Jun 9, 2019

June 6, 2019: This President*, Stench of Disgustus, What An Idiot

Congress should forbid this president* from leaving the country. It should ground Air Force One for the duration of this presidency*. Every time he leaves the country he does material damage to our alliances while making a pubick ass of himself in the process. The latest foray abroad only reinforced an all-too-familiarly ugly pattern. First in the far East and now in Europe.

Of course it would seem somehow inappropriate to conduct solemn services commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day without the president* of the United States in attendance, but it seems somehow inappropriate to have this jackass involved in any exercise of reverence. And, true to form, we find this bastard president* once again defiling the occasion; first by going off on a tirade against speaker Pelosi and his domestic opposition while at a military cemetery in Normandy and then his disgraceful behavior while in the British Isles.

One openly questions the wisdom of the crown and the government inviting this fool to prance about the palaces, rub shoulders in such elevated company, and then tour the war rooms of Winston Churchill for doing so only defiles whatever he touches.

He began before touching down at Heathrow, twitting criticisms of London's Mayor. Upon arriving he did a running commentary about the relative abilities of the leading contenders to replace Prime Minister May, falling upon Boris Johnson—the Brexit leader—as his personal favorite. Johnson, for his part declined to meet with the fool, as did Labor Leader Jeremy Corbyn and leaders of other minor parties. This left the crown and the soon to depart May to put up with his insufferable behavior as the stench of Disgustus permeated the capital. Imagine, if you will, sitting through a dinner with the tRUMP family. Prince Charles, reportedly, tried to engage the president* on environmental issues only to be told that the United States has the cleanest air and water and wasn't materially contributing to environmental problems and that pollution came from China, Russia and the assorted 'shit hole' countries. It makes one feel sympathy for the royals and what they are, on occasion, compelled to endure.

Next it was off to Ireland with similar results. Disgustus wanted to meet the Irish Prime Minister at his golf course but the Irish government refused to allow Disgustus to use a state visit to promote his real estate investments. Finally, it was agreed that they would meet at the Dublin airport next to the vending machines, a wholly appropriate place to engage in any 'negotiations' with this blithering idiot. Not missing an opportunity to further inflame a situation, Disgustus promptly informed the Irish Prime Minister—in full public view—that like the U.S., Ireland needs a wall between itself and the six counties that comprise Northern Ireland. Anyone remotely familiar with the recent strife in this region and the role that normalizing the border played in ending the civil strife would know that this is, perhaps, the most ignorant statement that anyone—most of all a president* of the United States—could possibly say given the situation. For it is unclear how this 'border' which, if Britain exits the E.U, would function given that Ireland remains in the European Union and Britain does not. How do they conduct business between Ireland and Northern Ireland and will this re-ignite hostilities? Disgustus, ignorant of everything, just blows past all these complexities and, like the bull in the china shop, makes a wreck of everything.

Mostly, he has made a wreck of the stature of the United State in world affairs as one leader after another comes in close contact with him, they invariably walk away concluding that the United States is currently in the clutches of a complete idiot.

Disgustus has been pressuring the Brits to pull out of the European Union cold turkey. May has been negotiating for a soft exit, but Disgustus—along with a sizable percentage of the British electorate are pressing for a 'hard' exit. Disgustus, while in Britain, offered up the prospect of American trade deals as an alternative to the European Common Market. The Brits, for good reason, are skeptical. The word of Disgustus in any context isn't worth a tinker's damn. Why would anyone trust this clown?

To many in Britain, Mr. Trump appeared less a friend tossing a lifeline than an opportunist angling to exploit Britain's estrangement from Europe....

'This orange blow-in is brashly telling us how to conduct our own international affairs,' wrote Zoe Williams, a columnist at the Guardian, 'and listening to him it is clear that a close relationship with Trump's America would be as far removed from regaining sovereignty as it is possible to imagine. Allied to Trump, we'd be more of a satrapy than a nation state. We would be dominated by a power that was as raw as it was distant” (1)

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn “warned that a trade deal with the United States would amount to 'offering up our precious National Health Service to private American Companies'

'We will not stand for that,' Mr. Corbyn thundered to a crowd that waved placards with the slogans, 'No Brexit. No Trump' and 'Brexit=Trump'” (2)

Meanwhile thousands gathered at Trafalgar Square to demonstrate against Disgustus being in the country, carrying signs expressing outrage and marching under a giant balloon of Disgustus seated on a golden toilet twitting his birdbrain ideas.

Once Disgustus got safely airborne out over the Atlantic one could hear a sharp sign of relief and a collective groan as Europeans throughout the region were heard to murmur “what an idiot”.

And still, Congress refuses to act.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison.


Note: Hereafter the word “President”, when referring to Caesar Disgustus will, because of the bastard nature of it, be accompanied with an asterisks.

  1. Landler, Mark and Haberman, Maggie. “Pushing Brexit, Trump Dangles A Trade Deal. Britons Are Leery” The New York Times. Wednesday, June 5, 2019. Page A7
  2. Ibid

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