Forty years ago today, the world witnessed the end of
the cultural abortion known as 'disco'. It all came crashing down on
that hot and humid night in July, but little did we know what would
come in its wake: hip-hop and rap, as the culture spirals ever
downward toward national oblivion. Here then, is a reprise of a
piece I wrote in 1979 and published in these columns in March of
When at last we had found our seats it was the middle of
the 7th inning of the first game of a twi-night doubleheader.
Comiskey Park was packed. I hadn't seen it like this since that game
with Cleveland way back in 1960—and that was “fireworks” night.
People were literally hanging from the rafters. But there was
something different about the the old ball yard. I could sense it as
I walked among the ragged bare-chested crowd the half mile to the
park, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Inside the park I took
stock of the situation and things began to take form.
The time: Thursday, July 12, 1979. The place: Comiskey Park,
Chicago. The mood: sullen. It was hot—very hot—and it was humid.
Draped over the face of the upper deck were sheets upon which were
painted “Disco Sucks” and other epithets to Western Man's most
recent cultural achievement. As my eyes swept the arena, I could feel
the “thud” of exploding firecrackers, m-80's—the equivalent of
a quarter of a stick of dynamite—thrown unto the field, sending
ominous reverberations through the surely crowd. As the first game
was winding to an end I could feel things getting out of hand.
Instinctively I sought the “Box” seats for safety, for gathered
here were the lowest elements of Chicago's South Side clearly in
search of an EVENT!
The rest, in a manner of speaking, is history. The mob sat
restively through the first game, contenting itself with consuming
drugs, setting off firecrackers, and intimidating ball players.
During intermission it joyously engaged in a raucous display as
50,000 rose to their feet singing “Disco Sucks” to the tune of
“Disco Duck” serving as a kind of ritual chant imploring distant
gods to save them from the likes of Donna Summers and the Brothers
Gibb. But, alas, as the box of disco albums was ceremoniously and, I
might add, anticlimactically exploded in center field the much
heralded event was met with dead silence. For this, Bill Veeck was
soon to learn, is not the stuff of which great events are made.
Moreover for a crowd that had virtually terrorized two major league
teams for nine solid innings, in an absolutely meaningless contest,
to be relegated the role of distant spectators was more than an
affront. It was, quite simply, a bore. Soon the mob, possessing an
almost singular mind, trickled then poured over the railings driving
the players and groundskeepers from the field. Here in an ugly
display of defiance they had at last seized control of the games. It
was a grand spectacle, possessing all the attributes: humor, pathos,
excitement, tension, anger, control and, as one witnessed the
defiling of sacred ground once tread upon by the great demigods of
baseball more than a full measure of tragedy. For the GAMES had
degenerated to THIS! It became clear to me as I watched the mob in
ritual dance about the bonfire they had set in center field that a
certain perversity pervades the land.
Since the advent of the eight hour day the single most subversive
force facing the modern state is not poverty, it is not injustice, it
is not technology, nor is it the looming energy crisis or climate
change. It IS pure and simple boredom. Boredom is an evil that
plagues every paradise. Against boredom the gods themselves struggle
in vain. Boredom, moreover, gives birth to though. Thought, born of
leisurely contemplation produces, in turn, ideals. Ideals produce
dissatisfaction and social unrest. Is it any wonder then, that
conservatism has waged a ceaseless battle, then, to restore the
working conditions of the nineteenth century? Thoughts born of
leisure, occuring outside the realm of the corporate state are, by
definition, bad thoughts. Moral: all thoughts are bad thoughts.
Answer: the masses shall not think. All else follows.
Boredom, that great scourge of mankind, has at last overcome the
“Great Society”. Americans have put down their shovels, moved
into the suburbs and exurbs, mortgaged their asses and declared that
this is the promised land. But now, with the struggle at and end, we
are overcome with a collective sense of purposelessness, what our
39th President would come to call “Malaise”. We have become
directionless, confused, in a word bored. As the mob at Old Comiskey
we have become part of meaningless rituals and unimportant struggles.
