Apr 13, 2018

April 13, 2018: Down Goes Ryan!, Down Goes Ryan! Down Goes Ryan!

Yesterday House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he will not be seeking re-election to the House. The Speaker is, at the end of this congressional session, stepping down.

His announcement proved a bit awkward. Saying that his children, all now in their teens, are now at an age when they don't want to spend a lot of time with their father, Ryan nevertheless stated a compelling need to spend time with his family. A politician never leaves office for quality family time, and Ryan looked perfectly ridiculous in posturing like a concerned and caring parent.

Indeed, there are several much more compelling reasons for his impending departure.

First, he can cash in. He has already somehow parlayed a rather modest congressional stipend into a minor fortune, but with the withdrawal from this year's race he can pocket the campaign contributions already given him—including a cool half a million dollars from the Koch (Crotch) brothers. Moreover, one will find come next spring our now departed congressional leader not home with family in Madison Wisconsin but flying to and fro, from Wisconsin to Washington, as a newly minted corporate whore lobbying his former colleagues.

But perhaps the most compelling reason he is 'retiring' from the most powerful office in Congress is that he is looking down the barrel of not only his party losing its majority in the upcoming Democratic tidal wave, but losing his own seat in the tsunami. The Scums are scurrying about the decks like rats jumping ship as more than a score of congressmen have already announced their need to find a new career. Suffering staggering loses in deep red territory in Alabama and Pennsylvania and following the loss of a State wide Supreme Court election in Ryan's own Wisconsin, Ryan could finally read the writing on the wall. It is the first word to be carved into his consciousness since the halcyon college days spent masturbating to the lurid pornography of Ayn Rand. Exit, stage wrong.

Ryan, like his hero Rand, has always been a fraud. His 'best' days in the House were spent as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, responsible for spending bills and budgeting. Here he would regularly crank out rank nonsense in which draconian budget cuts and huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans would somehow produce budget surplus. Never mind that these 'surpluses' were always to magically appear some distance out—often a decade or more. The fact is that these 'Budgets' were always nothing more than window dressing for greed. Nevertheless the press fell for it, presenting Ryan as some kind of policy 'guru', a policy 'wonk' that some held to be the most knowledgeable man on the hill. It was, and remains complete nonsense.

With the departure of John Baehner (pronounced Boner) as Rescumlican House Speaker late in 2015, Ryan was thrust into the Speaker's chair in the hope of marshaling the contentious and raucous Rescumlican caucus into some kind of governing, if not entirely rational, contingent. In this, he has largely failed.

He had railed against the Democrats for years about deficit spending. Ever the deficit-hawk, he parlayed his 'concerns' about deficits and the growing national debt into a movement to savage the welfare state as well as programs that support the now dwindling middle class. Citing the need to balance the budget, Ryan led efforts to repeal ObamaCare, savage regulations on banking, cut spending on social programs, roll back environmental protections. Then when his party came to power, taking control of the White House, Ryan delivered his greatest act of vandalism, the tax cut of 2017, a law in which—within a decade—a full 82% of the benefits will go to the top 1%, producing huge deficits (a trillion dollars a year by 2020). The political prostitute had turned his tricks for his corporate johns.

When it came time to exercise real leadership—for it takes no courage and indeed takes little effort to cut taxes on the wealthiest among us—Ryan fails the test. Where was he when tRUMP insulted women, minorities, working people, the press, the FBI, the intelligence agencies? Where was the push-back when Disgustus came to the defense of American Nazi's? Not only did he remain silent, but put in place and supported Devin Nunez' wholly transparent efforts to not only place a fig leaf over the private parts of Caesar Disgustus but to sabotage the ongoing investigations. When the history of this period is written Ryan will be viewed as a lick-spittle apologist and enabler of the greatest vandal ever to walk across the national political stage. That is Ryan's legacy, and it is no profile in courage. Ryan is, in fact, a profile in cowardice.

Nevertheless, I fear we haven't hear the last of our little Eddie Munster.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

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