Dec 28, 2018

December 1, 2018: Counting our Blessings, Always About Caesar, Just Ask Him

"When the nation gathered at Thanksgiving and counted its blessings, Caesar Disgustus was not among them"
                        ---from "The Quotations of Chairman Joe"

On Thanksgiving Day, our Caesar Disgustus was asked by a reporter what did he have to be most thankful for.  His reply was all the great things he did for the country.

It is always about Caesar. Just ask him.

Completely blind to how he is viewed by  others; completely unable to see through the eyes of 'the other'; our Caesar Disgustus is the very definition of immaturity.  Immaturity bordering on infantilism, hence the giant balloon that took flight in London at his last visit.  The people see him as he is, 'Le Infante Terrible, turning the White House into an adult day care center.

Disgustus views humility and modesty as weakness, in their place substituting bravado, braggadocio and more than a little bombast.  Bombast bordering on buffoonery, making a mockery of his office and becoming the laughingstock of the civilized world.

It's all about tRUMP.  Just ask him.  Running for president was all about tRUMP, an effort to promote his brand, a marketing gimmick to keep his failing television show on the air.  An effort that ran amok, ending with his coronation and with it the glare of the Klieg lights. 

It remains to be seen just where this promotional stratagem become national nightmare will lead.  I suggest that it will lead to a constitutional crisis.

As the new year approaches and with it the report of Robert Mueller on his investigations, indictments of several principle members of the administration, and the much-demanded REAL investigations by the congress into the corruption of this administration that we will soon be entangled in impeachment proceedings.

Vladimir Putin is getting quite a return on his investments.  Sowing discord in the western alliances, working behind the scenes to win the Brexit vote, elevating tRUMP to the presidency and all the international instability that this has produced, has left the west divided, uncertain, and confused.  With the United States deep into a constitutional crisis, with the west divided and the alliances under great strain, Putin is posed to move into the Baltic States, Ukraine and Georgia.  It is no secret that Putin's goals are to reconstitute the old Soviet Union, he has set the table to do precisely that.

And Disgustus, blinded by his own image, has served to be the most useful idiot.  We have only to await the drama provided by our drama Queen to play itself out.

"An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh"

Impeach and Imprison.

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