You were warned, yes, you
were warned, Lawrence O'Donnell reminded us the other night on his
MSNBC program. O'Donnell then produced the video of
Congressman Adam Schiff as he addressed the Senate during the
impeachment proceedings against our Caesar Disgustus. Schiff then
warned the body that should, god forbid, a crisis emerge threatening
the welfare of the nation, tRUMP could be counted upon only to think
of himself. He's done it in the past, is doing it now, and can be
relied upon to do so in the future. Schiff, reminded the Senate that
for tRUMP the national interest has no meaning; there is only his
personal interest. He isn't interested in serving the nation; only
serving himself. Importantly, Schiff was making this argument at
precisely the moment that the pandemic now upon us was breaking unto
our shores.
Of course, the Senate
ignored the Congressman, as well as a majority of the people who were
then urging the Congress to purge us of this swine.
But as prescient as were
the words of the Congressman from California, the fact is that alarm bells were ringing long before he sounded his warning in the well of the
Senate. Before his election, biographer David Kay Johnston told his
audience and the nation that tRUMP was and is a fraud. Tony Swartz,
who actually wrote the book The Making of the Deal launching
tRUMP upon the national stage, told audiences well before the
election that tRUMP is an ignoramus, and intellectual void and an
ethical black hole. Addressing audiences at Oxford University weeks
before the election in a speech broadcast on YouTube and elsewhere,
Swartz profusely apologized for his role in creating the tRUMPian
mythology. In fact, Swartz told anyone caring to hear, tRUMP
represents a clear and present danger to the republic and that his
election would spell a national, indeed international, disaster.
In case of any doubt,
tRUMP's response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico, as noted in the
previous post, should have been a wake up call. Indeed, tRUMP's
manifold and manifest inadequacies were readily apparent and duly
noted by a certain property maintenance contractor in Athens,
Georgia. (1)
In this essay, written a
mere six months into this long national nightmare, I pointed out that
tRUMP is nearly all facade, and that projecting an outlandish, indeed
grotesque, facade creates certain problems when it comes to managing
human beings. It explains his thin skin, his knee-jerk need to shoot
the messenger rather than listen to the message, his grotesque need
to always appear to be in charge, and to override any possible
criticisms; his need to blame and his refusal to accept
criticism—however constructive-or responsibility for his manifest
failures. I pointed out that he will look to others to take the
lead, in this case the sycophantic 'boy blunder' son-in-law, and the
president of vice Mike Pence as he deals with the pandemic and, as
the crisis worsens and he needs to achieve ever greater distance ,
the governors of the several states. You see, in the end, tRUMP
stands Star Trek's Mr. Spock upon his head: The emotional
needs of the man outweigh the national interest; the needs of the one
outweigh the needs of the many. Disgustus said it all when asked
what responsibility he had for the national response to the pandemic
when he told the press and the nation “I don't accept any
responsibility”. These are the words of a common carnival barker
having stolen the emperor's clothes and scepter.
An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”
Impeach, convict, remove,
1. See: http: August 2, 2017: Hollow to the Core,
Ode to Ralph, Only Confusion Now