It is a catharsis that offers no release. The mandarins of the State
have intuitively grasped the central problem of our time:
Boredom—born of leisure, father of unrest. The answer was at once
paradoxical and obvious: if paradise is painful, let's have more
paradise! Pain, it has been widely held, is deleterious to thought.
It was a solution at once beneficial to both rulers and the ruled:
consumerism. The strategy became at first to placate the masses with
a veritable cornucopia of consumer goods. But, alas, even this did
not suffice for in the immortal words of Mick Jagger “the pursuit
of happiness just seems a bore”. We were back to square one. Enter:
the GAMES!
De ja vu. We in the West have been here before. A similar crisis
faced the ancient Romans. As the aristocracy bought up the land and
introduced slave labor, people were uprooted from the soil and
gravitated to the large cities in search of livelihood. Soon the
State was confronted with large masses of dispossessed, unemployed
people which the Romans called the Proletariat. Given plenty of time
to contemplate their station, the Proletariat likewise began to trek
upon the subversive road of thought. Dissatisfaction grew. They began
to adopt strange new religions, to worship different Caesars. There
were rumblings in the streets. The army was brought in. Desperately
the leadership groped for a solution and stumbled upon a brilliant
stratagem: “Let us put an end to this subversion, let us destroy it
at its roots”, whispered the leadership to itself. “Let us
consume their leisure time and entertain them as well. For it is
writ: the masses shall not think. Therefore, let us give them the
At first the spectacles were unassuming. Circuses, freak shows,
mock naval battles were organized to placate the Proletariat. But as
the masses became satiated a curious phenomenon developed—a
certain perversity overtook the event. The Proletariat began to
demand to take part in the spectacle. A certain thirst developed that
could only be quenched by blood. Gladiators were brought in and the
mob assumed the role of Caesars, if not the gods themselves, deciding
who was to live and who was to die. Here was the grandest spectacle
of them all, the martial glory of Imperial Rome groveling before the
feet of the Proletariat! But such sacrifices began to grow costly,
whole species of animals gathered from around the known world were
sacrificed, and more blood and treasure would be spent in the
Coliseum, it was feared than in the conquest of Gaul. But the Roman
Senate understood, as modern historians do not, that the military was
here facing the most serious, most subversive threat to the realm yet
encountered. The games must go on. At last they fell upon an answer:
throw a few Christians to the lions. The solution had an efficiency
that would please a modern industrial engineer. Here, in one move,
not only would competing loyalties be eliminated, but the mob would
be placated as well. It was a small enough price to play given Roman
sensibilities. Have I been understood? Christianity was not the
subversive force Christians and historians have made it out to be.
Constantine would prove that soon enough. No, imperial Rome was
threatened by a more powerful and elemental force than
Christianity—Boredom. It was to alleviate boredom and incidentally
to direct the ire of the mob toward the “foreignness” of other
creeds that the Christians were thrown to the lions. GRAND SPECTACLE.
Enter the GAMES.
America is finding itself in the same crucible of history. With
the advent of economic prosperity and a great deal of leisure time
the State is confronted with a crisis similar to that faced centuries
ago by the ancient Romans. The first solution was, of course,
consumerism, an advantage of modern capitalist enterprise not
available to the Romans. But, alas, the populace has grown satiated.
Only the most recalcitrant now openly hold that the Winnebago and the
snowmobile are the end products of civilization; the culmination and
ultimate justification for the human experiment. Indeed when America
began to lose faith in Buick the corporate heads of state began to
tremble. Therefore the mandarins went about presenting us with a new
diversion, one patterned after the experience in Rome. Enter the
National Football League, the Super bowl and the Political Arena.
