Apr 14, 2018

April 14, 2018: Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing, Tongue On The Handle

"The recent military action taken by Caesar Disgustus is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." 
----from "The Quotations of Chairman Joe" 

Last night the United States, along with France and the U.K., launched a series of missile attacks against Syria in retaliation for the recent use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.

It is difficult to understand the rationale behind these actions given that the Assad regime is, by all accounts, in the middle of a 'mopping up' operation having regained nearly all of the lost territories in its long civil war with various insurgents.  It begs the question: why weren't these actions, if they have been so effective, not taken a year ago when Disgustus last visited the issue?  Why did we limit ourselves to the last use of chemical weapons to missile strikes on an airport, and action that produced no known effect given that the regime had the facility up and running within 4 hours?   The answer to those questions, alas, reside only in the mind of Disgustus. 
Coming as it does in the wake of announcements by this administration that we would no longer militarily support the resistance followed by announcement last week that we would soon be pulling out of Syria altogether, it is difficult to imagine a rationale for this military operation inasmuch as we have yielded the field to the Russians and their Iranian and Syrian allies.  As Rachel Maddow suggested last night, these actions smack a bit of the 'wag-the-dog' strategy, an international incident intended to draw attention away from a growing domestic crisis, albeit temporarily.   

Surely, as in last year's adventure, these strikes have limited military value.  They were 'safe enough' actions given that missiles are unmanned and that allied forces were risking very few, if any, casualties.  These are actions befitting the "chicken-hawks" that dominated Rescumlickan stink-tanks and populate Rescumlickan administrations.  I'm speaking here of our newly minted National Security adviser John Bolton and our 'bone-spurs' afflicted and bone-headed Caesar Disgustus.  For any military action to be effective requires boots on the ground and the occupation of territory.  The lessons of war are that one simply cannot bomb anyone into submission.  From this vantage, these actions appear to be but sound and fury, signifying nothing.  

But they do run the risk of drawing this nation back into the quagmire that is the Middle East, as our very own Caesar Disgustus flails about, desperately seeking means, any means, by which he can divert attention, albeit temporarily, from the gathering storm that are the investigations into this criminally corrupt president and his maladministration. All because the little man couldn't resist the double-dog dare and keep his tongue off the frigid pump handle. 

"an' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh" 

Impeach and Imprison.   

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