Aug 2, 2019

August 1, 2019: Moscow Mitch, Lenningrad Lindsay, No Known Depths

On the very evening that Robert Mueller wrapped up his testimony before two House committees, on the very heel of his warning that the Russians have not only interfered in our elections but are doing so as we speak, Mitch McConnell refused to bring up two senate bills designed to deal with and punish foreign interference. Once of those bills, sponsored by Florida Senator Marco Rubio, would impose sanctions on entities and individuals found to have violated the law. McConnell was having none of it.

Outraged, MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' s host Joe Scarborough went on a long rant calling out the Senate Majority Leader referring to him as Moscow Mitch more than 16 times. The epithet went viral. Soon memes featuring the chinless bastard in a Russian military uniform with a Russian Cossack hat under the heading “Moscow Mitch” began popping up on social media like spring dandelions on a new-mowed law . Soon, McConnell's lapdog Lindsay Graham, who has similarly obstructed the investigations, was tagged with the label “Leningrad Lindsay”, both being mocked and excoriated for being Putin's “Useful Idiots”. Indeed, Dana Milbanks, no raving liberal, was writing in The Washington Post that McConnell is behaving like a Russian asset.

The chinless bastard then went to the well of the Senate to whine, feigning hurt and outrage at being so characterized. How dare the critics impugn his character and his patriotism, especially because he has demonstrated neither.

Oh!, the aggrieved “conservative”. Mitch, thou protesteth thy innocence too vehemently; a demonstration that only betrays your guilt.

In the wake of last week's events the intelligence agencies have revealed that the Russians hacked into the electoral system of all 50 states. Still, McConnell sits like a sphinx, dead to the world, refusing to move.

The question is why? The millions poured through the NRA into campaign coffers controlled by the Majority Leader? The millions more poured into the Republican National Committee implicating the entire ReSCUMlickan Party? The fear that if the truth were known in all it's ugliness, the wretched, rotting edifice that is the GOP will implode in upon itself as even the knuckle-dragging base will become so disgusted that it will finally be repelled by the stench?

I suspect that the full truth is not being told. That the political leadership have forged an unholy alliance in order to keep the facts well under the proverbial rug. The political wrong because the ReSCUMlickans know that if the truth came out it would mean and end to the charade that is Donald tRUMP; the rest of the leadership because the truth would rock confidence in the electoral process to its foundation. Better to simply suggest the bastardy of the president* than to confirm what we all deeply suspect.

But the fog that hangs over the political scene threatens and continues to threaten all political legitimacy, not to mention giving Caesar Disgustus a plausible excuse to declare the returns in next year's election fraudulent and seize power. This can simply be accomplished by doing nothing to protect the system and leaving it open to intrusion by a host of foreign influences. Disgustus can then claim the Chinese or some other foreign power intervened to help the Democrats and, since everyone agrees that this is possible, if not plausible, the fog will become so dense as to hide the worst kind of political villainy.

There are no known depths to the villainy of Disgustus. There are no known depths to the chicanery of Disgustus. There are no known depths to the mendacity of Disgustus. There are no known depths of the criminality of Disgustus.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Impeach and Imprison

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