Corporate America has for some time now offered us the spectacle
of the Super Bowl, and the introduction of professional sports into
the fabric of American life gives the masses an opportunity to not
only vicariously participate in masculinity, but in glory. It was a
similar heady experience felt by the hapless denizens of Rome in
years gone by. It is splendid diversion. It is splendid fantasy. But
it has its limitations. With the exception of throwing refuse unto
the field, garbage and bottles at umpires and judges, or epithets at
the players, the mob cannot participate in the action. But the masses
feel frustrated at the limitations of being mere spectators. Like the
Roman Proletariat it demands to become part of the action, indeed
determine the outcome. It must, in the words of that classic anthem
of the modern proletariat gets some “satisfaction”.
It has long been held that in America politics is a spectator
sport. Indeed it has been said that politics is the largest spectator
sport in America. The Presidential election, that quadrennial
spectacle is the playoffs and the Super Bowl wrapped into a long
melodrama. The masses not only participate as spectators but, as the
Roman Proletariat, here decide the outcome. It is here that the
greate gladiators of the political stage pit against one another for
the favor of the multitude. And, like the gladiators of old,
everything now rests on the performance. For the chemistry of the
event involves the interaction of the principle players and the
crowd. Indeed it is upon the success of the modern gladiator turned
politician to inspire the mob—that is to overcome boredom—to fill
the emptiness in their lives that the fate of the modern Caesar now
rests. To wit: the single most devastating criticism leveled at Jimmy
Carty—he cannot inspire the crowd!
One other parallel with ancient Rome must now be drawn. Like the
Roman Proletariat, the American electorate is beginning to develop a
distinctive perversity born of the need to be entertained by
increasingly spectacular events. In the last 40 years we have seen
one president murdered, several assassination attempts, one President
forced to quit, one impeached on the most ridiculously transparent
grounds, two lose re-election. We have witnessed “landslide”
victories on both the “left” and “Right”. Lets put this in
perspective. Watergate was not seen by most Americans as a
constitutional crisis. It was not seen as a violation of civil rights
or constitutional guarantees, of law or ethics. Watergate was seen by
America as pure and simple entertainment. Here faced with a period
of minimal political activity, America was swept away by the
fascination of high political drama encompassing as it did all the
hallmarks of a popular pulp novel. Here we bore witness to humor,
farce, drama, tragedy, all rolled into one. It was a splendid
diversion and a GRAND SPECTACLE. The same could be said of the
Clinton impeachment. And, of course, Ronny....well he was our first
television star turned president. The others....Johnson, Ford, Bush
the Elder....failed the test and were in due course shown the door.
As I left the grand old ball yard on that dark humid night, I took
a deep breath of the sultry air as I passed the line of patty wagons
that ringed the arena and gazed over the plains of the mid-west. I
thought I could sense in the rolling thunderclaps in the East and the
South that in the words of Robert Kennedy these are not ordinary
times. Indeed they have not been now for some time. With the
proliferation of primaries and caucuses the political process has
long been taken over by the masses. With the low voter turn-out in
these contests the process has, in due course, been hijacked by
single-interest groups and ideological purists as each party has
turned to “litmus” and “loyalty” tests in a misguided effort
to placate the mob. Recently with the help of right-wing talk radio,
Fox noise, and corporate funding the town-hall meeting places have
been ransacked by the so-called “Tea Baggers” employing
brown-shirt tactics seeking to silence discussion and debate as
payment for their full measure of participation in the GAMES. Herein
lies the paradox, too much participation threatens the process,
perhaps the republic itself. It has all the ingredients of Greek
tragedy but promises to be a grand spectacle. With the elections of
the likes of Ronny Reagan and Jim Bunning America has already
demonstrated a proclivity for confusing celebrity with substance.
Now, as with the crowd at Comiskey, the “Teabaggers” and
other assorted brown shirts threaten by taking the field to destroy
the very institutions of the republic and, with the arrival of Donald
tRUMP, the vandalism is proceeding at record pace. If recent history
is any guide, mere spectacle—as at Comiskey all those years ago—is
being replaced with real vandalism.
Whatever happens, it promises to be interesting. It sure beats the
hell out of two and a half innings of baseball.
An' Br'er Putin he jus' laugh and laugh
Impeach and Imprison.