Jan 26, 2021

January 20, 2021. Flushing the Turd, Greatest Lie Told, Every Russian Expectation


It has taken nearly four years. For four years Uncle Sam has been nailed to the stool, straining and grunting, in a desperate effort to shit the turd. Finally, on November 3rd, he relieved himself. It was a close call, nearly busting a gut and inflaming the hemorrhoids in the process, but it was finally done. The problem, besides the overpowering stench, was flushing this turd from the forum. For nearly ten long weeks it has been circling the bowl driving the good and the decent from the public square to make room for those with too little olfactory sense and too much tolerance for the unpleasantness. In short, the barbarians stormed the citadel, ransacked the Temple leaving nothing but their feces smeared upon the monuments of the Republic. This is the enduring legacy of our Caesar Disgustus.

For Disgustus rose to fame and power upon the greatest lie told to the American people: that their president was not a true American; that their president was not qualified to be in office; that their president was foreign born and, therefore, illegitimate. He fell from power telling an even greater lie, that the election itself was illegitimate, that his 'majesty' had been stolen from him; and that his successor too, will be illegitimate.

The first lie called into question the legitimacy of the nation's head of state; the second lie called into question the legitimacy of the state itself.

Of course, in the interregnum, there were over 30,000 other lies.

You got to hand it to Putin, he well knew what he was getting in the grand bargain. And tRUMP, the useful idiot, fulfilled every Russian expectation. No, Congressman, Donald tRUMP is no superman, he is nothing but a parasite debasing everything he touches, vandalizing as no one before him Truth, Justice and the American Way. Donald John Trump is, and will remain, a clear and present danger.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh

Convict and Imprison.

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