and the two of them went down Pennsylvania Avenue to meet the 'president'.

Upon arriving they confronted Disgustus in ill-humor, fresh from a meeting with White House Counsel Miller and his Chief of Staff Kelly who had invited Senators Tom Cotton (Rescumlican-Arkansas) and Purdue (Rescumlican-Georgia) both immigration hard liners. Durbin found himself having been sandbagged, surrounded by a host of congressional hard liners and White House staff who, last obtaining Disgustus attention, blew up the deal. Hours later, C-Span presented us with the visual spectacle of the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell openly pining that he had no idea what this 'president' wants. Whereupon business came to a halt.

The Rescumlican Lie is that the Democrats shut down the government and moved to interrupt and hold hostage our military. NOT TRUE. Like everything coming from the RESCUMLICANS this is a bold-faced lie. Lawrence O'Donnell in his broadcast last night told us the truth, complete with video from the Senate floor. Immediately following the vote that sustained the filibuster and forced the shutdown Senator Claire McCaskill took to the floor and asked for unanimous consent to fund the military during the crisis, asking to approve the action without objection whereby Mitch McConnell rose and said: "I object". Senator Nelson of Florida rose to ask for a continuing resolution to fund the government for another day so that the government would run while negotiation continues. Again, McConnell rose and said, "I object". Senator Tester then rose and asked for unanimous consent for a continuing resolution to keep the government open until Monday, again McConnell rose and said: "I object". Here for all the world to see, McConnell not only shut down the government but moved to block the payment of our military creating a crisis in which, thankfully, cooler heads eventually prevailed. But make no mistake about it. The Rescumlican spin is, as always, a boldfaced lie. It was McConnell and his Rescumlicans that shut down the government and McConnell and his Rescumlicans that were holding the military hostage.

The nation has become a laughingstock. Recent polls show that confidence in institutions, not just political institutions plummeted 37% in the last year, greatly accelerating a trend that has been decades in the making. Americans now trust no one, not their law enforcement agencies, not their religious institutions, not their congress, not their president; and every day in every way Disgustus defiles whatever he touches further eroding confidence.

Internationally, the U.S. Stands one place ahead of Russia and behind China as a trustworthy and respected presence on the international stage. Effectively, Disgustus has isolated the United States, making this country an object of ridicule among nations.

Fearing the fallout of a 'leader' skipping out of town to hobnob with billionaires while the government was turning out the lights, the White House kept their man, however reluctantly, in town. Rumors quickly spread that he was holed up in 'the dump' alone in bed with his cheeseburger forcing the White House to release a photograph of the idiot sitting in the presidential chair looking for all the world like a tourist who had broken free from the tour group, stole into the presidential sanctuary striking a pose. “The Acting President” who can't act.

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