Apr 28, 2020

April 28, 2020: The Wages of Ignorance, Neanderthal on the Throne, Breathtaking Incompetence

The wages of ignorance are death”

             ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

He told us as the infection total reached 15 that it would soon be down to one and then zero. As the pandemic quickly spread and it became obvious that it was quickly about to spiral out of control he, nevertheless, took to the podium at raucous rallies telling the unwashed that it was all a hoax, a Democratic plot to further unseat him; all the while assuring his gullible audiences that all was in hand and the country could continue on its merry way.

It was worse than that. The Washington Post, New York Times and other reliable sources tell us that he was warned several times beginning in early January that a virulent strain of influenza was upon us and that draconian actions would be needed to deal with it. The Secretary of Health and Human Services tried several times to contact him and, after at least two weeks of attempts to get the attention of the ignoramus-in-chief finally, in mid-January, got him on the phone only to be regaled by our Caesar Disgustus about his department's regulation on vaping—a form of nicotine relief for the compulsive smoker, issues having to do with the regulations HHS was apparently applying on flavors of electronic cigarettes. Nothing, it seems, could penetrate the skull of the neanderthal on the throne.

Furthermore, it transpires that tRUMP, ever in the grip of his rage against anything Obama, dismantled the pandemic response structure in the White House, eliminating the staff on the Security Council and DHHS, assigned to monitor and respond to any such crisis. This, of course, was one of the creations of Obama as he dealt with the Ebola and the H1V1 pandemics during his administration. The NSC team was charged with coordinating a national response to any such crisis with the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control, a system that had previously worked well to contain such outbreaks. Disgustus, driven by blind, raging penis envy of course axed the program at first opportunity.

Now, the press informs us, tRUMP is confronted with the first crisis of his 'presidency' not of his own making. Actually it isn't. One may recall that in the first year of this long national nightmare, tRUMP was confronted with massive hurricane damage in Texas and Puerto Rico. The administration responded well enough in Republican Texas, but the lessons learned on the island should have been instructive. Distancing himself from the response, blaming others—particularly local leaders who happen to be Democratic representatives—and then cutting aid altogether when the national spotlight moved on to other scandal, should have served as fair warning of what will come. Now, after nearly four years of damage done to the administrative state, tRUMP no longer has the apparatus at hand to respond to any crisis in any meaningful way. The damage done is taking it's toll.

Now, as the country gets it's first real look at the breathtaking incompetence of a man who clearly cannot manage a respectable lemonade stand the death toll mounts, and with it confidence and respect for our national leadership and institutions.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach, convict, remove, imprison.

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