Jan 26, 2021

January 14, 2021: Open Letter, A Blind Eye, Beneath Contempt


In response to the vote to impeach our Caesar Disgustus for a second time, I submitted the following letter to all of the major newspapers in my congressional district. My congressman, like any good fascist, has stood with his party throughout these last four years turning a blind eye to the serial crimes of the titular head of his party. Here, then, is the letter I sent knowing that to remain silent is to grant tacit consent to these outrages.


Congressman Jack Bergman flaunts his military career as a qualification for office and defending, or as he puts it “utilizing”, the Constitution as his reasons for service. Really? Is this how a military man and now member of Congress defends our republic? He may have taken oaths, while in military service and now in Congress to protect and defend the Constitution, but it is clear he understands neither the Constitution he has repeatedly sworn to protect, nor service to same.

The Congressman, signing onto the amicus brief brought by the Texas attorney general questioning the presidential electors of the State of Michigan, and our votes by extension, and his failure to vote for either of the impeachment resolutions, constitute a serial violation of his oath of office.

By demonstrating a consistent lack of both judgment and courage, congressman Bergman has disgraced his military service, his constituents, his flag and his country.

Joe Camfield

I have no doubt whatever that registering outrage will have any impact whatever upon the scurrilous, sniveling little coward that now pretends to represent us in this Congress. He is a disgrace, but one of 137 members of the ReSCUMlickan caucus who likewise wet their pants and shit themselves to their socks at the prospect of confronting the bellowing blowhard posturing as president** of the United States. He, and they, are beneath contempt.

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