Jul 24, 2019

July 18, 2019: From The Jaws Of Victory, Hope Is Gone, The House Dawdles

Never underestimate the ability of the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory”.
               ----from The Quotations of Chairman Joe

tRUMP secretary Hope Hicks was recently called to testify before a House Committee. The hearing was held in secret session behind closed doors!

Disgustus, one may recall, famously does not use emails and Hicks was not only his conduit for passing messages handling his business affairs in private life, but also served the same function during the campaign and the first months of the presidency*. Hicks, briefly, became the White House Communications Director. She was at tRUMP's side as he forged a response as the infamous 'Trump Tower meeting' became headline news. She was privy to nearly everything.

Yet here she is, testifying behind closed doors, reportedly invoking fifth amendment protections even concerning where her office in the White House was located. The nation needed to see this stonewalling. It needed to see just how 'transparent' this “administration” is. But it didn't.

Don't ever underestimate the ability of the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The Democrats have wasted nearly a quarter of this congressional session. It has been six months since Speaker Pelosi has taken the Speaker's gavel. Yet in this time, only Michael Cohen has been called to testify as a principle witness to the crimes of this bastard president*,

Much has been made of the stonewalling of Congress as tRUMP has issued a decree that the administration will not respond to any subpoena of any witnesses, nor will it forward any documentary evidence—not just about the ongoing Russian imbroglio, but about anything. His Department of Justice openly declaring that it will not prosecute the Attorney General, nor the Secretary of the Treasury for failure to comply with congressional subpoenas. These are impeachable offenses on the part of the cabinet officers as well as the president*. Nevertheless, the House dawdles, telling the nation that the House is seeking remedy in the courts.

The House does not need the courts. The House has the power to force compliance. During Watergate, Senator Sam Irwin, Chairman of the joint House and Senate committee on Watergate, wrote the White House that failure to appear before the committee and/or failure to provide requested documents would mean jail for those obstructing the Congressional inquiry. No such ultimatum by the House has as yet been forthcoming. Enforcement of House subpoenas had, until the twentieth century, been done through the congressional sergeant-at-arms. It has since been delegated to the Department of Justice, but it remains a delegated power, one that the House could and should immediately reclaim.

In this context, Attorney General Barr and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin should be arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and dragged before the committee and failure to testify—that is any claims of 'executive privilege' should be cited as contempt resulting in incarceration until the testimony and the information is forthcoming. This especially applies when the question at hand either deals with obstruction of justice or denying the congress information concerning possible international conflicts of interest as it pertains to tRUMP's finances. These are of compelling national interest and demand jail time if information pertaining to them is withheld.

Instead the Democrats are squandering their mandate, frittering away the time, allowing Disgustus to continue his sordid and corrupt ways.

Hicks, tRUMP jr, Flynn, Manafort, Sorsi, Conway, Priebus, Bannon, Sater, Gates, Sessions, Whitaker, Barr, and host of others should by now have been dragged before the kleig lights and made to testify under oath. But no! We are six months into this and, as the fate of the republic hangs in the balance, all we hear are muffled murmurs.

From the Jaws of Victory.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”.

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