It has been a bit over three weeks since the failed coup attempt, two weeks since the son-of-a-bitch was, once again, impeached. With his trial slated to begin in ten days, the ReSCUMlickan Party, is quickly moving to sanction the failed putsch of our Caesar Disgustus.
On Tuesday last, Moscow Mitch McConnell, now the Senate Minority Leader joined 44 other fascists in the Senate in support of a resolution, put forward by Lee Harvey Oswald look-alike Ron Paul, declaring impeachment of this scumbag unconstitutional on grounds that he is no longer in office. This coming on the heels of 95 percent of the fascist caucus in the House voting against impeaching the bastard.
Never mind that there is precedent for so doing, the House impeached former Secretary of War Belknap during the Grant Administration and tried him before the Senate after he had resigned. Never mind that the swill was impeached while still in office, and that he didn't resign. Never mind that this same agent of Moscow declared, while he was Majority Leader of the Senate, that he would not convene the body until the day before Joe Biden's inauguration. Now 90 percent of his ReScUMlickan caucus, declare with a straight face, that it is now too late.
It takes two-thirds of the Senate to convict. This vote declares, as the ReSCUMlickans declared prior to last years' impeachment, that they will not hear the evidence, that accountability, like every function of government they lay their hands upon, will be rendered a cruel joke.
Then, of course, there is Kevin McCarthy, the fascist leader in the House who still hasn't acknowledged that Biden is the duly elected President of the United States. This is the same McCarthy, one will recall, who mentioned in a 2015 meeting of his ReSCUMLICKan caucus that there were two members then currently on Putin's payroll: Dana Reurbacher of California and Donald Trump. Now, in the immediate aftermath of the ransacking of the Capitol briefly murmuring something along the lines that tRUMP bears some responsibility for the attempted coup, we find him slithering down to Mar-a-Lago to genuflect before the golden swine in order to parlay his favors into future House majority. Ah, how strong the fiber of justice in fascist hands; how many the political principle that Ronnie Reagan can fit on the head of a pin. The vacuous conservative catechism is not revealed for all to see: unlimited political expedience; power by any means necessary; the ends justify the means.
Alas, as Paul Krugman reminds us, “The G.O.P.'s national leadership, after briefly flirting with sense, has surrendered to the fantasies of the fringe. Cowardice rules.” (1) Yes, they have; and yes, it does.
In the aftermath of tRUMP's failed White House Putsch, the Arizona Republican Party formally censured the state's Republican governor for measures he took to stem the pandemic. Then, in other fits of madness, moved to likewise heap opprobrium upon former Senator Jeff Flake for having the termerity to have criticized the former president**, and Cindy McCain, wife of the late Senator John, for having committed the cardinal sin of leaving the nascent fascist movement in favor of civilization.
Then there is always the Texas G.O.P., always in the hunt for the prize, adopting the slogan “We are the storm”, from Qanon. Not to be outdone are the Oregonians “endorsing the completely baseless claim, contradicted by the rioters themselves, that the attack on the Capitol was a left-wing false flag operation”, (2) a charge echoed in the halls of Congress by the likes of Louie Gomert of Alabama, and Matt Geatz of Florida echo, in turn, the attack by the Nazi's upon the German Reichstag as they blamed the 'left' as well.
Delirium now consumes the fevered mind of the emerging fascist party, awash in Qanon paranoia, reacting to every deluded pitch by Jones and Limbaugh, mesmerized in Murdoch's house of mirrors.
Krugman reminds us that this was once the party of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Gaetz, one may recall, now represents the same congressional district once held by none other than “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough.
And that poses a problem for all of us. This party, as Krugman reminds us, isn't getting any saner and is losing elections they should have easily won. The response to this, massive losses in California, Oregon and now, of all places Georgia, has been to introduce 106 new bills in 28 states further restricting access to the polls, as emerging fascism further assaults our electoral process and, ultimately, the legitimacy of the republic itself. Now the question is: will it simply destroy itself or will it take all of us down with it.? What will it be, fascism or civilization?
Meanwhile, reports surface from American intelligence that the Russians have been grooming our Caesar Disgustus for over 40 years.
An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh
Convict and Imprison.