Jun 9, 2019

June 3, 2019: Admiral McCain Meets General Bone Spurs, The Name of John McCain, Told By An Idiot

Disgustus mocks with his every move, his every utterance, his very existence, every standard of conduct and leadership.”

             ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

Every time Disgustus leaves the country on a foreign mission he either creates another international incident or he deeply humiliates the nation. This week proved no exception.

He was in Japan on a state visit during which he aped the North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un's criticism of former Vice President Joe Biden, an act that brought not only outrage from Democrats but criticism from his own party. The old 'norm' of not criticizing fellow Americans while on foreign soil is just another standard of civilized and patriotic behavior that has been shit-canned by this jackass. Then to make matters even worse, reports surfaced that White House operatives had the Navy cover the name of the ship John S. McCain covered over and the crew confined to the ship so that there would be no chance that our ever insecure potentate would encounter the name and set off yet another 'presidential' rage. No matter that the ship is named after the late Senator's grandfather who, like his father, was an admiral in the U.S. Navy, his grandfather during the Second World War. Just the name of John McCain, it appears, is enough to set off this unstable, insecure and woefully sorry excuse for a human being.

Very stable genius indeed. Disgustus mocks with his every move, his every utterance, his very existence, every standard of conduct and leadership. As former Republican operative Rick Wilson has noted: everything tRUMP touches dies; his every utterance full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. For this tale is indeed told by an idiot.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison

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